Forward from: Du Rove's Channel
๐งโ๐ป Over the past few years, our moderation team has been working tirelessly to keep Telegram safe. Each month they removed about 1 million channels and groups, along with over 10 million users who violated our rules. These impressive results were made possible thanks to your reports, as well as our automated detection systems and AI-powered tools ๐ต
๐คซ However, much of this work remained behind the scenes. The public wasnโt fully aware of the extent of our moderation efforts, and media outlets often relied on outdated information from parts of our website that hadnโt been updated in a decade ๐ท
๐ฅ To address this, weโve launched a new section on our website: This page highlights the incredible work our moderators have done over the years and offers a transparent overview of our ongoing commitment to keeping Telegram safe ๐งน
๐คซ However, much of this work remained behind the scenes. The public wasnโt fully aware of the extent of our moderation efforts, and media outlets often relied on outdated information from parts of our website that hadnโt been updated in a decade ๐ท
๐ฅ To address this, weโve launched a new section on our website: This page highlights the incredible work our moderators have done over the years and offers a transparent overview of our ongoing commitment to keeping Telegram safe ๐งน