O'zbek Benjamin

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek
Category: not specified

Xush kelibsizlar do’stlarim Telegram kanalimga! ❤️ Bu yerda man videolarni hayotdan va koronavirusdan qo’ymochqiman. 🇺🇿🇫🇮📷 Instagramda @OzbekBenjamin kuzatib boring #uydaqoling #bizbirgamiz

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Forward from: Amerikada...
​​Hey! Are you ready for another exciting session of American EDU project? You better make sure not to miss the upcoming session at 19:00 on September 20, Sunday. We will have a super interesting guest speaker with an impressive professional background. The topic of the next session is What does it mean to be an employee of the United Nations? You might have heard about the United Nations (UN) as the largest and powerful international organization. Our next guest speaker Abigail Willmer joins us with 20 years of work at UN in Afghanistan, Liberia, Mongolia, and Uzbekistan! She has graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in the US - Cornell University as an Ivy League university. Join us and talk with Abigail Willmer about her rich international experience and UN in general. If you would like to attend the session send a Telegram message to +13157516087 with your name.

Forward from: American English Development in Uzbekistan
Welcome to “American English Development in Uzbekistan” project!
Do you want to improve your English? If yes then just join us during our discussion sessions, where you will practice your spoken English, while discussing various topics with English learners, American residents, and special guests!
Discussion sessions will be held twice a week, during Uzbekistan evening times.

HOW TO SIGN UP: A link to google forms will be posted on this channel 2-3 days prior to the session date. To sign up, simply click on the link and answer the questions. Each session is 1 hour long, but it’s split into 2 (30 minute) blocks; up to 4 people can join per block. Since spots are limited, it will be “first come first serve”, but if you don’t make to the block that you wanted to attend, then you will be offered to attend the next open block. The people, who register for the discussion session, will get a Zoom meeting link 2 days prior to the discussion session.
Looking forward to seeing you!

Forward from: Amerikada...
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Amerikancha kontrast yoki rang-baranglik. Golf 🏌️, parrandalar 🐓, covid-19, va volontyorlar Amerikada.

Forward from: ITSM
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Ta’lim yo‘nalishida dunyoda 🥇birinchi o‘rinda turuvchi 🇫🇮Finlandiya davlati haqida barchamiz xabardormiz.
Biroq u yerda yashovchi o‘zbek tilida ravon so‘zlasha oladigan Finlandiyalik Benjamin haqida eshitganmisiz?

Benjamin O‘zbekistondagi Xalq ta’limi tizimida olib borilayotgan ilsohotlarni kuzatib, ITSM loyihalarimizga o‘z qiziqishini bildirdi.
📹Hatto bizga o’zi tasvirga olgan videoni taqdim etdi!

O‘zbek Benjamin telegram kanali:


Ramazon hayit muborak bo'lsin! ♥️🇺🇿

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Forward from: U.S. Embassy Tashkent

Forward from: U.S. Embassy Tashkent
Dear Friends!

We are thrilled to announce that ACT’s Chai Chat is back….virtually!

Join us this Friday, May 22 at 6:00 pm Tashkent time for a Live Chai Chat with English Language Fellow Shannon Roach!

Shannon will be talking about plant-based diets and you will have a chance to ask her questions and receive the answers in real time!

No registration required! Just go on the ACT Facebook page at 6 pm and click on the live video icon!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Forward from: Бахора
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Forward from: DAY NEWS
🇺🇿"Finlandiyaning 100ta ijtimoiy innovatsiyasi" kitobining elektron formati O'zbek lotin, O'zbek kiril, Rus va Ingliz tillarida ushbu lavha orqali yuklab olishingiz mumkin

Kanalga ulanish👉@Ferial_news

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿The electronic format of the book "100 Social Innovations of Finland" is available in Uzbek Latin, Uzbek Cyrillic, Russian and English.


Subscribe to the channel👉@ Ferial_news

​​Jiyda gullaganda qo'shig'ining Finlandcha versiyasini do'stlaringizga tarqating!! 🥶😂🥶

Salom do'stlar , Showmedia_uz bilan instagram orqali primoy efirni hozir boshlayman. 👍

​​Do'stlar bugun men @showmedia_uz bilan Uzb vaqti bilan 22:00 da jonli efir qilamiz! 💯👌

​​Ubaydullaev Khikmatilla, Sardoba suv omborining ofat zonasidan evakuatsiya qilingan O'zbekistonlik va Qozog'istonlik 70 ming kishiga yordam berish uchun gofundme sahifasini yaratdi ❤️:
- ovqat
- ichimlik suvi
- tagliklar
- gigiena vositalari
- dori darmon
- choyshablar
Yurtdoshlaringizga iloji boricha yordam bering. Yordamingiz uchun oldindan rahmat. 🇺🇿😊

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​​Bu videoni do’stlaringiz bilan bo’lishing. ✅

Forward from: "Yangi kun" ko'rsatuvi
Biz tayyormiz!

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