— Oltiariq ixtisoslashtirilgan maktabi 10-sinf — Kimyo fanidan olimpiadachi — Kimyo va biologiya fanlaridan A darajadagi milliy sertifikat egasi Bogʻlanish uchun: @Nigina_Komiljonova
06.02.2025 22:56
— Oltiariq ixtisoslashtirilgan maktabi 10-sinf — Kimyo fanidan olimpiadachi; A darajadagi milliy sertifikat egasi — Fanni sodda va tushunarli usulda oʻrgatish Bogʻlanish uchun: @Nigina_Komiljonova
29.01.2025 22:58
— Oltiariq ixtisoslashtirilgan maktabi 10-sinf — Kimyo fanidan olimpiadachi; A darajadagi milliy sertifikat egasi — 2 yillik o‘qituvchilik tajribasi — Fanni sodda va tushunarli usulda oʻrgatish Bogʻlanish uchun: @Nigina_Komiljonova
28.01.2025 22:57
- Oltiariq ixtisoslashtirilgan maktabi 10-sinf - Kimyo fanidan milliy sertifikat 💯 % - Kimyo boʻyicha 2 yillik tajribaga ega oʻqituvchi Bogʻlanish uchun: @Nigina_Komiljonova
17.10.2024 02:11
📌 Channel is just about my life ✨ Altyaryk SS student 🔟 th Grade National certificate of chemistry 💯 % Aesthetic, book blogger 📚 For contact: @Nigina_Komiljonova
25.09.2024 02:12
📌 Channel is just about my life ✨ Altyaryk SS student 🔟 th Grade National certificate of chemistry 💯 % Aesthetic, book blogger 📚 Kanal linki: @simply_lifestyle For contact: @Nigina_Komiljonova
07.07.2024 17:09
📌 Channel is just about my life ✨ Altyaryk SS student 🔟 th Grade National certificate of chemistry 💯 % Aesthetic, book blogger 📚 Kanal linki: @simply_lifestyle For contact: @chemic_NK
05.07.2024 17:09
📌 Channel is just about my life ▪ Altyaryk SS student 9th Grade ▪ National certificate of chemistry 100% For contact: @chemic_NK
21.06.2024 17:19
📌 Channel is just about my life ▪ Altyaryk SS student 9th Grade ▪ National certificate of chemistry 100% ▪ Chemistry teacher For contact: @chemic_NK
13.06.2024 17:15
My personal channel🫧 📌 Channel is just about my life ▪ Altyaryk SS student 9th Grade ▪ National certificate of chemistry 100% For contact: @chemic_NK
02.05.2024 01:27
My personal channel🫧 📌 Channel is just about my life ▪ Altyaryk SS student 9th Grade ▪ Chemistry Teacher For contact: @chemic_NK
28.02.2024 01:18
My personal channel🫧 📌 Channel is just about my life ▪ Altyaryk SS student 9th Grade ▪ Chemistry Teacher of Almas RM For contact: @chemic_NK
29.12.2023 12:10
My personal channel🫧 📌 Channel is just about my life ▪ Altyaryk SS student 9th Grade ▪ Chemistry Teacher of Almas RM