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Very strong performance by the middle of the month 🔥

Keep up the good work!⚡️

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Uyga vazifani muntazam ravishda bajarib borish - bu har bir INTER NATION SCHOOL talabasining vazifasi☝🏻

👇🏻Red listga student tushib qolsa nima bo’ladi:

❌ O’quvchilar bitta daraja pastga tushib, boshidan o’qishadi

❌ yoki ushbu talabalar bilan shartnoma bekor qilinadi

Barcha talabalardan uyga vazifalariga va umuman olganda o’qishga jiddiylik bilan qarashlarini so’rab qolamiz😊

☎️ Barcha savollar bo’yicha quyidagi raqamga telefon qiling:

  📞 (78)7777707



Своевременное выполнение домашнего задания - обязанность каждого студента INTER NATION SCHOOL☝🏻

👇🏻Что со студентами произойдет в случае Red List:

❌ перейдут на уровень ниже и заново начнут обучение

❌ контракт с данными студентами будет расторгнут

Просим всех студентов серьёзно относиться к учёбе и выполнению домашнего задания 😊

☎️По всем интересующим вопросам звоните:

📞 (78)7777707

Good old days…

February Results,
In March, we are working for 100%⚡️

Truly amazing 🤩
Never regretted being a teacher.

Moments like these are rare, but when they happen, they make your day. Thank you, my dearest students!

Wanna go 1v1? (CS2)

334 0 3 12 24

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Today was a very pleasant (present) day 😌

Social media makes people lonelier. To what do you agree or disagree?

Social media is believed to be a double-edged sword that can, in fact, distance people from one another. Although instant communication is quite advantageous, I strongly believe that it cannot be a sufficient substitute for face-to-face interactions which bring joy to many.

Example of introduction paragraph for IELTS groups.

Read this channel.

Forward from: Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0)
When your teacher asks you to provide more statistical evidence (examples) in your essay, it does not mean you need to include an exact number. In fact, in some cases, it's impossible.

Imagine you're writing an essay about overpopulation and want to mention the number of people in the world. You wouldn’t write 8,125,098,111, right? By the time you finished typing that, at least five children would have been born in India, and some poor, lonely guy in Bulgaria might have taken his last sip of coffee (meaning he died).

So, what do we do instead? We use general estimates, like "over 8 billion people", which is perfectly acceptable.

In yesterday’s essay, I did the same thing. I mentioned that around 5 billion people own a smartphone (which is true—Google it if you want to), and I said that billions of images are shared online every day (also true—Google again if you have too much free time).

Using such estimates shows that you're a high-IQ student with strong general knowledge—far better than the guy who can’t even remember his dad’s birthday. So yes, including general numbers is a great strategy, and it’s easy to do—because no one expects you to provide exact figures.

And let me repeat again, such numbers DO help the quality of your essay because:
✅ They make ideas concrete (e.g. smartphone accessibility, photo-sharing scale).
✅ They add credibility (real data instead of vague claims).

#AttentionToDetail 🖥

@dilshodbekravshanov ✈️

A very simple and straightforward presentation on all parts of the Speaking section, which I made for my students at Inter Nation.

Good evening,
Do you really want to get an IELTS score of 7.5+? If not, ignore this message.

I recommend you start/continue your self-study with these videos. Remember, there isn’t a single technique that will get you results, so I’m going to be sharing more videos as they come up or I find it relevant.



Writing Task 1

Writing Task 2

Writing Task 2 (Extra help)


Forward from: Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0)
Line Graphs.pdf
PDF file of yesterday's lesson with additional lexical explanations ✔️

2 line graph samples explained, for those who are interested in improving their understanding and skills.

Choco Pies it is... (760)
I'm working though

Forward from: Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0)

We are offering you a real-test atmosphere that includes ⬇️

✔️ authentic materials (real exam papers)
✔️ spacious environment (like the one you see on the image)
✔️ results in 3 days (announced here in my channel)

Fee: 150,000 sums 🪙

I will be managing the entire mock test myself, meaning I will be there to give all necessary instructions. Speaking tests will be conducted by me and two other assistants (both with amazing speaking scores).

Our mock test will take place on January 26th at 13:00 ❗️


To sign up, contact me - @dilshodbekmock 💬

Forward from: taqiyaly perïshte
Откуда IELTS берет тексты для reading?

Журнал the guardian: The Guardianhttps://www.theguardian.comThe Guardian

The guardian media news, opinion and analysis: The Guardian › me...Media news, opinion and analysis

The conversation: The Conversation › ...The Conversation

University of Cambridge:

набрать высокий балл по ридингу возможно только если начнете реально reading☺️

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