Congratulations Jo’rabek!!!
Nice result, I wish you best of luck
Jo’rabek tabriklayman!
Another 7️⃣🔤5️⃣
The 1st Teacher: @IELTSwithJonibek
The 2nd teacher: @NodirjonEgamberdiev
Student: Makhmudov Jo’rabek
P.S. After taking band 6,5 at Asliddin Edu Center, he completed Nodirjon’s course in Tashkent and cracked 7,5.
Nice result, I wish you best of luck
Jo’rabek tabriklayman!
Another 7️⃣🔤5️⃣
The 1st Teacher: @IELTSwithJonibek
The 2nd teacher: @NodirjonEgamberdiev
Student: Makhmudov Jo’rabek
P.S. After taking band 6,5 at Asliddin Edu Center, he completed Nodirjon’s course in Tashkent and cracked 7,5.