Raxmonberganov Javohir

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• Old school enjoyer
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I need your opinions, which movie would you like me to watch it?

Feel free to share your movie recommendations in the comments section of this post)


If the service is free, you pay with your private data.

(c) Edward Snowden


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boomers in the 90s: ppl will try to take advantage of you, so be careful

boomers now: believes everything on facebook

They were born, they grew up in the gutters, they went to work at twelve, they passed through a brief blossoming-period of beauty and sexual desire, they married at twenty, they were middle-aged at thirty, they died, for the most part, at sixty. Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbours, films, football, beer, and above all, gambling, filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.

(c) 1984
George Orwell

Qaddini bukishgan, tik turay desa,
Hatto kula olmas, zavqin boricha
Dunyoga kelgandi, zo'r bo'laman deb
Bir axlat ko'lmakda suzar baliqcha

Bu ko'lmak aslida to'r kabi yolg'on
O'zini domiga tortadi tinmay
Ortida turishar ne-ne bu karvon
Qora tuynuk kabi yutar hamisha!

(c) Unknown


I'd rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.

(c) Richard Feynman

(c) Sherbek Safariy


If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong—that simple. 🧠

(c) Richard Feynman

Well, it's been a while since I posted. So, let's give me some anonymous questions and I'll respond to interesting ones on this channel, we may get active tho.

You can send questions from this bot:


424 0 4 21 13

Bizlar arra tortmoqdamiz,
Arramizning tishi yo‘q.
Nega arrang tishi yo‘q, deb
So‘raydigan kishi yo‘q.

Chunki bizlar anoyimas,
Pishib ketgan ko‘zimiz.
Arra tushgan o‘sha shoxda
O‘ltiribmiz o‘zimiz.

(c) Erkin Vohidov

O‘sha sho‘rlikkina tilla baliqcha
Ummonga tashlandi, rohatlan, deya,
Va lekin bir joyda aylanar tinmay...
Alhol o‘zgarmadi eski saviya.

(c) Xayrulla Hamidov

Tuxumdan chiqdi-yu, keltirib uni
Shu loyqa hovuzga tomon otdilar.
Tashlandiq ushoq yeb o‘tadi kuni,
Xor-u xas, xazonlar ustin yopdilar.

Dunyoda ko‘rgani shu tor hovuzcha
Va mudroq tollarning achchiq xazoni.
Menga alam qilar, tilla baliqcha
Bir ko‘lmak hovuz deb bilar dunyoni...

(c) Abdulla Oripov


I’m always eager to explore new films! What kind of movies do you usually watch? 😁

P.S: I would appreciate if you share your recommendations on comment section.


Btw, we won at “Ibrat Debate” today)

Today (or yesterday depending on where you live) the United States House Leaders called CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz to testify to congress about the recent botched update. According to Microsoft telemetry, CrowdStrike's botched update boot-looped roughly 8,500,000 computers across the globe – including computer operations regarded as critical infrastructure.

No date has been released yet when George Kurtz will testify.

United States Republicans who lead the United States House Homeland Security commitee stated they 'expect answers soon' from Mr. Kurtz.

Additionally, it is reported that the letter sent to Mr. Kurtz by the United States congress states Mr. Kurtz is 'urged' to schedule a hearing with the subcommitee on Cyber Security and Infrastructure Protection by Wednesday, July 24th, 2024.

Information via Reuters, The Associated Press, and The Washington Post

Source: vx-underground


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Aviakompaniyalar, banklar va TV/radio korxonalarda butun dunyo bo'ylab uzilishlar kuzatilmoqda. Buning sababi Microsoft va Cyberstrike (global kiberxavfsizlik korxonasi) bilan bog'liq mammo bo'lishi mumkin.



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