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Samarkand , Uzbekistan
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The plan doesn't change, but are u willing to allow the plan to change you?

And yes it is true❤️

Our part was emotional—and it needed to be.

It’s heartbreaking that some people remain unaware of what’s happening around the world, or worse, they forget about the wars as if things will somehow get better on their own. I tried to share the most moving stories to help others feel the pain these children endure every day. Like Yusuf, an 8-year-old boy found sleeping in his mother’s grave after losing his entire family. Or Sidra, whose lifeless body was discovered hanging inside a destroyed building. She was only 7 years old.

Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder—do the people who killed them not have children of their own?

What do you think?

How many more children must suffer before we decide that enough is enough?

A famous tea also became part of our presentation—two boys couldn’t stop talking about it. They were so fascinated by the fact that the price of this tea was around $120 that it became an amusing highlight of the session. There was also a display of traditional elements, adding cultural depth to the event. Another girl passionately talked about the Mermaid, capturing everyone’s attention with her enthusiasm. One person questioned the audience with a thought-provoking scenario: “What would happen if we didn’t use the internet?” Finally, a designer showcased Kazak’s national brand and presented it as if it were our very own Uzbek brand, Özbe.

P.S You can see the traditional sugar and small ball that reminded my childhood ( 1,2 photos)

All of a sudden,

I discovered a boy who usually struggles to speak well in public but was confidently explaining the stock market and investing, even slapping his face more than twice during the presentation to manage his nerves. At the same time, another funny boy was doing silly acts in front of everyone, making the students laugh uncontrollably. Then there was the history buff, passionately discussing historical events as if they were unfolding right in front of us.

I don't know how I become involved into music world, do u want to see me playing small guitar - Ukelala after 2 hours of practice 😂

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There is an entire section of the bookshop called " Self-help "and there's no section in the bookshop called " Help-others " what I believe is that we need help industry


Even I have so many tasks to complete and I am doing whatever I like to do. Learning completely different things , not related to any thing near to assignments or tasks but my major , Professor is giving us a task to complete in a day but still me doing my own stuff first and then moving to his task. It is not good as 2 hours left for completing his task.

What should I call this type of personality?

Is it relatable to you also?

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If you want a professional networking, without doubts, go for linkedln.


One button can change your life.

I love math. That's all.

After SAT , after everything It is all about problem solving and I like it so much.


As usual decided to play badminton 🏸 with my friends. But there was a cat inside the court.

My friends: let's not play today we may scare the cat (
Me: can't understand what is happening 😂

And coming to my dorm , but still trying to figure our why we canceled our today's match

Bilasizmi nima ,dunyo juda keng va har bir davlat o'zining ma'lum siyosatini yurgiziyapdi aynan iqlim o'zgarishi muammolariga ta'luqli.

Germaniyada uy xo‘jaliklari quyosh panellariga va energiyani tejovchi jihozlarga to‘liq o'tib, o‘z uylari uchun quyoshning kuchidan foydalanib, toza kelajak umidida yashashmoqda. Oilalar barqarorlikning umumiy maqsadidan ilhomlanib, kim ko‘proq energiyani tejay olishini aniqlash uchun o‘zaro do‘stona musobaqalar boshladi. Bu oddiy odatlar ko‘mirga bo‘lgan qaramlikdan voz kechish va kelajak avlodlar uchun sayyorani himoya qilish maqsadida birgalikdagi harakatga aylandi.

Yaponiya esa umuman boshqa planetaga o'xshaydi. Ular uchun tozalish bu boylik. Chiqindilarni 10 turdan ko'p xillarga bo"lib tashlashgan. Kamikatsu degan shahri esa dunyo bo'yicha o'zining zero- waste city nomi bilan tanilgan. U yerdagi aholi hattoki chiqindini ham yuvib , keyin tashlashadi. U tashlangan chiqindi esa , qayta ishlab chiqarishga tayyorlandi. Insonlar ko'chani o'z xohishlari bilan tozalashadi hech qanday hukumat bunga aralashmaydi. Axir bizga hamma narsani hukumat qilish kerak-ku). Biz volontyorlik haqida ko'p gapiramiz, Yaponiyada esa tozalik volanytorlari ham juda ko'p va ular butun dunyoga namuma bo'la olishyapdi. Xususan, Rashel va Jundan ilhomlangan boshqa medi vakillari masalan Mr Beast va Robert teamsees.org loyihasi ham yo'lga qo'yildi.

Niderlandiya, esa umuman boshqa yo'l bilan tabiatga zarar yetkazmaslikka qaror qilishdi va bu ularning madaniyatiga ham aylanib bo'ldi. Velosiped haydash- ha juda oddiy lekin eng ko'p foyda keltiradigan yo'l. Ular velosiped haydash uchun hattoki 35000km uzunlikdagi yo'ni faqat velosiped haydash uchun mo'ljallashgan. Eshitishimcha , Niderlandiyaliklar Amerikadai maktab o'quvchilarining maktab avtobusi borligiga hayrat bilan qarashadi va kulishadi , chunki Niderlandiyadag bolalar maktabga doimo velosipedda borishadi. Eng qiziq tomoni Bolalar 12 yoshga to'lgandan ularga shaxsiy velosiped sovg'a sifatida doim berilar ekan. ( Ajoyib-a?)

Shvetsariya va Costa Rica alohida katta mavzu.

Dear friends,

Each chapter is different, but the ending should be as you have expected.

Today marks the last day of my teenage years. The age I’ll be turning next year sounds a little too serious (even though it’s still September—just saying 😁).

With more responsibility and courage, see you next year!

One last thing: please be grateful for everything you have, both the good and the bad.

Happy New Year 🎉
Enjoy these days with your family ❤️

189 0 0 13 10

Tajribalarga to'la yil bo'ldi...

The last day of my teenage year..


I am creating my booklist for the next year, but couldn't find the e version of this book

I would appreciate your help

How things are going?

Still a few days left

Forward from: Jasmina Jamolova
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