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A sinful slave of a forgiving Master.

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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things:)

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Biz kelib ketguvchi to'garak jahon,
Na boshi ma'lum-u, na so'nggi ayon.
Hech kimga rostini aytib berolmas,
Qayerdan keldigu, keturmiz qayon.

©️ Unknown

Beautiful, right?

From yesterday's trip!

(Just for a memory)

One of disadvantage of using social media in South Korea, there is an advert on every corner of social media. When you decide to watch smth on Youtube, there is always ad that disturbs you. So, in order to avoid this, you need to buy premium versions of apps you are using. It is one way of making "soqqa".


Forward from: Abdulloh Shamsutdinov

Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar odamlarni bir-biridan uzoqlashtiryapti.

Facebook orqali do‘stingni tug‘ilgan kuni bilan tabriklaysan-u, lekin uchrashishga erinib qolasan.

Instagramda kim qayerda, nima qilyapti — hammasini bilasan, lekin yuragida nima borligini bilmaysan.

Telegramda yuzlab chatlarda gaplashasan-u, yoningdagi odam bilan gaplashishga vaqt qolmaydi.

Qancha ko‘p virtual gaplashsak ham, ko‘nglimizda baribir yolg‘izlik qolaveradi.

Aslida bizga ekrandagi “like” va “komment” emas, jonli suhbatlar, samimiy uchrashuvlar kerak.

Haqiqiy munosabatlarni hech qanday internet almashtirolmaydi.


Notes from Harvard CS50 course!

Trade-offs are not something to be ignored or denied. They are something to be embraced and made deliberately, strategically, and thoughtfully.

©️ Essentialism

Our class is crazy. Today our professor wanted to listen national music of students who came from different countries. He is from Nepal, just a crazy guy. 😂😂

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When the world pushes you to your knees, you're in the perfect position to pray.

© Ali Ibn Abu-Talib r.a

Working on a project

Guys, I need your help. Do you know any kind of website for preparing a good presentation????

Everything awaits its time, no rose
blooms before its time, no sun
rises before its time, wait for what
is yours and it will come to you.

©️ Rumi

🎯 Core elements of Academic Thinking

Analytical thinkingBreaking down complex topics ( like analyzing song lyrics vs analyzing research papers )

Explanation: Analytical thinking is a method for analyzing a problem and finding a solution. This is a way for processing and breaking down complex information. Analytical thinking is helpful in identifying cause and effect relationships and making connections between two factors. For instance, someone may use analytical thinking to understand the relationship between sunflowers and humidity. To do this, they may ask, "Why do sunflowers have trouble growing when there's humidity in the air?“

Analytical thinking is helpful for finding solutions to complex problems and analyzing a situation. Individuals can use this skill for brainstorming new ideas. It's also helpful for gathering and interpreting data for further understanding. In situations where someone is trying to develop a belief and perception of an idea, critical thinking tends to be more effective. This type of thinking helps individuals defend an argument in favor of a certain viewpoint. They can use it to understand what motivates them and determine their goals.

Critical thinkingSpotting fake news vs evaluating academic sources

Explanation: Critical thinking is a kind of thinking in which you question, analyze, 
interpret, evaluate and make a judgement about what you read, hear, say, or write. The term critical comes from the Greek word kritikos 
meaning “able to judge or discern”. Good critical thinking is about making reliable judgements based on reliable information.
Applying critical thinking does not mean being negative or focusing on faults. It means being able to clarify your thinking so that you can break down a problem or a piece of information, interpret it and use that interpretation to arrive at an informed decision or judgement.

Reflective thinkingWhy your personal experiences and assumptions matter

Explanation: Reflective thinking is the process of examining your own assumptions, experiences, and thought processes as you engage with academic content, as reflective thinking is a crucial component of academic thinking. It's about turning your critical lens inward to understand how your personal background and beliefs might influence your academic work. Reflective thinking often involves asking questions like "Why do I believe this?", "What assumptions am I making?", and "How might someone with a different background view this issue?" It's especially important when dealing with controversial topics or when your personal values intersect with your academic work.

Creative thinkingFinding unique angles for assignments when "everything has been said"

Explanation: Creative thinking in academic contexts is about generating original ideas and making unexpected connections between concepts. It's a valuable skill that helps students move beyond simply reproducing information to creating new knowledge and perspectives.
Creative thinking can be cultivated through techniques like brainstorming without immediate judgment, deliberately combining disparate ideas, reversing assumptions, or considering how experts from different fields might approach a problem. It's especially valuable in a university setting where the goal isn't just to learn existing knowledge but to contribute to evolving understanding.

Problem-solving thinkingApplying course concepts to real-world situations

Explanation: Problem-solving thinking in academic contexts is a structured approach to addressing challenges through the application of knowledge, theory, and analytical skills. It's essential for moving beyond theoretical understanding to practical application.
Problem-solving thinking is highly valued in academic settings because it demonstrates the ability to use knowledge actively rather than passively. It shows that students can do more than memorize information—they can apply it meaningfully to address challenges within their field and beyond.

©️ From college lessons


Forward from: Abdusattor
Qadimgi yunon buyuk faylasufi va matematigi Platon, nafaqat ilmiy marralarni zabt etgan, bunga qo’shimchasiga pankration (jang san’ati) chempioni ham bo’lgan. Bu aql va jismoniy kuch bir-biriga zid degan stereotipni buzadi.

Bugun jamiyatda aqlli inson “zaif”, jismoniy kuchli inson esa “aqlsiz” bo’ladi degan stereotip bor. Ammo Platon misoli o‘tkir aql va kuchli bir biriga qarama-qarshi emasligini eng zo’r misoli.

Qadimgi Yunonistonda kuch yuqori qatlamni tarbiyasining bir qismi edi, ruh va tana muvozanati uchun. Zamonaviy qarash bu fazilatlarni ajratadi, lekin ular bir-birini inkor etmaydi. Kuch intizomga o‘rgatadi, aql esa uni boshqaradi. Haqiqiy buyuklik ularning ittifoqida.


Anchagina yoʻqotish bor!

Forward from: Read again
Ba'zida inson o'ziga qanchalik yoqmasin ayrim qarorlarni qabul qilishi kerak. Buni o'zi qanchalik istamasin, buni qilishni qanchalik hohlamasin. O'zi va yaqinlari uchun qilishga majbur.

After dealing with some questions in SAT reading, I have realized that I have a really big problem with understanding poems in SAT English. You know I read a lot but the thing even if I read a lot of books, my comprehension is not thaaaat great. Now, we have started SAT challenge with 6 people, I will try to improve it, In Shaa Allah! After a month, I will do a mock and tell you about my score!


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