Biology books:
1 - concepts of biology
2 - Campbell
Chemistry books:
1 - Chemistry2e
2 - General chemistry
Math notes:
1st topic 11th topic 21st topic
2nd topic 12th topic
3rd topic 13th topic
4th topic 14th topic
5th topic 15th topic
6th topic 16th topic
7th topic 17th topic
8th topic 18th topic
9th topic 19th topic
10th topic 20th topic
Sample exam questions of Akfa university:
2019 sample question
2019 sample answer
2020 sample question
2021 sample question
2021 sample question 2
Sample exam questions:
First sample
Second sample
Third sample
Fourth sample
Fifth sample
Sixth sample
Seventh sample
ILM ACADEMY sample questions:
1st sample
2nd sample
Answers for sample
Notes for Concepts of Biology: (quality ~ 2+)
1st theme biology 6th theme biology
2nd theme biology 7th theme biology
3rd theme biology 8th theme biology
4th theme biology 9th theme biology
5th theme biology
Notes for chemistry:
1st note only)))
Practice uchun kitoblar:
Biology 1 chemistry 1
Biology 2 chemistry 2
Biology 3
Biology 4
Akfa university tayyorlanish uchun taklif qilgan practice kitoblar:
Shu yerda
Quiz for biology:
1st quiz
2nd quiz
3rd quiz
4th quiz
5th quiz
6th quiz
7th quiz
Answers for all 7 quizzes
Chemistry terms/Terminlar eng-uzb:
1st chapter
2nd chapter
3rd chapter
4th chapter
Khan academy English:
Kimyo video darslik
Khan academy Uzbek:
Telegramda gi darslar
Khan academy article:
You tube dan qo'shimcha videodarsliklar:
IEPTE topshirmoqchi bo'lganlar uchun sample:
Sample exam by ILM ACADEMY
Periodic table/davriy jadval
1 - concepts of biology
2 - Campbell
Chemistry books:
1 - Chemistry2e
2 - General chemistry
Math notes:
1st topic 11th topic 21st topic
2nd topic 12th topic
3rd topic 13th topic
4th topic 14th topic
5th topic 15th topic
6th topic 16th topic
7th topic 17th topic
8th topic 18th topic
9th topic 19th topic
10th topic 20th topic
Sample exam questions of Akfa university:
2019 sample question
2019 sample answer
2020 sample question
2021 sample question
2021 sample question 2
Sample exam questions:
First sample
Second sample
Third sample
Fourth sample
Fifth sample
Sixth sample
Seventh sample
ILM ACADEMY sample questions:
1st sample
2nd sample
Answers for sample
Notes for Concepts of Biology: (quality ~ 2+)
1st theme biology 6th theme biology
2nd theme biology 7th theme biology
3rd theme biology 8th theme biology
4th theme biology 9th theme biology
5th theme biology
Notes for chemistry:
1st note only)))
Practice uchun kitoblar:
Biology 1 chemistry 1
Biology 2 chemistry 2
Biology 3
Biology 4
Akfa university tayyorlanish uchun taklif qilgan practice kitoblar:
Shu yerda
Quiz for biology:
1st quiz
2nd quiz
3rd quiz
4th quiz
5th quiz
6th quiz
7th quiz
Answers for all 7 quizzes
Chemistry terms/Terminlar eng-uzb:
1st chapter
2nd chapter
3rd chapter
4th chapter
Khan academy English:
Kimyo video darslik
Khan academy Uzbek:
Telegramda gi darslar
Khan academy article:
You tube dan qo'shimcha videodarsliklar:
IEPTE topshirmoqchi bo'lganlar uchun sample:
Sample exam by ILM ACADEMY
Periodic table/davriy jadval