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Boooom 💣

Siz kutgan "SPEAKING COURSE" ochilmoqda sizlarni "Mr. Bobur" (Speaking score 8) ning "🚀 ROCKET SPEAKING COURSE" ga taklif qilamiz shoshiling joylar chegaralangan ma'lumot uchun @IELTSinOneteam1 ga murojat qiling va to'liq ma'lumotlar bilan tanishing va o'z joyingizni band qiling

Ha aytgancha faqat kanalimiz a'zolari uchun 20% chegirma bilan course ga yoziling !



Twitter changes its logo to 'X'

The tech billionaire, Elon Musk, replaced the company’s blue bird silhouette with “X,” a term for what he has described as an “everything app.”

📔 call it a day

decide or agree to stop doing something.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣"after three marriages, many men would have been more than ready to call it a day"

📌 Future Perfect Tense
(Kelasi tugallangan zamon)

Kelajakda aniq bir vaqtdan oldin tugallanadigan ish-harakatlarda

They will have bought a house by the end of this year.
(Shu yilning oxirigacha ular uy sotib olishadi)

Will + have + V3

Ushbu formula asosida daftaringizga 3ta gap tuzib qoldiring!


"It is important" deyishning 5 usuli

•It is significant....

•It is considerable....

•It is substantial....

•It is notable....

•It is meaningful....

• Boshqa usullarini bilasizmi???

"It is important" deyishning 5 usuli

It is significant....

It is considerable....

•It is substantial....

It is notable....

It is meaningful....

• Boshqa usullarni bilasizmi?


✅"GET" phrasal verbs

Get married - turmush qurmoq👫
Get devorce - ajrashmoq🧍‍♀🧍‍♂
Get engaged - unashtirilmoq👩‍❤️‍👨
Get dark - qoronģu tushmoq🌒
Get hot - isimoq🌝
Get cold - sovuq tushmoq❄️
Get better - yaxshilanish(ahvoli)✨
Get lost - adashmoq🤯
Get excited - hayajonlanmoq😬
Get worried - xavotirlanmoq 😨
Get hungry - och qolmoq 😋
Get ready - tayyorlanmoq🙇‍♀
Get dressed - kiyinmoq🙎
Get wet - ho'l bòlmoq💦
Get ill - kasal bòlmoq👨‍🦽
Get accustomed - odatlangan bòlish🚶‍♂
Get tired - charchash💆‍♂
Get upset - xafa bòlmoq😒
Get worse - yomonlashmoq🥴
Get old - qarimoq👵
Get young - yasharmoq👩‍🦰

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🌳Other ways to say "Very"

☘ So
☘ Too
☘ Exceedingly
☘ Exceptionally (C1)
☘ Extremely
☘ Incredibly
☘ Excessively (C1)
☘ Overwhelmingly
☘ Immensely (C1)

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🔖 So'zlashuv uchun kerak bo'ladigan eng muhim iboralar

🚩 Phoning - Qo’ng’iroq

Qo’ngiroq Hello so’zi bilan boshlanadi, allo emas, odatda can modal fe’lini ko’proq ishlating.

🔻(When you answer) Hello. – Javob berayotganimizda(allo)

🔻(When you give your name) This is …(o’zingizni tanishtirayotganizda) Bu …

🔻I’ll call back later. - keyinroq qo’ng’iroq qilaman

🔻Can I speak to … please? …–  bilan gaplashsam bo’ladimi?

🔻I’d like to speak to … please. – bilan gaplashsam bo’ladimi?

🔻Can I leave a message please? – Xabar qoldirsam bo’ladimi?

🔻Can you say that (Ali) called please? –(Ali) qo’ng’iroq qilganini aytib qo’ying, lltimos

🔻Can you ask him / her to call me back? – Menga qaytib qo’ng’iroq qilishini aytib qo’ying

☘️ Agree / Disagree

✅ Q: Some people think that it is a waste of time for high school students to study literature, such as novels and poems.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

💡 Answer:

Many today claim that learning about literature should no longer be a key component of the high school curriculum. In my opinion, there are practical reasons for this sentiment but literature still serves a purpose.

Proponents of this reform argue other subjects deserve prioritisation. There is little doubt that in the 21st century, the most important subjects for students’ future careers relate to the sciences, such as engineering and computer science, or the practical humanities, like business. The earlier that students begin specialising, the more likely they are to have a head start on the competition and secure a well-paying job immediately after graduating high school or university. In contrast, the novels and poems that students read in high school are usually completely forgotten within a few years and do not teach any tangible skills that will help them advance in the real world.

Nonetheless, literature contains many of the most important and fundamental truths about the human condition. Life is about more than a career and great authors tackle the most fundamental philosophical and psychological questions. For example, the masters of 19th century Russian literature, including Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, are primarily concerned with human psychology and how this fits into a larger context of man’s search for meaning. Their exploration of these issues is relevant to everyone and cannot be replaced with a steady career. Moreover, the way in which great writers develop their themes, the aesthetic quality of their writing itself, imparts to careful readers the importance of artistic expression and may help them see outside the narrow modern confines of accumulating the most material wealth.

In conclusion, the utilitarian benefits of studying practical subjects do not outweigh the deeper values of literature. It is therefore advisable that literature be emphasised in high school classrooms.

✍️ Total words: 297

📍Band: 7.5+

🏳Theme: mix sentences

🌺 Can you spare me a moment? - bir daqiqa vaqt ajrata olasizmi?
🌺 Could you do me a favor? - menga yordam bera olasizmi?
🌺 Don't take it to heart - yuragingizga yaqin olmang
🌺 Forget it - ahamiyat bermang
🌺 How come? - qanday bunday?

🏳 Theme: sleep

🌺 Be fast asleep - tez uxlab qolmoq
🌺 Fall asleep - uxlab qolmoq
🌺 Have a good time - vaqtingizni yaxshi o'tkazing
🌺 Have a lie-in - yotoqda dumalab yotish
🌺 Have a nap - mizg'ib olmoq
🌺Have insomnia - uyqusizlik kasallligi
🌺 Have nightmares - qo'rqinchli tushlar ko'rish
🌺 Sleepwalk - uyquda yurib chiqish
🌺 Snore - xurrak otmoq
🌺 Talk in your sleep - uyquda gapirish
🌺 Wake up - uyg'onmoq

Boooom 💣

Siz kutgan "SPEAKING COURSE" ochilmoqda sizlarni "Mr. Bobur" (Speaking score 8) ning "🚀 ROCKET SPEAKING COURSE" ga taklif qilamiz shoshiling joylar chegaralangan ma'lumot uchun @IELTSinOneteam1 ga murojat qiling va to'liq ma'lumotlar bilan tanishing va o'z joyingizni band qiling

Ha aytgancha faqat kanalimiz a'zolari uchun 20% chegirma bilan course ga yoziling !



Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspaper will remain the most important source of news. Do you agree or disagree?

The Internet is beginning to rival newspapers as the best place to find information about what is happening in the world. I believe that this trend will continue, and the Internet will soon be just as important as the traditional ones.

On the one hand, I believe that newspapers will continue to be a vital source of information, even in the Internet age. Firstly, newspapers are the most traditional means of communicating the news, and not everyone wants to or is able to use the Internet instead. For example, old people or those in rural areas might not have the ability of opportunity to get online, while many of us simply prefer newspapers even if we do have Internet access. Secondly, newspapers can be trusted as reliable sources of news because they employ professional journalists and editors. Finally, many people like the experience of holding and reading a paper rather than looking at a computer screen.

However, the Internet is likely to become just as popular as newspapers for a variety of reasons. The main reason is that it allows us much faster access to news in real time and wherever we are, on different gadgets and mobile devices. Another key benefit of online news compared to newspapers is the ability to share articles, discuss them with other people, give our views, and even contribute with our own updates on social media. For example, there has been an explosion in the use of platforms like Twitter and YouTube where anyone can share their news and views. A final point is that this source of news is less damaging to the environment.

In conclusion, I disagree with the view that newspapers will continue to be the main source of news, because I believe that the Internet will soon be equally important.

© Simon


Vocabulary Booster 🚀 | Collocations

⚫ TACKLE issue

⚫ ADDRESS poverty


⚫ ENHANCE confidence

Expanding Your Vocabulary

#Listening Section 2


1. In my opinion...
2. From my perspective...
3. I believe that...
4. It is widely accepted that...
5. It goes without saying that...
6. I couldn't agree more.
7. I strongly oppose...
8. I'm of two minds about...
9. On the one hand...
10. On the other hand...
11. As a matter of fact...
12. The fact of the matter is...
13. It's worth pointing out that...
14. Let's not forget that...
15. It's essential to consider...
16. It's no secret that...
17. Frankly speaking...
18. To put it simply...
19. All things considered...
20. When it comes to...
21. In a nutshell...
22. At first glance...
23. Undoubtedly...
24. Needless to say...
25. Without a doubt...
26. Despite the fact that...
27. In contrast to...
28. Moreover...
29. Additionally...
30. Furthermore...
31. In addition to...
32. Apart from that...
33. In my experience...
34. As far as I'm concerned...
35. To be perfectly honest...
36. With regards to...
37. As a result...
38. Consequently...
39. For instance...
40. In other words...
41. To summarize...
42. Taking everything into account...
43. No matter how you look at it...
44. It's safe to say that...
45. In the long run...
46. Over time...
47. To a large extent...
48. In conclusion...
49. To conclude...
50. All in all...


Boooom 💣

Siz kutgan "SPEAKING COURSE" ochilmoqda sizlarni "Mr. Bobur" (Speaking score 8) ning "🚀 ROCKET SPEAKING COURSE" ga taklif qilamiz shoshiling joylar chegaralangan ma'lumot uchun @IELTSinOneteam1 ga murojat qiling va to'liq ma'lumotlar bilan tanishing va o'z joyingizni band qiling

Ha aytgancha faqat kanalimiz a'zolari uchun 20% chegirma bilan course ga yoziling !



[@ielts_council_uz] Actual.Listening.Oct-Jan.2022.pdf
📌Actual Listening
🗓October-January 2022

• Pdf book

📌IELTS Listening Actual Tests
with Answers Oct-Jan 2022

( PDF + Audio Files )

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