Jahongir Esanov

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Education

⚜️IELTS Instructor⚜️
🔆Works at Registan LC, Chilanzar
🔅Studies at WIUT
💥Overall: 8.5 (x19)
L: 9.0 (x23)
R: 9.0 (x21)
W: 8.0 (x9)
S: 8.5 (x6)
👨🏻‍💻Admin: @jahongir_esanov
👨🏻‍🎓👩🏻‍🎓Student life: @student_life_with_Jahongir
📄 @results_with_Jahongir

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Uzbekistan, English
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How come God gives me so many opportunities to meet the nicest people on Earth?!

I will make a full post about this extremely amazing guy who has been enlightening my life with his presence and has shed light on many things I had not known before…

Thanks, brother🤝🫂

Mock imtihonimiz uchun bor-yog`i 4 ta joy qoldi. Shoshiling🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️

You cannot imagine how happy I am to see these two guys growing both personally and professionally😇.

Follow my brothers, Zohid and Abdushukur, on their instagram pages, so that you can learn from them and follow their footsteps.🤗.

I am extremely proud of you both🥹.

Keep it up, men🫡

🤔Siz Mart, Aprel, May oylarida IELTS imtihon topshiradizmi?

🤩Unda siz uchun AJOYIB imkoniyat:


👉MOCK imtihoni 16-mart kuni Chilonzor filialida bo'lib o'tadi.

Biz sizga taklif qilamiz:

✅Authentic IELTS materials
✅Real Exam atmosphere
✅IELTS instructorlarimiz tomonidan Speaking(8.5) va writing(8.0) uchun feedback
✅The fastest results in Tashkent

Registon o’quvchisi bo’lmaganlar uchun ham testda qatnashish imkoni yaratilgan.

Shoshiling joylar soni cheklangan.
(40 ta joy)

💰Test fee: 50.000
⏰Start time: 10:00

Murojaat uchun:

Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda bizni kuzating:
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Last but not the least important benefit🥹

“Handsome”, “young” and “energetic” Teacher - it is actually a bonus for you🙂.

Forward from: 🦘IELTS Kangaroos Chat🦘
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Registon Chilonzorda oʻqishning asosiy foydasi nima deb oʻylaysiz?🥲

577 0 0 37 31

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Bugun sizlar bilan Registon o`quv markazida o`qishning bir nechta foydalarini bo`lishaman😇

Shall we?

Mana meni haqiqiy abituriyentim🔥
🤲May Allah bless you with the top marks:)

Bu hafta yakshanba kuni real exam atmosferada “MOCK Exam” tashkillashtirsam nima deysiz?
  •   🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️Qatnashaman
  •   💁‍♂️💁‍♀️Farqi yoq
13 votes

Long time, no see, my dear subscribers and students.

It has been extremely long since I was active on social media for the most part🥲.

Juggling work, studies, apprentice preparations, and life has been one of the toughest so far, taking its toll on my health mostly…🙂

But I am back with full of energy and love to share with you all☺️.

Since almost September, I have been having with many things on my plate. Things got better now. Alhamdulillah.😇

Will be sharing most useful content very soon…


It was one of the most unforgettable days in my life, too:)

You can find all the videos in our memory channel.

Forward from: Registan LC | Chilanzar
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⚡️ "Erinchoq" boʻlib ham IELTS 8.0 olsa boʻlarkan!

➖Tajribali oʻqituvchilarimiz har bir oʻquvchiga individual yondashishadi. Har kimning oʻzlashtirish imkoniyati, xarakteriga moslashishga harakat qilishadi.

Bugungi qahramonimiz esa bunga yaqqol misol. Dastlab IELTS 6.5 olgan “erinchoq” oʻquvchimiz bu gal overall 8.0 natijasini qoʻlga kiritdi.

🔥 Xoʻsh, bunday natija qanday qo'lga kiritildi? Toʻliq videoni Youtube sahifamizda tomosha qilishingiz mumkin:

👉 Toʻliq videoni koʻrish 👈

📞 781132700

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🌸✨ Happy International Women’s Day to all the incredible women in this channel! ✨🌸

Today is a celebration of your strength, resilience, and unique beauty. 💖🌹 You each bring something special to the world. Keep shining, chasing your dreams, and supporting one another—together, we are unstoppable! 🌟💪

Continue to lift each other up and inspire greatness! 🌍🔥

You are powerful. You are amazing. You are worthy. 🌷💕



Attempt: 1
Age: 15

My boy did it💪. Great job, Abdulloh. I am extremely proud of you😌.

Overall: 7.5🔥
Listening: 8.5 ⚡️
Speaking: 7.5☄️
Reading: 7.5💥

Although we were expecting an 8.0, I am more than satisfied with this amazing result, with speaking like a cherry on top.

It is just the start of the journey🙃. You can expect many more results from him very soon…☺️


Bugungi listening testlarni ishlagan ekanmiz.

Readingni aytmasa ham boʻladi😅. Ham oʻzlarizga ishlatib, ham tahlil qilib bergandim. Har birlarizni natijalariz meni hozirgi kayfiyatimga oʻxshagan chiroyli boʻlsin In shaa Allah🙃😊😇

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