Speaking Part 1/2/3

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Category: Linguistics

Part One, Two and Three questions and sample ANSWERS
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Everestda 2-Overall 9.0💣

🏔"Everest Xalqlar Do'stligi" manzilimizda faoliyat yuritadigan Sirojiddin Malikov shaxsiy natijasini eng yuqori ball - Overall 9.0 ga olib chiqdi!

🎧 Listening - 9.0
📚Reading - 9.0
📃Writing - 8.5
🎙Speaking - 8.5

️O'quv markazimiz doimo NATIJA uchun ishlaydi! Ustozlarimiz Everestda ta'lim sifati yuqori bo'lishi uchun o'z ustilarida ishlashni aslo kanda qilishmaydi! Buning isbotini so'ngi oydagi natijalarda ko'rishingiz mumkin!

✨Yangi tarix sahifalari ochilmoqda! Voqealar rivojini kuzatib boring.
🎯Sizni maqsadlaringizga erishishda yordam bera oladigan aniq manzil qayerda ekaniga o'zingiz amin bo'ling!


🏔 Instagram | YouTube | Manzillar

Politics and Government - 15 Common Collocations

1. Government policy – The official course of action adopted by a government.
🏛️ Example: “Government policies should address income inequality to promote social stability.”
2. Public sector – The part of an economy that is controlled by the government.
💼 Example: “Investment in the public sector, especially in healthcare, is vital for a nation’s well-being.”
3. Political agenda – The list of issues or policies a government prioritizes.
📋 Example: “Environmental protection should be high on the political agenda of any modern government.”
4. Electoral process – The method by which a country’s citizens vote and elect leaders.
🗳️ Example: “A transparent electoral process is essential for the legitimacy of democratic governments.”
5. Political campaign – Activities aimed at gaining support for a political candidate or policy.
📢 Example: “Political campaigns often focus on key issues like education and healthcare to attract voters.”
6. Civil liberties – The personal freedoms and rights that a government guarantees its citizens.
🕊️ Example: “Governments must ensure that civil liberties are protected, even in times of national security threats.”
7. Economic growth – The increase in a country’s output and wealth over time.
📈 Example: “Sustainable economic growth should be a priority in government policies to improve living standards.”
8. Social inequality – The unequal distribution of resources and opportunities among people.
⚖️ Example: “Governments must take steps to reduce social inequality by providing equal access to education and healthcare.”
9. Foreign policy – A government’s strategy in dealing with other nations.
🌍 Example: “A country’s foreign policy plays a critical role in maintaining international peace and security.”
10. Political stability – The condition where a government operates smoothly without upheaval or frequent changes.
🏛️ Example: “Political stability is crucial for attracting foreign investment and ensuring long-term development.”
11. Legislative reform – Changes to the laws and regulations enacted by a government.
📝 Example: “Legislative reforms are needed to tackle issues like climate change and corporate accountability.”
12. Tax revenue – The income a government collects from taxes.
💰 Example: “Increasing tax revenue allows governments to invest in critical infrastructure like roads and schools.”
13. Government funding – Financial support provided by the government for various services or projects.
💵 Example: “Adequate government funding for public education is necessary to ensure equal opportunities for all students.”
14. Political participation – The involvement of citizens in the political process, such as voting or protesting.
✋ Example: “Encouraging political participation strengthens democracy and ensures that governments reflect the will of the people.”
15. International diplomacy – Negotiations and relationships between countries to resolve conflicts and foster cooperation.
🤝 Example: “International diplomacy plays a vital role in resolving global issues like climate change and trade disputes.”

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Forward from: Safarov English 🇺🇿🇬🇧
Eng qizig’i, bu o’quvchilarning hammasi bitta gruppada o’qishgan 😎😎😎

Forward from: Safarov English 🇺🇿🇬🇧
#IELTS 7️⃣⏺5️⃣

Asadbek bro was another hardworking student of mine with whom I have worked for around 2 months. Our hard-work has finally paid off and he has scored overall 7️⃣🔤5️⃣ with an impressive 8️⃣🔤🔤 in Speaking. Hats off to Asadbek bro 😇😎

Congratulations, dear brother 🎉
“Yaxshi kunlarizga ishlating ✊”

Agar siz shu kabi natijalarga erishishni xohlasangiz, men bilan bemalol bog‘lanishingiz mumkin: @Ramazon_Safarov

Forward from: Safarov English 🇺🇿🇬🇧
#Results 🎉

Sarvinoz had the potential to score not just 7.0, but even higher! 😎 Although she was just 0.5 shy of 7.0 initially, this is her final score after appealing to the test center!

Congratulations, Sarvinoz, and best of luck with your future plans! 🎓✨

“Yaxshi kunlarga ishlatish nasib qilsin.” 😊

Forward from: Safarov English 🇺🇿🇬🇧
#IELTS 7️⃣⏺🩸

Javohir has also studied in my course for only 2️⃣ months. During this time, he has worked really hard, not missing any lesson or extra sessions. This hard-work has paid off with an impressive score, 7️⃣🔤🔤

Congratulations, dear brother 🎉
“Yaxshi kunlarizga ishlating ✊”

Agar siz shu kabi natijalarga erishishni xohlasangiz, men bilan bemalol bog‘lanishingiz mumkin: @Ramazon_Safarov

Forward from: Safarov English 🇺🇿🇬🇧
#IELTS 6️⃣🔤5️⃣

Farangis opa has done something legendary 😎
Together with her children🤱 and family👨‍👨‍👦‍👦, she has studied for IELTS for 2 months and successfully nailed 6.5, which made me really happy ☺️

Congratulations, dear sister 🎉
“Yaxshi kunlarizga ishlating ✊”

Agar siz shu kabi natijalarga erishishni xohlasangiz, men bilan bemalol bog‘lanishingiz mumkin: @Ramazon_Safarov

Forward from: Safarov English 🇺🇿🇬🇧
#IELTS 6️⃣🔤5️⃣

Jasmina has also finished my IELTS course and got 6.5, which is really impressive for her school age 😊 I have been really impressed by her WRITING SCORE: 6.5 😍

Congratulations, dear sister 🎉
“Yaxshi kunlarizga ishlating ✊”

Agar siz shu kabi natijalarga erishishni xohlasangiz, men bilan bemalol bog‘lanishingiz mumkin: @Ramazon_Safarov

Forward from: Safarov English 🇺🇿🇬🇧
#IELTS 6️⃣🔤🔤

Munisa has studied in my IELTS course for almost a year from almost very beginning. Eventually, she has finally managed to nail 6.0 in the exam. This is more than enough for her to get the maximum score in the university entrance exam 😎

Congratulations, dear sister 🎉
“Yaxshi kunlarizga ishlating ✊”

Agar siz shu kabi natijalarga erishishni xohlasangiz, men bilan bemalol bog‘lanishingiz mumkin: @Ramazon_Safarov

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I am thinking about uploading the speaking lessons prepared by an IELTS expert, Keith

Agree ❤️ or Disagree 💔

🚀 Boost Your IELTS Speaking Skills with Keith O’Hare!

Check out “Fluency for IELTS Speaking” by IELTS expert Keith O’Hare. This book, combined with video lessons, will help you:

💡 Speak fluently
🎤 Improve your intonation
💪 Build confidence

Perfect for IELTS candidates at any level!

Get ready to ace your speaking test! 🎯

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Aka, uka, opa, singil, qarindosh, qo’shni – kim ingliz tilini o’rganmoqchi bo’lsa, tavsiya qilavering! Xudo xohlasa, o’zimiz a’lo darajada ingliz tilini o’rgatamiz!😎

Assalomu alaykum hammaga.

Yap-yangi BEGINNER gruppa qidirayotganlar uchun bugun soat 16:30da siz uchun yangi gruppa ochilyabdi. Sifatli va qiziqarli Ingliz tili dars qidiryotgan bo’lsangiz, ertaga sizni kutamiz.

Daraja: Beginner (0 va undan biroz baland)
Integro, 6th floor, EVEREST
Mr Ramazon (@Ramazon_Safarov)
IELTS: 8.0 + 3
.0 yillik o’qitish tajribasi

🌟 IELTS Preparation Levels & Pricing 🌟

We offer five levels for IELTS candidates, designed to suit every stage of your learning journey! Our price policy is as follows:

📜 Price List:

1. Beginner / Elementary – 500 Uzb soms 💰 (Most Affordable!)
2. Pre-IELTS – 550 Uzb soms 💵 (Incredible Value!)
3. Introduction / Graduation – 600 Uzb soms🏅 (Worth Every Penny!)

These prices are the most competitive and reasonable in Uzbekistan! 🇺🇿

💬 What do you think? Leave your opinions in the comments!

7.6k 0 243 13 38

👨‍🏫 Teacher: Ramazon Safarov
📊 IELTS 8.0 + 3 years of teaching experience
📍 Venue: Chilanzar, Integro A block, 6th floor

🎉 New Academic Year Announcement! 🎉

I’m excited to offer 7️⃣ new groups for different levels. With my experience and proven track record, many of my students have already achieved their dream IELTS scores! 🌟 Stay tuned for the lesson times and days—coming soon in the image below!

For further info: @Ramazon_Safarov

📩 Limited spo
ts available! Don’t miss your chance to join a group and reach your goals.

Shu ikkita sertifikatim ham shu yerda turib tursinda keyinroq olaman 🤓😎😎

🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤

1. Shakhboz Kurbonov - 7️⃣⏺5️⃣
2. Abdulloh Xoldorov - 7️⃣⏺5️⃣
3. Feruza Quldosheva - 7️⃣⏺5️⃣
4. Zarina Saidova - 7️⃣🔤0️⃣
5. Rano Jontemirova - 7️⃣🔤0️⃣
6. Yulduz Mamajanova - 7️⃣🔤0️⃣
7. Ozoda Abduazizova - 7️⃣🔤0️⃣
8. Madina Turaboyeva - 7️⃣🔤0️⃣
9. Yosin Murtazayev - 7️⃣🔤0️⃣
10. Vazira Mikhlieva -7️⃣🔤0️⃣
11. Islomov Otabek - 6️⃣⏺5️⃣
12. Muhiddin Jumaniyozov - 6️⃣⏺5️⃣
13. Soliha Rixsixojayeva - 6️⃣⏺5️⃣
14. Saidaxon Imomnazarova - 6️⃣⏺5️⃣
15. Javokhir Tukhnasinov - 🔢🔢🔢

1. Mohinur Shomurodova - 🔹🔹
2. Robiya Jurakulova - 🔹🔹
3. Nurbekova Dilafruz - 🔹🔹
4. Utayev Abdumalik - 🔹🔹
5. Sabina Normo'minova - 🔹🔹
6. Madina Abdullayeva - 🔹🔹

Our results speak for us 😎😎😎

These 8 benefits of LEARNING ENGLISH must be more than enough to start English Courses from this September 😎😎😎

I guess this is the right moment for me to advertise my both Offline and Online English courses 😅😅😁😁

What do you think? 🤔

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