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​​Name: The 7 habits of highly effective people;
Type: Psychology Book;
Contains: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change ;
Published by: Franklin Covey CO.;
Level : Intermediate;
Ranking: Top;
Price: 8.9$ (but in our channel : free);
Renewed by: Azizbek Khabibullaev

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​​Name: English Grammar in Use 4th edition;
Type: Grammar book;
Contains: ®145 Units, ®Answers, ®A self-study reference;
Published by: Raymond Murphy;
Level: Intermediate;
Ranking: Top;
Price: 17$ (but in our channel: free);
Renewed by: Azizbek Khabibullaev

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These books are called Journal. One of the most useful books I found for writing task 1 and task 2.

Task 2 Journal

Never forget to enjoy the learning process


Task 1 Journal

Never forget to enjoy the learning process


The world natural resources are consumed at an ever-increased rate. What are the dangers of this situation? What should we do?

People are using increasingly more oil, coal, gold and other natural resources. While there are some dangerous problems stemming from this trend, the issues related to overconsumption of the resources can be sorted out by a number of solutions.

There can be a few dangers that might result from an increase in the use of natural resources. First and foremost, it can leave several species under the threat, leading to the decrease in diversity of flora and fauna. This is because over-using the resources is likely to result in the deterioration of soil and water composition where more than billions of wildlife hunt and live. For example, due to oil-mining industry in the Pacific Ocean, several whales and fish species perished, while others are on the verge of extinction. Another problem that the world is facing because of an increase in the natural resource consumption is the deforestation in forest zones such as the US and Canada. Because of the need for paper production and construction materials, people have been cutting the trees in this areas for such a long time that in turn it resulted in air pollution and decreased oxygen level.

With regard to the solutions, the first one probably would be to impose taxes and laws against companies and people who exceed the consumption limit set by the government. For instance, "green laws" and "Green's campaign" in my country had much or less contributed to the reduction in the use of natural resources, including coal and gas. Not only authority, but also individuals can take an action to solve the problems resulted from over-consuming. It can simply be done by planting more trees and discovering alternative materials for building accommodation such as cement, plastic and brick. Besides the aforementioned solutions, the government might encourage its citizens not to use natural resources at an exceeding rate with the help of media or making them campaign nationally.

In conclusion, although there are problems such as decrease in the number of plants and animals as well as deforestation, these issues can be tackled by the collaborative actions done by people and the gove

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In many countries more and more young people are leaving school but unable to find jobs. What problems do you think youth unemployment causes for individuals and the society? What measures should be taken to reduce the level of unemployment among youngsters?

Most youngsters, nowadays, are confronting with unemployment after graduating from their schools. Although there are two main problems ascribed to this phenomenon, the government and individuals can take a number of measures to address them.

The most serious issue resulting from a majority of unemployed youngsters is directly related to the crime rates of a country they reside in. Being reluctant to pursue their studies, some graduates want to land a job and earn a living after leaving a school. Thus, if there is no work available in the job market, the chances are that youngsters might have no choice but committing crime, ranging from burglaries, theft to even murder in the pursuit of wealth. Furthermore, being jobless in the most important stage of young people’s life is likely to make them postpone their goals, such as owning a car, getting married or building a house. To illustrate, in no way can people make their dreams come true unless they have a decent job or at least a source of money. Conversely, were it not for money people gross, millions of people would still be living in poorly-constructed houses and suffering from starvation, thus several illnesses.

Turning to possible solutions, both authority and individuals have an essential role in coping with the problems mentioned above. Firstly, government can offer more jobs to school-leavers by using different techniques. One plausible example of these would be training and preparing children to the various kinds of careers-according to their talent and preferences-from early years at school. By doing this, government can make the number of workers in particular workplaces proportional to the demand, hence, reducing the possibility of excess or scarcity of positions in certain jobs. Moreover, people themselves can achieve their goals by years of hard work, stamina and perseverance. Not only do these qualities offer a luxurious life to them, but also it shapes them into the well-rounded person and makes them more patient, determined and tolerant down the line.

In conclusion, although the problems such as increaseh in crime rates and procrastination of goals can be attributed to being unemployed after leaving the school, these problems can be tackled by the collaborative actions of government as well as

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Nowadays , many families have both parents working . Some working parents believe other family members like grandparents can take care of their children , while others think childcare centers provide the best care . Discuss both views and give your opinion .

These days , most parents are occupied with their career so they have to rely on someone to look after their children . While some people prefer to give this responsibility to childcare centers , there are others who are of the opinion that strangers in such centers cannot be as caring of children as their family members . Personally , I side with the former view .

There are certain advantages of family members looking after their children over childcare centers . First and foremost , children are often exposed to a familiar atmosphere at home whether they are with their parents or grandparents . In contrast , in the care centers , there are children from different social and cultural backgrounds , meaning that children might have a difficulty with feeling open . For example , at home , children do not usually feel shy to express their feelings , emotions and opinions . This is because they are where they were born and raised in and this is likely to give them a feeling of safety and confidence . Conversely , since children with bad behavior patterns are often sent to childcare centers , the chances are that they might spoil others as well .

Nevertheless , I support a view that childcare centers possess more benefits than homes . One of them is that there is usually a set routine and a schedule in such centers ranging from special time allocated for eating food to morning exercises . The reason for this is that there are well - trained staff in caring homes who are in charge of looking after children there and who got paid for this . Besides having a scheduled routine , care homes can make children more competitive and outgoing among their peers . As such communities are full of social events and make children engage in different activities , it is uncommon for youngsters there to be introvert . As a result , these centers tend to turn many children to well - rounded people in the long term .

In conclusion , although there is a view that family members care their young beings as much as the staff in childcare centers , I believe that the advantages of such centers are more significa
nt .

342 words

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Never forget to enjoy the learning process


Forward from: Azizbek Khabibullaev
OTA-ONA uchun NIMA kerak?

— Ota-ona uchun ularning baxtli bo'lishi uchun siz qilishingiz mumkin bo'lgan eng katta narsa bu — pul, moshina, yana qandaydir sarf-xarajatlar emas! Ularning g'ururlanishi uchun sabab bo'lib bering!

Ota-ona sizning pulingizga qarab qolgan joyi bormi?
yo'q! Falonchi-falonchi sizning o'glingizmi?, falonchi-falonchi sizning qizingizmi? — Gap yo'q, lekin sizning farzandingizga! — Ota-ona uchun bundan ortiq narsa kerak emas! O'sha davrada g'urulanib turishlari uchun sabab bo'ladi!

— 1 mln dollar qo'llariga pul berib, dunyo aylantirib, ertaga davrada yuzlarini yerga qaratib, izza qilib qo'ying, umuman kerak emas, barchasi yo'qoladi!

👆 isbotlardan biri — rasmda ham ko'rishingiz mumkin

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​​Name: Achieve IELTS 2 (5.5-7.5);
Type: Student’s Book;
Contains: ®Study guide, ®Audio CDs, ®Key, ®Tips on how to prepare;
Published by: Marshal Cavendish ELT;
Level: From 5.5 To 7.5;
Ranking: Top;
Price: 31$ (but in our channel: free);
Renewed by: Azizbek Khabibullaev

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Forward from: IELTS EDGE |all in ONE
​​🌙 You can bring a smile on face even when I am feeling sad. A friend like is a treasure to keep forever. May Allah shower his blessings on you. Eid Mubarak dear!

There is no blessing in the world greater than a true friend. I thank God every day for giving me a friend like you. Eid Mubarak to you and your family!

The most beautiful thing for me is to see you smiling. You are so close to my heart that no one can even beat you. Enjoy this Eid to the fullest. Eid Mubarak!

The month of Ramadhan has left us my friend, and the joyous occasion of Eid is present before us once more. May we all enjoy the festivities of Eid.

🙏 Eid Mubarak to all my lovely friends. May God bless us all and make us all devout and honorable Muslims.


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