Fazliddin Giyosov | IELTS 9.0

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Education

IELTS instructor at @SpotOneSchool
Personal band score: 9.0
Listening: 9.0
Reading: 9.0
Writing: 8.5
Speaking: 8.5
Run by @FazliddinGiyosov

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Overall, despite the rise in unemployment rates in Japan, the country had a lower proportion of jobless people than the UK and EU, which both showed a significant decline across the period with EU countries having the highest unemployment by 2007.

In 1993, 11% of the UK population was unemployed, slightly higher than that in the EU, at 9% whereas only 2% of the Japanese were jobless. By 1995, unemployment in the EU rose by 2% overtaking the figure for the UK, which fell by the same percentage points. Meanwhile, Japan underwent a 1% rise.

The figure for the EU kept rising until 1997 when it reached the chart-high of just below 12% before starting to decline steadily, ending at almost 8%, the highest in 2007. The UK, by contrast, experienced an uninterrupted decline till 2001, and having remained unchanged for two years as the country with the lowest unemployment rates, the figures rose marginally to 6% in the end.

Regarding the figures for Japan, there was no change in percentages until 1999, but the figures then doubled by 2003 and dropped to 4% in the last year, with the Japanese suffering the least from joblessness.



🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 7️⃣🔤5️⃣

My ZOO students are always fire!

Mufazzal was in my group called IELTS ZOO where almost all students got 7.0+. Some of them even scored an 8.0

He then went on to study in Dilmurod Isakulov's IELTS group which has surely made a great contribution to his score! All of his teachers deserve credits 👏

Congratulations Mufazzal!


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If this essay gets 100 🐳 I will share the video in which I explained how I approached the question

Overall, car ownership generally increased in the UK with a decline in the number of people having no car and most people owning at least one car by 2007. Despite the steady rise in percentages, the lowest number of people possessed more than three cars throughout.

In 1951, around 85% of the UK population did not have a private vehicle, around six times as high as those with cars combined, while no one possessed three or more cars. Over the next 25 years, people with one car nearly tripled reaching around 45%, the same percentage as those without cars who had halved by 1975. The rise was less dramatic among people with two cars and three or more cars, reaching 10% and 2% respectively.

All categories followed the same trends for the rest of the period, with people who had one car leveling off at 45%. People without cars kept declining, overtaken by those with two cars in the end, at 21% and 26% in turn. The last 32 years saw the percentage of people with three or more cars rise gradually, ending at about 8% in 2007.



1.8k 0 21 1 136

🔈well, it is perfectly fine to get feedback from GPT or other AI tools, it may also be fine to ask a band score. But, don't think that the score given by Chat GPT is the reflection of your writing knowledge.

Make sure you learn from it in the first place! ‼️

😈What's most irritating, however, is when a teacher sends his essay on his telegram channel, saying that essay could get a certain score, there's always someone who copies and pastes it to GPT and tries prove the teacher wrong - without even skimming the essay.

Prioritize learning over everything else, then you will see the magic happen! 😉

Chay GPTga essay joʻnatib IELTS boʻyicha bal qoʻyib ber deyish uchun qanaqa miya kerak? 🤔 🗒

Is there anyone in the world with solid 9.0 in IELTS?

9.0 in all sections from one test?

Sometimes I wake up with intense headache in the morning, so I decided to explore what triggers that pain in my head. At first, I thought it was the insufficient sleep or too much of it, but neither of these causes headache for me.

The answer lies in my state at the time when I woke up, in other words whether I was dreaming or not dreaming. Several of my observations proved that when I'm woken up while having a dream, I get a strange headache the whole day.

I want to explore if similar things occur in your sleep patterns. Please, share your experiences as this may have useful implications 😉

There's an article suggesting the same thing in ELS

It's not the disturbance of sleep that matters but of dreams

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💵 60.000 sums

🗓 Feb 23, 09:00AM -

🎧 will be provided for you - real-exam headphones

🗓 Deadline for registration - Feb 22 - 9.00PM

⭕️⭕️⭕️You will get feedback from top IELTS instructors in Jizzakh including the only NINER in the city


Contact @Spot_Oneadmin for registration

Guys Talk #1 - Fazliddin G'iyosov

0:21 - Tanishtiruv
3:50 - Ingliz tilini o‘rganishim qanday boshlandi?
5:50 - IELTS kursiga qanday kirganman
6:50 - Ingliz tili o’rganishda nima qiziq edi
16:35 - Menga IELTS 6 yetadi
17:00 - Birinchi IELTS natijam
20:55 - Muvaffaqiyatli o‘quvchilarning asosiy sifatlari
25:15 - Ota-onalar farzandlarini IELTS olishga majburlashi haqida fikrim
30:00 - Nega boshqa o’z o’quv markazimni ochishga qaror qildim?
34:39 - IELTSga tayyorlanayotgan o’quvchilarga eng muhim tavsiya
40:23 - General English nega muhim?
46:00 - IELTS 9 olish zararlari
50:42 - Agar moliyaviy muammo bo‘lmasa, qaysi kasbni tanlardim?
54:37 - O’qituvchilik kasbi zerikarli tuyulmaydimi?

Guys talk at @muallimsaid

We don't have a lot of Language Bloggers on Telegram

Well, I'm not saying there's no English teacher at all - just suggesting there's a handful of them sharing useful stuff for language acquisition. Yet Instagram is full of them.

Most of prominent English teachers have already become lifestyle bloggers and they are very good at keeping their audience active sharing how they're living. The problem is not in that, but in the fact that newly emerging English teachers copy what these famous teachers do now rather than what they did to get to their current level and expect to get as active audience.



subscribe to the channel and make sure you're there!🔈🔈🔈

MuallimSaid is arguably one of the best IELTS instructors in Andijan. I can't wait share insights with him!😊

Drop + if you're going to join the voice chat! ➕➕➕

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Suhbatni kutayotganlar. 5 daqiqada boshlaymiz inshaaAllah.

Tayyor turamiz 🔥

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