
Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek
Category: Telegram

Bismillah !
Instructor: Nazim Berdibekov
Personal achievements: IELTS 7.0 (×2)
Listening 8.5, CEFR C1 (×2)
For contacting: @NazimErgashevich
Results: https://t.me/ErgashevichResults
Est: January 6, 2022

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Uzbekistan, Uzbek
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✅ Fevral imtihon ruxsatnomalari e’lon qilindi

✅ O’z ruxsatnomangizni my.gov.uz sayt kabinetingizdan yuklang


Text: He is so silent that he always wants to be alone.

Question: He is an introverted man

True/False/Not Given





Text: He was one of the famous people in 19th century.

Question: He was recognizable in his era.

True/False/Not Given

Text: Jane and Ali are passionate about watching football matches.

Question: They never miss any opportunity to be in a stadium to watch football.

True/False/Not Given

Text: I'll be 30 soon

Question: I am nearly 30 years old

True/False/Not Given

Text: I never smoke a cigarette

Question: I hate Marlboro cigarette

True/False/Not Given


Text: My favourite sports are football, basketball and badmintion

Question: I am fond of basketball

Not Given

Let's do some true/false/not given task

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🧠 Ready for a spelling test ?


Assalomu aleykum Xurmatli O'quvchilar !!! Ertaga kechga bitta jonli dars o'tvoramizmi

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💡 lest


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Mana Karlsonni mag'lub etgan Abdusattorovni oxirgi yurishi maza qiling.

Agar bu mavzuga tushunmasangiz kechroq xuddi shu mavznu uchun tayyorlangan video darsni tashlayman.

🔥🔥🔥High Level Grammar 🔥🔥🔥

"Lest" – bu rasmiy yoki eski uslubdagi bog‘lovchi bo‘lib, "otherwise" yoki "in order to prevent something" (biror narsani oldini olish uchun) ma’nosida ishlatiladi. Odatda, subjunctive (bare infinitive) yoki should bilan keladi.

"Lest" + subjunctive (bare infinitive)

Bu eng rasmiy va eski uslubdagi qo‘llanilishidir. Fe’l hech qanday qo‘shimchasiz (infinitive) ishlatiladi:

✔ She spoke in a low voice lest anyone hear her.
(U hech kim uni eshitib qolmasin deb past ovozda gapirdi.)

✔ He ran fast lest he be late.
(U kech qomaslik maqsadida tez yugurdi.)

✅ "Lest" + should + verb

Bu zamonaviy ingliz tilida ko‘proq ishlatiladi:

✔ She took an umbrella lest it should rain.
(Yomg'ir yog'ib qolmasin deb soyabon olvoldi.)

✔ He wrote it down lest he should forget.
(U unutib qo'ymaslik maqsadida uni yozib oldi.)

"Lest" ni "so that...not" bilan almashtirish mumkin

Ko‘pchilik ingliz tilida "lest" kam ishlatilgani uchun uning o‘rniga quyidagi tuzilma ishlatiladi:

🔹 She spoke in a low voice so that no one would hear her.
🔹 He took an umbrella so that he wouldn't get wet.

Bu 👆 zamonaviy va kundalik tilda ko‘proq uchraydi.


Bitta High level grammar structure ko'rvoramizmi bugunam?

❤️ Zo'r bo'lardi

🔥 Vashe keremas

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