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Tashkent, Registan LC | Ahmad Donish
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Reading keys
C1 level

I. Choose the best definition for the underlined word as it is used in the passage.

1. "...a digital agora where voices..." The best answer is c) A central public space in ancient Greek cities. The passage uses "agora" to draw a parallel between ancient public spaces for debate and modern social media.

2. "...its impact on the quality of political discourse is demonstrably deleterious." The best answer is b) Harmful. "Deleterious" means harmful or damaging.

3. "This creates an echo chamber effect..." The best answer is c) An environment where opinions are reinforced through repetition. This accurately describes the concept of an echo chamber.

4. "...limitations of social media platforms... militate against the development..." The best answer is b) Prevent or work against. "Militate against" means to work against or hinder.

5. "Nuance is sacrificed at the altar of virality..." The best answer is b) The pursuit of widespread online popularity. "Virality" refers to the tendency of content to spread rapidly online.

6. "...emboldens individuals to engage in vitriolic attacks and personal invective..." The best answer is c) Abusive or venomous language. "Vitriolic" and "invective" both describe harsh, abusive language.

7. "...the diffusion of responsibility inherent in online environments..." The best answer is c) Spreading out. Diffusion means spreading or scattering.

8. "...restore a modicum of civility and nuance..." The best answer is b) A small amount. "Modicum" means a small amount.

II. Comprehension: Choose the best answer.

1. What is the main argument of the passage? The best answer is b) Social media has had a primarily negative impact on the quality of political discourse. The passage focuses heavily on the detrimental effects of social media on political discussion.

2. According to the passage, what is a primary driver of the negative effects of social media on political discourse? The best answer is b) The algorithmic prioritization of emotionally charged content. The passage explicitly states this as a major problem.

3. What does the author mean by "ideological silos"? The best answer is b) Isolated groups of people with similar political beliefs. This accurately reflects the meaning within the context of the passage.

4. According to the passage, why does anonymity contribute to negative behavior on social media? The best answer is c) It reduces the sense of personal responsibility for one's actions. Anonymity shields individuals from accountability.

5. What does the author suggest as a potential solution to the problems caused by social media? The best answer is c) Promoting media literacy and responsible online behavior. The passage advocates for education and responsible use as a solution.


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Imtihon test shaklida bo'lar ekan eshitdingizmi?

subject verb agreement.pdf
Theme: Subject-Verb Agreement
25 multiple-choice questions
Keys are provided

Teacher: Nilufar Anvarovna

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Rus tili o'rganishni boshlaganman o'zimizni Registonda โ˜บ๏ธ
Maslahatim hech bo'lmaganda bemalol gapiradigan darajada o'rganib qo'ying.
O'qishni kechi yo'q. Sizlarga motivation ๐Ÿ˜„


Assalomu alaykum everyone โค๏ธ

Grammar task
Theme: Because, because of, so
Answers are provided โœ…

Teacher: Nilufar Anvarovna

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Please be informed that, effective from January 21st, the updated pricing will be as follows:

Test fee - 2 420 000 sum
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Vaalaykum assalom. Assalomu alaykum. Menda hamma skill birdan boshlanadi.
Haftaning 3 kuni reading listening uchun qolgan 2 kuni writing speaking vocabulary va grammar uchun


Vaalaykum assalom. Assalomu alaykum sizga ham.
Asosiy yangilangan material bo'lsa bir xil tushadi. Oldingi eski material bo'lsa hammaga xar xil tushadi.
Insholar asosan bir xil bo'ladi 1 kundagi.


Va alaykum assalom. Assalomu alaykum.
Ustoz kerak aynan speaking , writing bilan ishlash uchun. Reading va listening ni o'zingiz chiqara olish ehtimoliz yuqori.
Agar ustozda o'qishni umuman imkoni bo'lmasa imtihonda tushgan writing savollarini chatgptga bo'lsa ham yozib tekshirtirib turing. Give me feedback desez bo'ldi.
Keyin kun ora soatga qo'yib mock ishlang.
Exam savollarini yodlab boring.


Har bir darajaga o'rtacha 2 oy ketadi.
Shunda 6 oy General English va 2 oy (olish sekin bo'lsa 3 oy) Multilevelga ketadi.


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