Savol: Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
(Oilangiz qaysi xonada ko‘proq vaqt o‘tkazadi?)
5.0–6.0 ball uchun javob (oddiy javob)
“My family spends most of the time in the living room because it is comfortable and spacious. We watch TV together and talk about our day.”
⏩ Sharh:
• Oddiy va aniq javob.
• Lug‘at boyligi yetarli emas.
7.0–7.5 ball uchun javob (murakkabroq javob)
“The living room is where my family spends most of our time together. It’s a cozy and inviting space where we watch movies, have discussions, and sometimes even play board games. It’s the heart of our home.”
⏩ Sharh:
• “cozy and inviting space”, “heart of our home” – Yaxshi tavsif va tabiiy iboralar ishlatilgan.
• Grammatik tuzilish murakkabroq.
8.0–9.0 ball uchun javob (yuqori darajadagi javob)
“Undoubtedly, the living room is the most frequented space in our home. It serves as a central hub where we unwind after a long day, engage in meaningful conversations, and enjoy movie nights together. The warm and welcoming ambiance makes it the perfect place for family bonding.”
⏩ Sharh:
• “most frequented space”, “serves as a central hub”, “engage in meaningful conversations” – Katta lug‘at boyligi va tabiiy ifoda.
• Gap tuzilishi murakkab va ravon.
• Juda tabiiy va IELTS 8.0+ ballga mos keladi.
• 5.0–6.0: Oddiy, lekin to‘g‘ri javob.
• 7.0–7.5: Kengroq lug‘at va tafsilotlar.
• 8.0–9.0: Boy so‘zlar, tabiiy ta’rif va murakkab gap tuzilmalari.
(Oilangiz qaysi xonada ko‘proq vaqt o‘tkazadi?)
5.0–6.0 ball uchun javob (oddiy javob)
“My family spends most of the time in the living room because it is comfortable and spacious. We watch TV together and talk about our day.”
⏩ Sharh:
• Oddiy va aniq javob.
• Lug‘at boyligi yetarli emas.
7.0–7.5 ball uchun javob (murakkabroq javob)
“The living room is where my family spends most of our time together. It’s a cozy and inviting space where we watch movies, have discussions, and sometimes even play board games. It’s the heart of our home.”
⏩ Sharh:
• “cozy and inviting space”, “heart of our home” – Yaxshi tavsif va tabiiy iboralar ishlatilgan.
• Grammatik tuzilish murakkabroq.
8.0–9.0 ball uchun javob (yuqori darajadagi javob)
“Undoubtedly, the living room is the most frequented space in our home. It serves as a central hub where we unwind after a long day, engage in meaningful conversations, and enjoy movie nights together. The warm and welcoming ambiance makes it the perfect place for family bonding.”
⏩ Sharh:
• “most frequented space”, “serves as a central hub”, “engage in meaningful conversations” – Katta lug‘at boyligi va tabiiy ifoda.
• Gap tuzilishi murakkab va ravon.
• Juda tabiiy va IELTS 8.0+ ballga mos keladi.
• 5.0–6.0: Oddiy, lekin to‘g‘ri javob.
• 7.0–7.5: Kengroq lug‘at va tafsilotlar.
• 8.0–9.0: Boy so‘zlar, tabiiy ta’rif va murakkab gap tuzilmalari.