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Qandan raqamni uchtasi bir xonali to’rttasi ikki xonali son bo’ladi?
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Forward from: Prezident maktabi testlari
👬 5 ta doʻstinggizni taklif qiling

🏆 2024-yil PREZIDENT maktabi imtixoni tushgan savollarni ishlab koʻring va bilimingizni sinang.

Test kodi:22

⭐️ Yangi savollar orqali bilimingizni tekshirib olish imkoniyati

🎯 Sizda - Matematik Mantiqiy masalalardan iborat qiziqarli savollar yechish orqali bilimingizni sinash, va test yakunlangandan soʻng Xumoyun Abdusamatov bilan test  savollari tahlilini o'rganish bilan bir qatorda ko'plab yangi bilimlarni qo'lga kiritish imkoniyati bor

🔥 Eng muhimi testda ishtirok etish mutloqo BEPUL.

‼️ Testda 3-4-sinf o'quvchilari qatnasha oladilar 😊

🎉 TESTni tekshirish uchun koʻk havola ustiga bosing.

✅ Testni tekshirish uchun:👇

👉🏻 @Eng_Math_Piima_bot

👬 Doʻstlarni taklif qilishni unutmang bu orqali ular bilan bellashib bilimingiz qanday holatdaligini aniqlab oling!!!

#results #repetitsion

2024-2025 - o'quv yili uchun

3-Repititsion test Natijalari



Writing Task 2 (AC/GT) — November 2024

🔹 The values that we learn from our parents and family have a greater influence on our future success than the knowledge and skills we learn at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

🔹 Education for young people is important in many countries. However some people think that governments should spend more money on education in adult population who can't read and write. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

🔹 The best way to make the road transport of goods safer is to ask drivers to take a driving test each year. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

🔹 Some people believe that the average age of people having children is increasing these days and that this trend may lead to problems in the future. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (GT)

🔹 Nowadays more tasks at home and work are being performed by robots. Is this a negative or positive development?

Some feel that tourism endangers culture while others feel it is beneficial. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

🔹 Competitiveness is considered a positive quality for people in most societies. How does competitiveness affect individuals? Is it a positive or a negative trend?

Writing Task 2 (AC/GT) — October 2024

🔹 Large companies should pay higher salaries to CEOs and executives compared to other workers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

🔹 Some people think government should focus on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems to help prevent illness and diseas. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

🔹 Some people find advertisements amusing or annoying and they are not influenced by this when they shop. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

🔹 Countries should produce the food that their population eats, and import as little as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

🔹 Some people believe that it is a good idea that older people continue to work if it is possible for them to do. Do you agree or disagree?

🔹 There is no need to go out to see live performances (e.g., concerts, shows) because it is better to see them on the TV or computer screen. Do you agree or disagree?

🔹 If some people get a chance to choose between life without work in spending most of the time working, then they would choose not to work. Do you agree or disagree?

🔹 Some people say that mobile phones should be banned in public places such as libraries, shops and public transport. Do you agree or disagree?

🔹 Large international sporting events cause a lot of problems to host countries so it is not worth to hold them. Do you agree or disagree with this?

🔹 Nowadays, many people in cities live in large apartment blocks. Does this kind of accommodation have more advantages or disadvantages? (GT)

🔹 Some people think that the development of technology decreases crime, while other believe it encourages criminal activity. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

🔹 Some people think that governments should spend more money on sports facilities for top athletes, others argue that this money should be spent on sports facilities for ordinary people. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

🔹 Some people believe that older employees are more valuable to a company, while others think that younger employees are more beneficial. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (GT)

🔹 Scientists believe that computers will become more intelligent than humans in the future. Some people think this as a positive development, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (GT)

🔹 Nowadays in many countries household waste e.g. food packaging is increasing day by day. What are the causes for that? How can this problem be solved?

🔹 Today, people in many countries have to spend more and more time far away from their families. Why is this happening and what effects does it have on the people themselves and on their families?

🔹 In some countries, the government provides payments for unemployed people. How does this impact individuals and the government? Do you agree or disagree with this idea? (GT)

🔹 Today, many people do not know their neighbors. Why is this? What can be done about this?

📣ISH BOR #o'quv markaz #xususiy maktab #o'qituchilar

4K ENGLISH ACADEMY Juma  filialiga va 4K ENGLISH SCHOOL - Xususiy maktabiga yangi o'qituvchilar kerak

Bizda hozirda

✅ INGLIZ tili fani
✅ Rus tili fani
✅ Ona tili

— Xushmuomalali;
— 18-40 yosh oralig'ida;
— O'z ishiga ma'suliyatli;
— Talimda o'z kelajagini ko'ra oladigan
— 8:00-12:00 yoki 13:30-17:30 gacha bo'sh bo'lish kerak

Oylik raqobatbardosh bo'ladi


Noyabr oyidan ingliz tili IELTS, CEFR, PREZIDENT maktabi guruhlari shu jumladan quyidagi fanlar uchun ham qabul boshlandi. Shoshiling!!!

✅ Ingliz tili
✅ Ona tili
✅ Rus tili
✅ Matematika
✅ Prezident maktabiga tayyorlov
✅ Maktabgacha tayyorlov

Manzil:Juma eski Ped Kollej yoni, Almaz kafe ro'parasi, Beklar qishlog' svetafor oldi va Go'zalkent Chinor restorani qarshisida

Murojaat uchun:


Kanal: @EnglishAcademY_4K

18-Noyabr, O'zbekiston Respublikasi Bayrog'i qabul qilingan Kun. Ushbu sana bulan, Barchani tabriklaymiz🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿


💥💥IT sohasiga qiziqasizmi, unda bu loyihalar aynan siz uchun!!💥💥💥

📣📣Dasturchilar dunyosiga qoʻshiling va kelajakni birga yarating!📣📣

✅4 K English Akademiyasi Beklar filialida siz kutmagan yangilik!!✅

👩🏽‍💻💻Kompyuter texnologiyalarini oʻrganishni, va yaxshigina daromad topishni istaysizmi, unda bizni markazimizga tashrif buyuring, biz siz uchun harakatdamiz.👨‍💻💻

🖥1-dekabrdan markazimizda IT sohasi boʻyicha quyidagi yoʻnalishlar buyicha oʻquv kurslar boshlanadi:🖥
1- Kompyuter savodxonligi💻
2- Dasturlash va dasturlash turlari
3- Fotoshop, reklama tayyorlash
Barchasini biz bilan oʻrganing

Kursda qatnashish uchun quyidagi telefon raqamlari orqali bogʻlanish mumkin
☎️ ☎️91. 527-38-38
Telegram: @kBeklar

#test #repetitsion #prezident #2025

REPETITSION Test soat 9:00 da

17-Noyabr, yakshanba kuni Prezident maktablariga tayyorgarlik ko'rayotganlar uchun, Al XORAZMIY va Ixtisolashtirilgan maktablari sinov testi bo'ladi.

Repetitsion tayyorgarlik testi
da ishtirok etish narxi - 30 000 soʻm.

Ushbu imkoniyatni qo'ldan boy bermang.

Joylar soni cheklangan....

Qani Bolalar, bo'sh kelmanglar!!!

☎️ Tel: +998-99-707-57-04,
📲Telegram @english_academy4K
🏛Manzil: 4K ENGLISH ACADEMY o’quv markazi Juma filiali
📍Mo'ljal: Almaz kafe ro'parasi

☝️Ro'yxatdan o'tish shart


#4K #XususiyMaktab

👨‍🏫 Shu paytgacha 4 ta Prezident, 8 ta Al Xorazmiy 30 ga yaqin Ixtisolashtirilgan maktabiga o'quvchilarni kirgizgan, Chet El mamlakatlarida Tajriba ortirgan, Ingliz tili dan C1 darajaga ega Shaxsan Dilshod Djuraev
4K ENGLISH SCHOOL - XUSUSIY MAKTABI da farzandlaringizga ingliz tilini o‘rgatadi!
Bu imkoniyatni boy bermang!

🏫 Xususiy Maktabda, Yangi Bosqichdagi ta'limga 1-4-sinflarni qabul qilamiz!!!

🚖 Taksi Xizmati Bor!

💰25-Noyabrrgacha ro'yhatdan o'tsangiz, har oylik 300-500 ming so'mgacha chegirmani qo'lga kiritasiz!!!

🎯 Bizda

✔️ Chuqurlashtirilgan Ingliz tili, Matematika va Rus tili darslari 
✔️ Prezident maktablari uchun tayyorlov dasturlari 
✔️ 2 mahal sog‘lom ovqatlanish 
✔️ Tajribali o‘qituvchilar va innovatsion ta'lim 
✔️ Qo'shimcha to‘garaklar va darsdan tashqari mashg'ulotlar 
✔️ Uy vazifalarini bajarish
✔️ 6 kunlik darslar

📍 Manzil: Juma
Eski Ped kollej yonida

☎️ @english_academy4K

+998997075704, +998995986721

Tel kanal: @EnglishAcademY_4K

Forward from: Alpen_gold 98

Shogirdim, Ma'mura ustozni shogirdlari gap yo'q tabriklayman. Shunday shogirdlardan ko'pini chiqarish nasib etsin.🙏🙏🙏 Mana Sen ham katta ustoz bo'lding endi olg'a. Ishonchimizni oqlayotgan shogirdlarimizdan👍👍👍

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