He thinks💭

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Category: Edutainment

a page filled with love, wisdom, dream, and study

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Maybe in another life

Sometimes you just wanna escape. Go far away and never come back...

Alhamduillah hamma ishlarim joyida faqat men boshqa joyda

Forward from: Metanoia
now I understand why people say you know the real value of something only when you lose it

never forget that someone is grateful to have you in their life‌‌

The most valuable gift you can give someone is your time. Because you are giving something that you can never get back.

Forward from: Mood Swings
I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way.


Биз хам бир кун Мадина кучаларини сайр киламиз онажон

When you are winning, you are not as good as you think you are.

When you are losing, you are not as bad as you think you are.

always be ready to say goodbye to anything


Akhlaq and adab are more important than beauty

- you can be anyone, just follow your dreams!

- great! then I'll be a person who sleeps 24 hours a day and gets paid for it.

I feel like I'm waiting on something that isn't going to happen.

Forward from: He thinks💭
Allohim hayotimni, o'z rahmating ila go'zallashtir. Meni to'g'ri yo'lga boshla, duolarimni qabul qilgin. Oila a'zolarim bilan munosabatimni yaxshilagin, hayotimni mehr va muhabbat bilan to'ldir. Har bir qadamimda. Sening rahmatingni his qilay, qalbimga sakinat ber...

A happy home , a healthy body and a peaceful mind are the only things worth chasing

You cannot step into the future without letting go of the past.

➖Ishonish qiyin emas, ishonsa bo'ladigan inson topish qiyin..‼️

- Nima uchun bo'lmadi deganlaringizga. Bo'lmagani uchun Alhamdulillah deysiz bir kun..!

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