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🔥Har birini o'zim yozib chiqqan Writing T1&T2 lar to'plami.

Hammasi 7+(7/7.5/8). 😮

Print qilib o'qib, o'rganinglar, guys!!!

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🔥Bu video sample da🔽
1️⃣ Time-management in Task1
2️⃣ The power of editing for +1 band. --(GRA)
3️⃣ Data+description--(TR)
4️⃣ Word-choice--(LR)
5️⃣ Appropriate well-tailored grammar structures--(GRA)
#writing #task1 #line_graph

⚠️Bu kanalga
ham o'tib obuna bo'lib qo'yasizlar, guys!!! Diyorbek bilan ancha paytdan beri birga ishlaymiz. Nasib boshlanayotgan kursimizni birgalikda olib boramiz!!!

✨Diyorbeklardan yangiliklar kutib qolamiz🍸

Forward from: IELTS 8.0 with Diyorbek📚
😐Assalomu aleykum barchaga, kelayotgan RAMAZON OYI munosabati bilan yangi marafon va darslar tashkil etilmoqda va albatta hamma darslar sizlar uchun tekin, sizdan faqat bu ma’lumotni boshqalarga ulashishni so’rab qolamiz!!!📱


Nasib, xudo xohlasa, 1-martdan boshlab kanalda regime asosida
🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 and
🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 darslarini 🆓 bepul o'tib beraman.

🤔Why? 🔽

1️⃣Ramazon oyida bilimni oshirish uchun birgalikda mehnat qilamiz, nafaqat sizga yordam beraman, balki o'zimni ham ball imni yanada yaxshilayman.
2️⃣Bu darslarni shundog'am record qilaman, lekin bu darslar boshqa yopiq kanalgagina tashlanadi, bu kanalda qolmaydi.
3️⃣Lekin darslar shu kanalda o'tiladi. Siz esa bu darslardan ancha katta foyda olib qolasiz.

📣Guys, sizlardan yordam esa mana shu kanalga do'stlaringizni taklif qilib qo'ying, ular ham foyda olishsin!!! Bu kanalimdagi auditoriyani kengaytirish maqsadida emas, shunchaki menda hozir bo'sh vaqt bor va ba'zida yaxshi ishlar ham qilib turish kerak. ⬇️


Analysis of the given essay in an audio format

4️⃣Va video+sample dan keyin menda to'liq tushuncha hosil bo'ladi va men bu mavzuga ancha yaxshi tayyorlangan bo'laman. Oxirgi bosqichda bu mavzuni men o'zim o'zimga yaxshilab tushuntirib, analyze qilib o'taman⬇️


It appears that a single long-distance flight consumes the amount of fuel that a car could use for several years, but both of these types of transportation contribute to the ongoing problem of increased air pollution. Thus, there is now a view that instead of limiting the usage of automobiles, we must reduce the number of non-essential flights. I fully agree with the given view because of the damage and the increased quantity of flights that are not important, and the diversification of car market.

Regular flights pollute the environment worse than a single car would in several years. To be specific, according to reports, one flight can consume 75 times more fuel than an automobile. Considering that there are no powerful electric alternatives to airplanes yet, this fact is alarming. Also, it must be mentioned that the number of unnecessary flights, such as the ones for business trips and insignificant tourist journeys, is on the rise. Some of these meetings can take place online, which proves a point that using hundreds of liters of fuel is not crucial for such a purpose.

Another reason why cars should not be as criticized as they are is the recent effort of popularizing electric automobiles. Put simply, electric passenger cars, such as the ones produced by Tesla and numerous Chinese manufacturers, are now regular in cities worldwide. What is really important is that local governing bodies usually promote the use of such vehicles by making it easier for people to purchase them. According to science, such cars are more eco-friendly than the ones with internal combustion engines, which means the overall damage made by automobiles as a whole is decreasing.

In conclusion, the idea of limiting the utilization of cars is not rational since a lot of effort is already being done to reduce the environmental damage by such transport. However, the harm by non-essential flights is often ignored.

317 words.

3️⃣Videoni ko'rib g'oyalar yig'ib qanday yozishni, savol aynan nimani so'rayorganini tushunaman. Va undan keyin, men shu sampleni yozib olib ichidan topilgan topic vocabulary+ideas+ grammar structure larni yaxshilab o'rganaaman.⬇️

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Lesson 2 - August 15th, 2023 ✍🏼

2️⃣Tabiiyki bu odatdagidan qiyinroq mavzu- o'sha payt men boshqa instructorlar (W8/8.5/9) larning shu mavzudagi sample va video darslarini ko'raman. ⬇️


Long distance flight consumes the amount of fuel that a car uses for many years and pollutes the air. Some people think that we should discourage non-essential flights, such as tourists travel, rather than limit the use of cars.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

1️⃣ Men o'zim qiynaladigan va yaxshi bilmaydigan yoki yozishga qiynaladigan mavzu tanlayman. ⬇️

⚠️Guys, quyida men o'zim T2 dan 7️⃣.5️⃣yozsamam bilimimni o'stirishga qiladigan ishlarimdan birini ulashaman. ⬇️

Quyida qadamlar:

🌈Can anyone send me a fresh picture of a rainbow? 📸

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📷🇬🇧Erinmasdan ko'rib ozgina his qilinglar, iltimos. Ingliz tilisiz ham yashasa bo'ladi.

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😎Instant gratification😄

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