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Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Education

Class of 2028
Major: Economics and Data Science
Contact: @ttemmurr

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Ikki do'st bo'lgan ekan, ulardan biri:
- Kel do'stim, chekishni tasheymiz
- E nega? - debti ikkinchisi
- Agar chekishni tashlasak, anchagina pulni tejab qolamiz
- Hm, unda kel ichishniyam tasheymiz
- O'xxo'o', buncha pulni nima qilamiz keyin - debti

Forward from: NEWUU Student Affairs
📌Spring 2025 self-registration for the class schedule Now Available

Dear Students,

As you know we have conducted course registration for the Spring 2025 semester, and now we are pleased to inform you that the self-registration for the class schedule for the Spring 2025 semester is now open.

❗️Steps to Create Your Schedule:

⚫️Read the Guidelines Carefully:
Please refer to the "Spring 2025 Schedule Creation Guidelines" material available on the Student Wiki.

⚫️Access the guidelines via this link:
👉 Spring 2025 Schedule Creation Guidelines.

⚫️Check the List of Courses:
You can view the list of courses available for your program in the next semester via the following link:
👉 Course List for Spring 2025.

⚫️Follow the Instructions:
Ensure you understand the process thoroughly to avoid any errors during schedule creation.

⚫️Complete Your Schedule by the Deadline:
The deadline for schedule creation is🗓 January 3, 2025.

❗️❗️❗️ If you don't register for the class schedule, you cannot attend the class in Spring semester.
❗️❗️❗️ Do not forget to register for all Lecture, Tutorial (Practice) and Laboratory classes if there are any for the designated courses.

We encourage you to act promptly and carefully during this process.

Should you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to Academic Affairs.

Thank you for your attention, and we wish you success in preparing for the upcoming semester!

Best regards,
Academic Affairs

Assalomu alaykum hammaga, Spring 2025dagi kurslarga registratsiya ochildi

Forward from: Shunchaki...
Abdulloh Mahmudov mening Zoom orqali tanishgan, faqat onlayn o'qitgan o'quvchim.
U haqida PMda doim eng yuqori ball olib o'qigan o'quvchim - xolavachchasi - aytgan va qarindoshlar bir - biriga o'xshasa kerak degan yaxshi gumon bilan birga ishlashga rozi bo'lgan edim.
Abdulloh bilan o'tgan o'quv yilidan beri adabiyot kursi doirasida suhbatlashamiz. Asarlar tahlil qilamiz.

U har safar o'ziga xos qarashlari, xulosalari bilan hayratga soladi.

Mana bu xabar esa eng yoqimlisi bo'ldi:
Abdulloh MIT universitetining bakalavriga kirgan 1-o'zbek farzandi bo'libdi.

Faxr tuydim.
Havas qildim.
Duo qildim.
Alloh bizning farzandlarimizga-da mana shunday ta'lim dargohlarida o'qishni nasib qilsin deb astoydil orzu qildim.
Bu xursandchilikni sizlar bilan ham baham ko'ray dedim.

Forward from: Alisher Sadullaev
⚡️Yilning so‘nggi va eng exclusive marafoni spikerlari bilan tanishing!

12 soat davomida, onlayn tarzda, turli xil davlatlarning top universitetlari talabalari bilan suhbatlashamiz. Ushbu talabalar ro‘yxati bilan tanishishingiz mumkin.

Kechagi post izohlarida ko'rsatilgan Garvard, Stanford, Yale hamda Princeton kabi TOP universitetlarida ta'lim olayotgan yoshlar bilan muloqot qila olasiz. O'zingizni qiziqtirgan savollarni ularga bera olasiz. Umid qilamanki, Sizlar uchun juda foydali muloqot bo'ladi.

Sana: 20-dekabr.

Ko'chada bolalar salom beryapti😊. Biz ham katta bo'ldik.

not bad, not bad😐

For not everyone😅

Microeconomics 1 results are out

Calculus nechchi chiqdi

I need this one😉

How was the exam?😆

Bir narsani aytmoqchiman, Calculus 1dan bu yilgi final exam o`tkan yilnikidan ancha qiyin bo`ldi🤧

Microeconomics 1, assignment 2 results are out

Guys can you send the questions you remember?

Hammasi yaxshi bo'lib ketadi xudo xohlasa😁)

20 last posts shown.