Forward from: KingyTon
Balance Conversion
Nothing will change for you, as all Tokenomics will remain the same (!)
In-game currency, balances, and total supply would have 4 zeros less to make it easier to read the token price after TGE, ensuring greater comfort and usability of tokens within the app in the future.
👉 @SpinnerCoinBot
👉 @SpinnerCoinBot
✅ @KingyTon
Nothing will change for you, as all Tokenomics will remain the same (!)
In-game currency, balances, and total supply would have 4 zeros less to make it easier to read the token price after TGE, ensuring greater comfort and usability of tokens within the app in the future.
👉 @SpinnerCoinBot
👉 @SpinnerCoinBot
✅ @KingyTon