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We ask that you do not bring electrical appliances with you to hospital. TV, radio and payphones are provided.

Telephone services are provided through coin or card operated telephones.



952 0 3 43 14

Bugun maktab va universitetlarda kursdoshlar bilan "women's day partycha" qilolmaydigan qizlarning holati (photo)


πŸ”‰Writing da quyidagilar bilan muammo bormi?
βœ… ideas
βœ… vocabulary
βœ… complex grammar

Bugun kechqurun Sirojiddin aynan shu mavzuda zo'r dars o'tib bermoqchi.

❌ Bu shunchaki Chat GPT yoki AI haqida dars emas, umuman boshqacha bo'ladi.

Dars qachon bo'lishi haqida esa bu yerda:

Personal recommendation.

Dars shu kanalda bo'ladi: @RS_IELTS

Forward from: Sirojiddin's blog

⏰ Bugun - 19:30

βœ… Idea muammosi
βœ… Vocabulary muammosi
βœ… Complex Grammar muammosi bo'yicha zo'r dars o'tib beraman

❌ Bu hech qanaqa Chat GPT yoki AI haqida dars bo'lmaydi.

πŸ’¬ O'tgan safar xuddi shunaqa darsga kirganlarni fikrlarini ko'rishiz mumkin.

Darsga kirmoqchi bo'lganlar, commentda bitta "+" qoldiring.

Forward from: StepUp English
Bicycle 🚲 words


Forward from: Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0)
I usually don’t post such messages because there tends to be some suspicion about the money being donated. However, this case is true and is related to my student.

Her mother is seriously ill (I don’t want to get into detail), so I thought it would be nice if we could donate to help with an expensive treatment.

I already made my donation, but if we collaborate, we could help save a life and prove that miracles do happen.

Here’s the card of a receiver (my student):

9860606744318894 (ΠœΠΈΡ€Π·Π°Π΅Π²Π° М.)

She is doing her best to take care of her mom, but the financial pressures of this world can obviously be too large for one person to solve such issues.



2.4k 0 21 28 178

Sign up for Pre-IELTS and IELTS courses by texting @Bafoyev_Farrukh

Pre-IELTS va IELTS guruhlariga qabul haliyam going on! Text @Bafoyev_Farrukh


Another day in the office!
Six 7+ certificates on a beautiful Friday is wholesome!


The pie chart shows the proportion of various kinds of rubbish cleaned up during an event, while the table illustrates what solid waste was collected from three locations in kilograms.

Overall, cigarette butts, found everywhere alongside containers of various kinds, were the most common type of litter, while Diego Beach was the most littered place where tires accounted for the largest proportion.

Cigarette remains accounted for two-fifths of all the litter picked up – a significant gap from others. For instance, plastic bottles – the second most found rubbish – followed with only 21 percent. Straws were the least located type of refuse with a mere 8 percent. Each accounting for around a tenth, glass, aluminum cans and others made up similar proportions of total clean-up.
As for locations, with 66 kilograms, Arden Park was responsible for the least volume of rubbish gathered half of which was glass. Volunteers picked up 24 kilograms of aluminum cans from this area, which was almost three times as much as cigarette butts. Diego Beach – the location with the largest amount of waste – was the only place where they collected tires which constituted almost half of all the refuse collected. The second most found rubbish was cigarette butts, with 161 kilograms. This figure doubled that of plastic bottles from the same spot. Memorial Park, while being the second most littered area of the three, was mostly filled with cigarette butts, with participants gathering 214 kilograms of those. The plastic bottles accounted for less than a third of Memorial Park rubbish. Aluminum cans located here alone were 66 kilograms, matching the total amount of waste cleaned up from the first location.

Word count: 250+
Band score: 7.5


Older people end up in hospitals more often than younger people.

There are more hospitals for old people than for young people.



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- What goes through the mind of a Task 1 Sevener while writing a report


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eng ko'p πŸ‘ olganiga LIVE SAMPLE yozamiz

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