Part 2
7) Q: How do college admissions officers evaluate my essay?
A: Each school has its own criteria and different readers will prefer different elements. Some universities most look to the essay to assess a student's writing ability while others are less interested in writing ability and more interested in a student's story.
8) Q: So which is more important: your story or your writing skill?
A: Both are important. A good story, well told. That's your goal.
9) Q: How do I structure my essay?
A: You can write in Narrative Structure and Montage Structure. Narrative structure is writing like one story. If you want to write about 3-4 different things, you can use Montage structure.
10) Q: How much do essays matter?
A: It depends on the college, but generally between 10%-30%. Essays tend to matter more for small schools, or schools who look at applications holistically.
11) Q: If my grades are bad, can I get into Harvard with a great essay?
A: Nope. Schools look at your GPA, course rigor and test scores more than anything. When you're being compared to other students with similar GPA/SAT scores, that's when the essays can make or break your chances. Harvard is great, but there are a lot of other awesome schools too. For a list of Colleges That Change Lives, Google "Colleges That Change Lives."
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7) Q: How do college admissions officers evaluate my essay?
A: Each school has its own criteria and different readers will prefer different elements. Some universities most look to the essay to assess a student's writing ability while others are less interested in writing ability and more interested in a student's story.
8) Q: So which is more important: your story or your writing skill?
A: Both are important. A good story, well told. That's your goal.
9) Q: How do I structure my essay?
A: You can write in Narrative Structure and Montage Structure. Narrative structure is writing like one story. If you want to write about 3-4 different things, you can use Montage structure.
10) Q: How much do essays matter?
A: It depends on the college, but generally between 10%-30%. Essays tend to matter more for small schools, or schools who look at applications holistically.
11) Q: If my grades are bad, can I get into Harvard with a great essay?
A: Nope. Schools look at your GPA, course rigor and test scores more than anything. When you're being compared to other students with similar GPA/SAT scores, that's when the essays can make or break your chances. Harvard is great, but there are a lot of other awesome schools too. For a list of Colleges That Change Lives, Google "Colleges That Change Lives."
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