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Category: Education

🇺🇲 Admissions process to US universities
🏫 Learn how to apply to universities for free
💰 Win full scholarships
If you need any help, you can contact me at @ismat7

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This file includes so many other statistics, like how many people applied in which application cycle (Early Decision, Regular Decision, etc), what were the states that received the most applications, and many more.

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I have a great idea 💡

Who has SAT English 700+ or Math 780+. If you do, please, contact me at @ismat7.

Teaching experience would be an additional bonus.

If you aren't interested, please watch this video.


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📹 STATS & Extracurriculars that GOT ME INTO HARVARD, MIT, STANFORD, YALE + MORE!! *sat, gpa, aps, awards, ecs


Hey guys, who wants to watch a video of a girl who got into Harvard. She talked about every part of her application

If you want, let me know with reactions and comments 🔥

💸 How much it costs

Full support 290,000 sum

Half support 140,000 sum

Technical support 90,000 sum

Start applying now: @ismat7

🚀 Exciting news

If you are interested in Türkiye burslari scholarship and don't know how to apply or having technical problems, don't miss out this opportunity!

• Full support—I'll do everything by myself and apply to the scholarship, the only thing you need to do is giving some documents

• Half support—Solving any technical problems and reviewing your application

• Technical support—creating account, login and any other technical support

💯 Guarantee
If I can't solve your problem or can't submit your application, I'll give your money back.

7 days left so hurry up! Start your application today!

Register: @ismat7

🇹🇷 Full ride scholarship in Turkey

🇹🇷Turkiye Burslari - Turkiya hukumati tomonidan moliyalashtiriladigan bakalavriat, magistratura va doktorantura talabalari uchun stipendiya dasturidir. Stipendiya xorijlik talabalarni Turkiya universitetlarida (ham davlat, ham xususiy) bepul ta’lim olish imkoniyatini taqdim qiladi. Stipendiya barcha xarajatlaringizni 100% qoplaydi.

💫 Afzalliklari:
- turar joy,
- ovqatlanish,
- aviachipta
- tibbiy sug'urta
-oylik stipendiya bakalavr bosqichidagilarga - ₺3500~$100
- 1 yil mobaynida Turk tili kursi🇹🇷🇹🇷

Barcha mamlakatdan arizalar qabul qilinadi

Deadline: 2024-yil 20-fevral

Apply 👇👇


These are YouTube channels I have been following.
Can you also share your favorite channels?

There's 25% discount if you have IELTS 6.5+ or SAT 1300+

Do not miss such opportunity!

📌 Are you having problems in your college application journey?

Get individual consultation from me(I got into Gettysburg college with 90% scholarship)

☎️ Book a consultation: @ismat7

I got into Gettysburg college and won Presidential scholarship 🥳🎉🎉

Yeap, I did get rejected last year from this college but there's some truth in not giving up 😅

Also, I'd like to say it's the end. We gotta keep going!


Hey guys, something good has happened just now 👀

Here is the list of top 1000 universities.

Many students are obsessed with ranking like "I will apply to only top 200", but here's the catch. If it's your application is good enough, apply to 5-10 top universities, but also apply to some of generous universities that aren't high ranked. As long as your university is in top 1000, you are okay.

Rankings TOP-1000_2025.pdf
#TOP1000 #Reyting

⚡️Diplomlari to‘g‘ridan to‘g‘ri tan olinadigan TOP-1000 talikka kirgan OTMlar ro‘yxati

Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi tomonidan 2025-yil uchun tasdiqlangan xalqaro e’tirof etilgan tashkilotlarning (Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings, Times Nigher Education, Academic Ranking of World Universities) reytingida oliy ta’lim muassasalari orasida birinchi 1 000 o‘rinni egallagan xorijiy oliy ta’lim muassasalari ro‘yxati tasdiqlandi.

Ushbu ro‘yxat 2025-yil uchun e’lon qilingan bo‘lib, har yili yangilanib turadi.

Ma’lumot uchun, TOP-1000 oliygohlarni tamomlagan talabalarning diplomlari O‘zbekistonda imtihon sinovlarisiz tan olinadi (nostrifikatsiya qilinadi).

🏛️ Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Qatar

Fully funded scholarship

🇶🇦Host Country : Qatar
🎓Degree Level : Bachelor's, Ms & PhD
📆Deadline : Feb 2, 2025

💰Financial Benefits:

• QAR 5000 Stipend/ Month+ Accommodation+ Return Ticket/Year (MS)
• QAR 7500 Stipend/ Month+ Accommodation + Return Ticket/Year (PhD)
• Undergraduate Students can apply for Merit-Based scholarships or Financial Loan

Check university official website for detailed information.

♻️ Sharing is caring

Here are some reviews from a person who got 1 hour consultation from me yesterday (actually, the meeting lasted more than an hour)

During the consultation, I reviewed her Common app, edited ECs, honors, university list and other sections of Common app. Also, answered the other questions she asked during the session.

So, if you also need a consultation, contact me at @ismat7

Hurry up!

FLEX is an amazing program that allows you to study and live in the USA for 1 year. It's mainly for those born between July 15, 2008 – July 15, 2010. If you win, you will go and study in US school and live with American family.

They cover all of your expenses, so if you are interested, learn more and apply!

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🔘 Exchange Programs Marathon with Ro'ziniso Olimjonova.


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