Abdurahmon Sulaymonov | BLOG

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🔰15 years old
🏫 Mukhammad al-Khwarizmi
📝IELTS: 7.0
🔑: Who care's? Keep going...

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✨I took a shot at the presidency, but the competition was on a whole different level—way beyond what I expected.
Sometimes, experiences like this just remind me to keep pushing forward, no matter what. They also serve as a reality check—there will always be someone better than you in any field.

🌟At the end of the day, it all comes back to this quote (which may or may not be from Marcus Aurelius, but it’s 100% true):
"When you're winning, you're not as good as you think you are. When you're losing, you're not as bad as you think you are. You're just a MAN.

🫥 Anyway, it is what it is. I keep moving forward.

Huge thanks to my boy: @BehruzXamitov."

🌙 Ramadan: A Month of Reflection, Devotion, and Blessings 🌙

Ramadan is not only a time for spiritual growth but also a journey of profound personal transformation. More than abstaining from food and drink, it is a season of grace, selflessness, and deep connection through the recitation of the Holy Qur’an.

During this blessed time:
✨ We fast from dawn till dusk, practicing patience and gratitude.
🤲 We strengthen our connection with Allah through prayer and recitation of the Quran.
💛 We give to those in need, embodying the spirit of charity and kindness.

Ramadan. May this month bring peace, joy, and countless blessings to you and your loved ones!

#Ramadan #RamadanMubarak #SpiritualJourney #Fasting #Blessings

📜Babur was a direct descendant of Tamerlane (Timur) on his father’s side and Genghis Khan on his mother’s side. This way, he kept an upper hand in wars and made a strong claim to leadership

👑In 1494, Babur became the ruler of Fergana when he was only 12 years old after his father’s unexpected death.

⚰️Babur died in 1530 at the age of 47, but there is a legend that when his son Humoyun diagnosed with incurable disease, Babur prayed to take his son’s illness upon himself.

Read More....

#Valentine_version #joke_time

1. How do vampires know if they had a successful Valentine's Day?
They believe in love at first bite
2. What did the man say to his banker on February 14?
You have caught my interest
3. Who always has a date on Valentine's Day?
A calendar
4. How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend?
He gave her a ring
5. What did the car say to the tire?
Wheel you be my Valentine?
6. What did the whale say to his sweetheart on Valentine's Day?
Whale you be mine?
7. What candy never shows up on time?
8. What did the omelet say to the toast on Valentine's Day?
“You're eggs-actly my type.”

📌 Stay Tuned For More

📜 Tole’ yo‘qi jonimg‘a balolig‘ bo‘ldi,

Har ishniki, ayladim – xatolig‘ bo‘ldi.

O‘z yerni qo‘yib, Hind sori yuzlandim,

Yo Rab, netayin, ne yuz qarolig‘ bo‘ldi.

#Happy #Baburs_542


📌Stay tuned!

#joke_time #part3

I decided to sell my vacuum cleaner.
Because it was just gathering dust
Why shouldn’t you trust atoms?
Because they make up everything
Why did the hairdresser win the race?
He knew a shortcut
How was Rome split in two?
With a pair of Caesars

1 -> 🔥
2 -> 🤣
3 ->😁

4 ->🆒

Self-discipline is not a mushroom that springs up of itself without the need for gardener. It is like a flower that needs energy,time, and investment. You have to constantly take care of this flower. Think of yourself as a gardener and ask yourself what kind of gardener you are for your flower. You plant the seeds the moment you stop coating through life and prioritize long-term rewards over instant gratifications. However, this moment is just the very beginning; as in the case of planting the seed for a new flowering plant, there’s a lot of time and energy you’ll still need to invest to make it bloom. If you want to have a beautiful plant, you can’t water it occasionally or move it from one place to another every other week.

#book #quotes

Read books! They will save your life one day


1. What’s the difference between a $20 steak and a $55 steak?
February 14th (Valentine's day)

2. What's the best thing about Switzerland?
The flag is a big plus

3.If your house is cold, just stand in the corner.
It’s always 90 degrees there

Which one you liked the most?
1 -> 🔥
2 -> 🤣
3 ->😁

"You need to beware of relying too much on others"
-Marcus Aurelius

You will never see any Real Madrid related post in any time soon!

Sealed within the fortress walls of rigid consistency, we can be impervious to the sieges of reason.

What a beautiful quote!
#book #quotes

Don’t just dream about success—work for it. May this year be the one where all your efforts pay off. Happy New Year!

Starting point: 31.12.2024

🔰"He never shows pity for his victims; instead, he regards them as pawns to move around and kill in order to create what he terms a “work of art”—his perfect killing spree."

✒️Nahotki reja shunchalar muxta, odamlar shunchalik go'l, she'r esa shunchaki qotillikning ssenariysi bo'lsa? Inson ko'zi ko'rmagan va qulog'i eshitmagan qotillik deb shuni aytishsa kerak.

⚡️Gap shundaki, Janob A.N. Onim 9 ta professionalni xat yollab mish-mishlar bilan ko'milib yotgan orolga taklif qiladi( ularning barchasi qaysidir ma'noda qotillikka qo'l urgan biroq qonun oldida xuddi aybsizdek). Ularning she'rdagidek o'lim topishi juda ham hayratlanarli.

O'nta negr bolasi, bordi tushlik qilgani,
Biri tiqilib o'ldi, to'qqiz qoldilar bari.
To'qqiz negr bolasi miriqib qildi tushlik,
Biri uyg'ona olmay, sakkiz qoldilar sho'rlik.
Sakkiz negr bolasi yurdilar Devon tomon,
Biri ortga qaytmadi, qoldilarku yettovlon.
Yetti negr bolasi o'tin yordilar birga,
Birini o'zi chopdi, olti qoldi nahorga.
Olti negr bolasi asalari boqishdi,
Beshta qolishdi so'ngra, birini ari chaqdi.
Beshta negr bolasi qozilikni boshlashdi,
Birini sud qilishgach, nochor to'rtta qolishdi.
To'rtta negr bolasi cho'mildilar dengizda,
Biri qarmoqqa tushdi, uchovlon qoldi birga.
Uchta negr bolasi bordi xayvonot bog'i,
Birini ayiq tutdi, ikkisi ekan sog'i.
Ikki negr bolasi yotdi jaziramada,
Biri kuyib bo'ldi kul, qoldi biri aftoda.
So'nggi negr bolasi xorg'in atrof qaradi,
So'ngra o'zini osdi, keyin hech kim qolmadi.

📝Eng yaxshi bob?
- Asar oxirida barcha qotilliklar boshida kim turgani bayon qilinadi, shu tufayli oxirgisi bo'lsa kerak.

1. Qotil hech qachon jazosiz qolmaydi. Oxiri oqibat, oroldagi barcha narigi dunyoga ravona bo'lishdi. (eng ashaddiylari eng oxirgi, kichikroq ayb qilganlar birinchi)

2. Eng yaxshi himoya - hujum. Buni asar o'qish davomida bilib olishingiz mumkin.

3. Inson psixologiyasi va jinoyat hissi. Asar avvalida har bir professionalni, jumladan Vera, Makartur, Antoni Marston, Mr/Mrs Rodjerslar, Miss Brent, Blor, Filipp Lombard, Armstrong va sudya Uorgreyv, qotillikda ayblashadi. Ular bu qotillikda bevosita aloqador bo'lmasada, qilgan bu qabih ishlari ularning ich-etlarini kun-u-tun yemirardi. Ba'zilari qilgan ishlari uchun ertami-kechmi iqroq bo'lishdi biroq surishtiruv paytida ular o'z ayblarini yashirishdi, biroq qanchalar yashirishmasin, ularning sirini oroldagi faqat bir odam bilardi.

Kitob detektiv janriga qiziqadiganlar uchun chinakam sirli va o‘ziga tortuvchi asar. Menga shaxsan 10/10 lik asar

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Siz uchun 2024-yil bir so'zda?👇

Finished it yesterday

📚Wait for the summary...

Starting point: 30.12.2024

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