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“Yaqindan tanishsang, ajdarni ham vahshiy emasligini tushunasan.”

Hammasi yaxshi edi. Tun kirgunicha.

Forward from: Mood Swings
Falling in love is a disease and its cure is to marry the one you love.

Ibn al-Qayyim (r.)

Kitob so'rasang, kutubxona qurib berishga tayyorman.

4.6k 0 119 1.1k

"Do more of what looks like work to others but is play for you."

— Kevin Kelly

"Don't compare your inside to someone else's outside."

— Kevin Kelly

It is just a bad day, not a bad life.

Balki, asl baxt shudir.

Qalbing boshlab kelsinchi, qani.

Hamma hidlagan gul hidlashga arzimaydi.

Hayajonni sog'inibman.

Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere.

Men telbaman.

Qachonlardir birga iftorlik qilamiz.

9.6k 1 140 1.2k

"You will be judged on how well you treat those who can do nothing for you."

— Kevin Kelly

"Cultivate an allergy to average"

— Kevin Kelly

You will learn a lot more if you ask people "how are you sleeping" instead of "how are you doing?"

— Kevin Kelly

You save everybody, but who saves you?

You don’t lose someone who was never yours, but it still feels like a loss.

"It is not a compliment if it comes with a request."

— Kevin Kelly

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