Abduraxmon Abdusaitov

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Category: Linguistics

🌍 Road to IELTS and Multilevel test
Contact: @Abdusaitov_Abduraxmon || C1

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⚠️ I was absent on the last lesson.
⚠️ Men ohirgi darsda yo'q edim.

⚠️ I'm ready. Shall I begin?
⚠️ Men tayyorman. Boshlasam bo’ladimi?

⚠️ May I come in?
⚠️ Kirsam bo’ladimi?

⚠️ May I go out, please?
⚠️ Chiqsam maylimi?

⚠️ May I join the class / group?
⚠️ Sinfga qo’shilsam bo’ladimi?

⚠️ Sorry for being late.
⚠️ Kech qolganim uchun uzur.

⚠️ What do we have to do now?
⚠️ Biz hozir nima qilishimiz kerak?

⚠️ What page are we on?
⚠️ Biz hozir qaysi betdamiz?

⭐️ 💬 🌐 📌 🤝🤝🤝🤝

➡️ Abduraxmon Abdusaitov ⬅️

Speaking Idioms (@AbduraxmonAbdusaitov).pdf

Idioms for Speaking🌵

✅ Speaking’da ishlatish mumkin bo’lgan top 50ta idiomalar to’plami!

⭐️ 💬 🌐 📌 🤝🤝🤝🤝

➡️ Abduraxmon Abdusaitov ⬅️

Simon Topic Ideas (@AbduraxmonAbdusaitov).pdf
Ideas, Opinions and Vocabulary for
IELTS Writing Task 2 and Speaking Part 3 ...

⭐️ 💬 🌐 📌 🤝🤝🤝🤝

➡️ Abduraxmon Abdusaitov ⬅️



⭐️ 💬 🌐 📌 🤝🤝🤝🤝

➡️ Abduraxmon Abdusaitov ⬅️

📍 Siz bugungi imtihonni qayerda topshirdiz ... ?

You are part of a sports commitee at your school, write suggestion letter to a school principal on the improvement of sport facilities to school.

Testda tushayotgan savollarni jo'natib qo'yish esdan chiqmasin @Abdusaitov_Abduraxmon

Test listening part 6 xato audio qo'yildimi keyin yana qayta to'g'risi varianti qo'yib berildimi?

Assalomu alaykum! Barcha Multilevel imtihonga kirayotganlar yaxshi topshirib chiqingsizlar. Yo'lingizni bersin, omadingizni bersin!



#idioms #AbduraxmonAbdusaitov

A party girl - bazmlarga qatnashishni yaxshi ko’radigan qiz

Work like a dog - qattiq ishlamoq

As easy as ABC - judayam oson

It’s easier said than done - aytishga osonu, qilishga qiyin

Put in my soul and heart - chin yurakdan, astoydil mehnat qilmoq

Break a leg - omad tilayman

⭐️ 💬 🌐 📌

➡️ Abduraxmon Abdusaitov ⬅️


🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️ 1️⃣

#writing #task_1 #IELTS #essay #line_graph #AbduraxmonAbdusaitov

The first line graph compares the production figures of steel with actual demand while the second one illustrates employment figures in a particular country from January to December.

Overall, although the production of steel was in surplus nearly the entire period, it fell substantially in the final quarter. On the other hand, there was a significant variation in the actual demand for steel over the year, surpassing supply towards the end. Furthermore, there was a considerable decline in the number of employed workers.

Regarding steel production figures, steel production was at 4,000 in January, followed by a rise to a peak of 5,000 the next month. This figure, however, fell back to 4,000 in March, remaining constant at this point until August, when it dipped to a low of about 3,000. Even though the figure recovered to another peak of 5,000 in September, it had nose-dived to a chart low of just under 1,000 by December.

Meanwhile, actual demand for steel fluctuated between 2,000 and 3,000 until October, before plunging to well under 1,000. In the final month, however, the figure bounced back to 2,000, overtaking supply.

Similarly, the figure for employment was also rather erratic over the year. Despite peaking at around 5,500 in February, the employment figure plummeted to 3,000 the following month, standing steady at this point until May. The figure further declined by 500 in June, but it had gone back up to 3,500 by August. The fourth quarter, however, saw this figure diminish to an all-time low of 1,000.

2⃣5⃣4⃣ 🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️

➡️ Abd
uraxmon Abdusaitov ⬅️

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Gentraga puli bor, lekin ta'limga puli yoq, negaa?

💟💟💟 🩵🩵🩵 ✅ Choose the today's lesson ...!!! ☄️ Stay tuned in our channel and leave reactions ❤️ and also share to your friends ✈️ ...!!! ➡️ @multileveltestt ➡️ @AbduraxmonAbdusaitov
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118 votes

✅ Bugun kechlikka WRITING ekanda...☺️😊

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I move the sky day and night
I dance with the wind and the rain
A little love a little honey
and I dance
And in noise I run and I am afraid
So my turn?
the pain comes....
All over Paris
I abandon myself
and I go back away

➡️ Abduraxmon Abdusaitov ⬅️

💟💟💟 🩵🩵🩵 ✅ Choose the today's lesson ...!!! ☄️ Stay tuned in our channel and leave reactions ❤️ and also share to your friends ✈️ ...!!! ➡️ @multileveltestt ➡️ @AbduraxmonAbdusaitov
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  •   📈 Improve Vocab (advanced) ...!!!
146 votes

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🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️ 9⃣

📹 IELTS Speaking Band 9 Deep Analysis
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➡️ Abduraxmon Abdusaitov ⬅️

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