Ingliz tilida informal va formal so'zlar o'rtasida farq qilish muhimdir, chunki bu tilni qanday ishlatishingizga bog'liq. Quyida informal va formal so'zlar uchun bir nechta misollar keltirilgan:
Informal so'zlar:1. Gonna - "going to"
• Misol: "I'm gonna go to the store."
2. Wanna - "want to"
• Misol: "Do you wanna grab lunch?"
3. Kids - "children"
• Misol: "The kids are playing outside."
4. Cool - "acceptable" yoki "good"
• Misol: "That movie was really cool!"
5. Bunch - "a lot" yoki "many"
• Misol: "I have a bunch of homework to do."
6. Grab - "take" yoki "get"
• Misol: "Let's grab a coffee."
7. Yeah - "yes"
• Misol: "Yeah, I agree with you."
8. Stuff - "things"
• Misol: "I have a lot of stuff to do today."
▎Formal so'zlar:
1. Going to - "gonna"
• Misol: "I am going to visit the store."
2. Want to - "wanna"
• Misol: "Would you like to have lunch?"
3. Children - "kids"
• Misol: "The children are playing outside."
4. Acceptable yoki satisfactory - "cool"
• Misol: "The film was quite satisfactory."
5. Many yoki numerous - "bunch"
• Misol: "I have numerous assignments to complete."
6. Obtain yoki acquire - "grab"
• Misol: "Let us obtain some refreshments."
7. Yes - "yeah"
• Misol: "Yes, I concur with your opinion."
8. Items yoki materials - "stuff"
• Misol: "I have many items to address today."
▎Qanday foydalanish kerak:
• Informal til do'stlar, oila yoki tanishlar bilan suhbatlashganda ishlatiladi.
• Formal til ish muhitida, akademik yozuvlarda yoki rasmiy uchrashuvlarda qo'llaniladi.
Bu misollar orqali siz formal va informal tilni qanday f va qachon qaysi uslubda foydalanishni o'rganishingiz mumkin.
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