10 important collocations
1. Make a decision – qaror qabul qilmoq
Example: I need to make a decision about my future.
2. Take responsibility – javobgarlikni o‘z zimmasiga olmoq
Example: He needs to take responsibility for his actions.
3. Do homework – uy vazifasini bajarmoq
Example: She always does her homework on time.
4. Have an opportunity – imkonga ega bo‘lmoq
Example: We have an opportunity to travel abroad next year
5. Break the rules – qoidalarni buzmoq
Example: Students who break the rules will face consequences
6. Catch a cold – sovuq qotib kasal bo‘lmoq
Example: I caught a cold after walking in the rain
7. Pay attention – e’tibor bermoq
Example: Please pay attention to the teacher during class
8. Save money – pulni tejamoq
Example: I’m trying to save money for a new car
9. Keep a promise – va’dasini bajarish
Example: He always keeps his promises
10. Spend time – vaqt o‘tkazmoq
Example: I like to spend time with my family on weekends
1. Make a decision – qaror qabul qilmoq
Example: I need to make a decision about my future.
2. Take responsibility – javobgarlikni o‘z zimmasiga olmoq
Example: He needs to take responsibility for his actions.
3. Do homework – uy vazifasini bajarmoq
Example: She always does her homework on time.
4. Have an opportunity – imkonga ega bo‘lmoq
Example: We have an opportunity to travel abroad next year
5. Break the rules – qoidalarni buzmoq
Example: Students who break the rules will face consequences
6. Catch a cold – sovuq qotib kasal bo‘lmoq
Example: I caught a cold after walking in the rain
7. Pay attention – e’tibor bermoq
Example: Please pay attention to the teacher during class
8. Save money – pulni tejamoq
Example: I’m trying to save money for a new car
9. Keep a promise – va’dasini bajarish
Example: He always keeps his promises
10. Spend time – vaqt o‘tkazmoq
Example: I like to spend time with my family on weekends