Azamat IELTS | 8.5

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Linguistics

8.5 (L 9, R 9, W 8, S 8)
3.5 yillik tajriba
Works at: @everestjahontillari
1000 dan oshiq tahsil olgan talabalar

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You spare time on Sunday, which you could've spent with your family or on your own progress, and students don't come to the lesson - snow and cold are possible excuses; however, it's their laziness which is going to kill them after all, no weather condition can be an excuse.

And then, they ask why they aren't improving. Isn't it ironic?

Forward from: muzakkir
Bu yilgi ramazon o'zgacha bo'lsin!

Alloh taolo arab tilini Qur'on tili bo'lishligini iroda qildi. Shunday ekan, kim Robbisining kalomidagi hikmatlarni, tavsiyalarni va go'zalliklarni tom ma'noda anglab yetishni xohlasa, ishni arab tilini o'rganishdan boshlasin.

Bizda esa bu borada siz uchun manfaatli taklif bor. Ramazon munosabati bilan arab tilini 0 dan o'qish/yozish/fonetik qoidalarini o'rgatishga mo'ljallangan 40 kunlik loyihani yo'lga qo'yishni niyat qildik.

Asosiy darslar 30 kun davom etadi (dars vaqtlari o'quvchilar bilan kelishgan holda, ko'pchilikka qulay vaqtga belgilanadi, bizning hozirgi mo'ljalimiz saharlikdan keyingi vaqt), oxirgi 10 kunda esa asosan amaliyotga e'tibor qaratiladi. Ushbu kurs jins tanlamaydi va hamma uchun mutlaqo bepul!

Darslar Mirzayev Abdulloh (Cefr C1) va Og'aboyev G'iyosiddin (Cefr B2) lar tomonidan olib boriladi.

Yagona talabimiz:

1. Intizom va ixlos bilan duo qilgan holda harakat qilish;

Ushbu loyiha haqida batafsil ma'lumot uchun: @giyosiddinxorazmiy ga yozishingiz mumkin!

PS/ Menga ishoning, arab tilini o'rganishga kirishish hayotingizdagi eng to'g'ri qarorlardan bo'ladi, inshaAlloh! Aytgancha, qabul 20-fevralgacha davom etadi.

A hat-trick from Marmoush in half an hour, what a game🤯

Forward from: Azamat IELTS | 8.5
Free lessons that have been conducted so far + channel's navigation on important messages:

1. Tenses
2. Adjectives and adverbs
3. Passive voice
4. Conditionals
5. Wish
6. Modals
7. Modals - part 2
8. Gerund & infinitive
9. IELTS reading passage analysis - real exam question
10. IELTS writing task 2 - opinion essay
11. IELTS writing task 2 - positive negative development
12. IELTS writing task 2 - tips to get a higher score
13. Listening and reading tips - 100% workable
14. IELTS writing task 2 - problem solution essay
15. Writing marathon with essay check ups
16. Speaking
17. Writing task 1 - Line graph analysis + writing procedure
18. Writing task 1 - bar graph
19. Writing task 2 essay - detailed analysis
20. Essay check up service
21. Ishlarimda baraka bo'lsin desangiz
22. A real exam passage analysis
23. IELTS writing task 1 - line graph
24. Speaking samples
25. Writing task 1 - Unusual bar graph
26. IELTS Reading - T/F/NG and HEADING analysis
27. IELTS writing task 1 - samples collection - written by me
28. IELTS Writing task 2 - A band 8.0 advantage/disadvantage essay
29. IELTS writing task 1 - map full explanation in Uzbek
30. IELTS writing task 2 - samples collection - written by me
31. IELTS listening - Part 3 - Multiple choice & Matching
32. The most common mistakes students are doing nowadays
33. Advanced grammar - Cleft sentences
34. Multilevel writing task 1 - Letter explanation
35. An exclusive interview about IELTS, offline and online education and many more
36. IELTS Writing task 1 - common myths, mistakes and tips to get a high score
37. How to write a good essay
38. Ultimate way to writing 8.0
39. Getting writing structure from articles

You still have a chance to purchase the previous writing marathon. Read the details here

This list will continually be updated.

A new writing marathon kicks off on October 25, read the description here.

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Anyone for a long-read post?

Btw, I found this guy's channel quite interesting. He's got 8.0 overall with W8.

Women and children can be careless but not men

14th of February (lover's day) is the most useless holiday of all time because real love does not wait for 365 days to be expressed.

Feeling romantic today.


No wonder why then students complain too much about their inability to study

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🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤

Call me Don Nurmatov from now on🔫

The moon is exquisitely beautiful now, have a look, innit?


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Spent roughly 55 minutes to write, edit and polish these two in the mock exam on Sunday

Mobile phone use is as antisocial as smoking. Smoking in banned in certain places, so phones should be banned like smoking.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Cellphones have already become ubiquitous in our day-to-day lives. Because of this prevalence, some people tend to behave antisocially, fuelling a controversy about phones. It is, thus, suggested that phone use be prohibited like smoking bans in certain areas. I believe that while it is miraculous to force people not to use their gadgets all the time, an introduction of special policy in certain places would be practical.

It is true that phones are already an indispensable part in the modern world, considerably easing people’s lives. Everyday communication, such as calls or messages, would not be feasible if it were not for smartphones. It is much easier to arrange meetings or transfer urgent information – activities that took at least weeks in the past. Current digitally-monetized purchases are also done thanks to phones, and people also use them for research purposes, since almost everything can be found literally in seconds, leaving no need to go to libraries or information desks. Recent emergence of diverse AI’s, for example ChatGPT by OpenAI or Chinese Deepseek , further cemented our dependence on these portable devices, showing how pivotal they have already become in our lives.

Although mobile phones are of a paramount importance, this should leave no room for people to isolate, and consecutively become antisocial. I think that much-like to smoking, the use of phones is to be banned in particular areas, especially in public places like museums, busy streets or crowded transport means. People are being ignorant to their surroundings these days, and feel overly free, contributing to non-socialness. They can talk on the phone loudly, or watch some videos, or play music loudly. These often irritates people around them, which may consequently spark arguments between them. If not stopped instantaneously, these debates might be a beginning of fights – further disturbance both for the arguers and people nearby. My friend, for example, recently fought with a man who was watching Instagram reels extremely loudly, because that man acted recklessly, attacking my friend when my friend kindly asked him to turn the volume down. To prevent such unwelcoming cases, and encourage people to be attentive, a ban on phone usage sounds sensible.

In conclusion, using phones excessively could make people antisocial, and for this is beneficial neither to the user nor to the society, I reiterate that issuing legal limits on phone use in public places can be a workable approach.

Word count: 372 words
#writing #essay #task2 #Azamattypes #road_to_9 #mock_writing


The picture is a demonstration of a plain water-filter assembly used to clean dirty water. Overall, this is a largely mechanical process involving a number of cleansing substances, and consisting of two main stages: processing and storing. It is also noteworthy that everything is done with two plastic barrels only.

A plastic cap is taken out, and dirty water is poured into the above storage drum, marking the beginning of the process. Inside the barrel, this non-potable water then goes through three cleaning procedures. Sand, charcoal, and gravel, placed in layers from top to bottom, respectively, each absorbing the dirty matter.

Having been freed from dirt, clean water then fills the lower storage drum via a tube connected to the first barrel – the start of the next stage. There is a tap at the bottom of this drum, enabling people to fill their containers with potable water.

Word count: nearly 150
#writing #task1 #report #Azamattypes #road_to_9 #mock_writing


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