Azamat IELTS | 8.5

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Some say that the most important thing about being rich is the opportunity for helping others

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Wealth is unquestionably paramount in our lives. While it is claimed that aiding others is the most vital trait for the affluent, I do not entirely support this view, since there is a family institution, standing far above all in most cases.

It is quite natural to help others once an individual becomes rich - an instinctual human trait I would say. Whether it is a charity to help the poor or face-to-face meetings with people in need, assistance does mean a lot both for the giver and the receiver. No matter how many extravagant possessions people acquire, their satisfaction levels quickly plateau, whereas helping others provides lasting fulfillment. The joy reflected in others’ eyes, their broad smiles, and their grateful gestures create an irreplaceable sense of fulfillment. This emotional reward often compels benefactors to continue giving, for while people may pass away, the memories they leave behind endure - an invaluable legacy worth more than billions. Meanwhile, people getting assistance try to become a good member of the society, fostering a sense of unity among people of all statuses.

While helping others is valuable, it does not mean that wealthy individuals should do so at the expense of their own well-being. They must prioritize their own well-being first, whether in terms of health or business, before gradually extending help to others. As a nice quote says - of all virtues, family duty is the first - this help, logically, should start within the family. Only then should they turn to others, such as an employee facing financial difficulties or a poor patient diagnosed with a severe disease. Following this logical order enables individuals to make well-informed decisions and assess situations more thoroughly. A well-established businessman in my country, for example, has adopted 12 children, all girls, and been looking after them for around 5 years now. Were it not for his already-pleased and welcoming family, he couldn't have done such a charitable act.

In conclusion, while wealth offers the opportunity to help others, it is most meaningful when assistance is given in a structured and thoughtful manner, beginning with one’s closest circle and extending outward.

Word count: 323 words

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We're getting serious

New Scientist, The Economist, BBC

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Any particular books/magazines, which are close to the format of IELTS reading passages, that you can recommend for improving Reading comprehension?

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#just #humor

O'zi Lotin alifboda o'qib, lekin krillchada yozadiganlar o'zini shunday his qilsa kerak...

Listen to natives a lot - input
Speak a lot - output

I can't. I don't have 9.0. But my brother Shavkatali can.

@ieltsshares - tell them bratha

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Can you tell "top 5 tips to follow for IELTS 9"

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Hozir shuni o'qib qaysidir e'tibori past kanaldan chiqib ketadi...

Metroda urmiymzu kartani

Guys, e'tiborsizligilani isbotlab berayinmi👀

Tiqilinch metroda:

- Shu kartani urvoring

Urib bergach:

- Spasibo

P.s. Kusto hayratda

Sometimes my students forget I have got 9 on listening multiple times

What's Mr. Bean doing here, bratha?

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Alhamdulillah! Did 12 planned chores out of 15 yesterday. Gonna try to do everything today, I'll let you know tomorrow, nasib

The bar graph provide a percentage breakdown of four waste disposal means in four countries: the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and the UK.

Overall, landfilling is the most common method of waste dealing, with the UK having the biggest share. However, the Netherlands appears to be much more ecologically-friendly, recycling the vast majority of the rubbish produced. Other ways - incineration and being used as chemicals - have quite moderate proportions across
all four nations.

Starting with the most popular approach - digging underground, the UK is a far-off outlier with a staggering 65% - far higher than the figures of Italy and Spain, both burying 40% of the total waste. The Netherlands, on the other hand, shows the least landfilled waste percentage - below 10%.

As for recycling, it is the least favored option in the UK, Italy, and Spain, however, the Dutch recycling rate visibly stands out with nearly 70% of its waste being recycled. Italy recycles 20%, while Spain and the UK have even lower proportions - both slightly above 10%.

The percentages of burning and chemical use in the Netherlands and Italy are almost the same within countries: approximately 10% in the former and 20% in the latter, respectively. In Spain, incineration's figure (30%) is almost twice of chemical use, whereas the discrepancy between burning and chemical use in the UK is three-fold, with the dominance of being used as chemicals.

#writing #task1 #report #Azamattypes #road_to_9


When your student hasn’t come to the lesson because of a birthday, and you told her to bring a cake

It was a shocking surprise, tbh

The photo demonstrates how drinking water is produced from underground ponds via a solar-powered pump, and a water filter. Overall, this is a fully mechanical process consisting of three main stages: electricity generation, well-water provision, and water cleansing.

The process starts when sunlight (photons) hits the solar panel, whose solar cell electrons get knocked loose by the sunlight. This photovoltaic effect subsequently creates an electric current, directed to the converter below, where this coming direct current is converted into a usable current.

After electricity supply has been achieved, the next stage is water pumping. Located in the underground well, pump is activated by the converted electric current, and then, pumps water above through a tube.

This pumped water fills the water tanker, which stands on a wooden platform, on the ground. When the water inside the tanker reaches to a particular level, this well-water then automatically goes to the filter inside the tanker. Purified water can be accessed through another tube, bearing a striking resemblance to a much longer basin. A tap on this tube makes it easy to bring any container below the tube and fill it with clean water.

#writing #task1 #report #Azamattypes #road_to_9


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