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avvallari Ahad Qayumning she'r kitoblarini ko'plar o'qir edi. aniq esimda, biznikidayam bor edi, tushunib-tushunmay o'qib ko'rardim, 3,4 sinflik playtim.

miya avval ko'rgan-kechirganlarini nuqul eslab turadi. ancha avval yokida umuman sodir bo'lgan narsalar yana qayta yopirilib kelib, o'yga toldiradi, yechim qidirishga sho'ng'itadi. o'sha payti tushunarsiz tuyulgan yoki javobi topilmagan jumboqlarga javob topadi o'zicha. xuddi, yechimi topilmagan misolni keyinroq qayta ishlab ko'rib, yechim topishga o'xshaydi. ko'pincha keraksiz-yaroqsiz fikrlar bo'lgan sodirmalar ham botma-bot bezovta qilib odamni xit qilib yuboradi. hammaning miyasi shunday ishlaydi degan umiddaman.

Forward from: xushboʻy
Geworfenheit - tashlandiq
Das Man - "boshqalar" ichida erib ketish
Unheimlich - begona va sovuq dunyo
Heimkehr - Uyga intilish

Bilasanmi ushbu atamalar Heidegger va O'zbekistonlik migrantlar o'rtasida qanday ma'noni loyqalaydi.

it will never be happening in this life. big transformations take a hell of a lot of time and energy and i now don't have either. no social settings will be featuring me. none of them. i won't be destroying any of them with my intrusive vibe anymore. i may give a helping hand with my silence only. i'm not dead yet, but just ignore my existence. the life is super cool. enjoy it, bye

Epistemology | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

This is one of the coolest videos ever made that beautifully shows the uzbek national values. let this video make your sunday fun. it seems, we have so much cool stuff to experience in uzbekistan that many of us either don't know or just ignore.

Forward from: Akhmadali Turgunov || Blog
I started a "Ramadan Challenge" in my IELTS Channel, where you can find REAL EXAM PASSAGES and REAL EXAM LISTENING PARTS

Here is the link👇

asianiy teacher

our university apprenticeship just came to its end. ngl that was one of the brightest months of me. we had so much fun with guys, so much experience and so much understanding. once I stepped into school, regrets hit me hard. but, everything turned out to be going well due to our supportive supervisor. i admit, I failed with my first lesson at school, but that was the one urge to learn what to do and how to do, regarding the situation. i learned a lot from Ramazon about what I needed to offer a good lesson to students. thus, remaining lessons i conducted went well, if not great. on a final note, school is not for beginners, so does it for teaching.

intentionally reposted

Forward from: Асанов формати
Янгиликнинг зўри бор. Самарқандда Шайбонийлар дахмаси зиёратгоҳга айлантирилар экан. Видеоси.

Бу охирги йилларда Шайбонийхон ва унинг сулоласи атрофида олиб борилган баҳслар маълум таъсирга эга бўлганини кўрсатади. Ҳозирча бу вилоят даражасидаги ташаббусга ўхшаяпти — Самарқанд миқёсида таклиф бериляпти ва энг юқорилардан қандайдир тақиқ йўқ. 10 йил олдин душман, эслашга арзимайдиган майда персонаж деб ҳисобланган тарихий шахс яқин йилларда миллий қаҳрамонга айланиб қолса ажабмас.

Беихтиёр янги метро бекатларига ном беришда Убайдуллахон номини таклиф қилганимда "ўтмайди, қабул қилинмайди" деб чопворишгани эсимга тушиб кетди. Балки ўшанда таклиф киритсак, ўтиб ҳам кетарди. Самарқанддаги таклиф каби. Тушунишимча, қандайдир кескин қаршилик ҳам, жуда катта қизиқиш ҳам йўқ, шунчаки бировнинг иши йўқ. "Ким эди ўзи бу? Ҳа, шунақами, зўр, босинглар" дегандай муносабат.


nobody is poor enough to have such a life. people always deserve better and greater. as long as a human owns a brain, it must secure a great value.

no truth exists to rely on or to live with. everything is just an illusion your brian created. those who seek the truth are lost. they are lost in illusion.

die a famous die if you want to be remembered over the course of centuries. but it does not carry any value, believe me.

love is what we call love. it is a matter of hormones your brain produces. marriage is more serious. don't let the tiny cells decide your future.

Dominance is real. but nobody knows who is dominating whom.

Forward from: Abu Bakr Fozilov
Dekabrda “The child who raised as a dog”ni tarjima qilib tugatgandim. Bryus Perri degan bolalar psixoterapevtining kundalik shaklida yozilgan uzoq yillik izlanishlari. Brat kitobda aytuvdiki, ko‘pchilikda katta-kichik bolalik travmalar bor.

Albatta, o‘tmishdagi qiyinchiliklarni eslab, yig‘lab, alamzada bo‘lib yurish tarafdori emasman. Shunday ekan, shouga kelinglar, shu mavzuda gaplashamiz. Kulishamiz, ozroq ko‘ngil yozamiz. Barchani kutaman!

22-fevral, soat 19:00da
Kirish tekin, shu link orqali oldindan joy band qilsangiz bo‘ldi.

Eslatma: Shou to‘liq improvizatsiyaga qurilgan muloqot shaklida bo‘ladi. Sizda ham qiziqarli yoki g‘alati hikoya yoki travma bo‘lsa, eshitamiz)


kecha kelgumdur debon, ul sarvi gulru kelmadi.
ko'zlarimg'a kecha tong otguncha uyqu kelmadi.
laxta-laxta chiqdimu chekdim yo'lida intizor.
keldi jon og'zimg'avu, ul sho'xi badxu kelmadi

blootethdan qo'shiq, rasm o'tkazish, mbsi kattaroq fayl, kino, videolarni Shareitdan uzatib yuborish, nokiada ilon o'ynash, koptokli o'yinga kod terib, o'yin shartlariga nomutanosib o'ynash, maktabga borish, kulcha yeyish, yangi sog'ilgan sutni sovub ulgurmasdan ichish, krandan suv tashib kelish (bahonada diydor g'animat), tut daraxtiga osilib, ustiga chiqib olish yeyish, futbol o'ynash, kichkina rezinka balonlarni sim bilan surish (dingrovik surish), keng dalada mol boqish, chillak o'ynash, hamma-hammasi oddiydek tuyulgandi o'shanda.

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People are disturbingly loud, leaving no rest and peace.

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