Asalkhon Sharipova | Channel

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Linguistics

📣 Asalkhon Sharipova
🇺🇸 SUSI Finalist 2024
🇮🇳 Youth Ambassador at YIA
🗣️ IELTS 8,5 Speaking 9
📚 UWED | DTM 180,5
🚀 'Swap Up', ‘GirlsUp’ projects
✅ Speaking Course: IDC
✅ Student Results: @idc_results
Admin: @asalkhons_admin
Reklama: @asalkhon_ads

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Uzbekistan, English
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You, rain, megapolis 🏙️ and your best friend

This feels like a teenager American movie 🇺🇸

Imagine: you park your car 🚗 in a mall, explore futuristic buildings and go to a cute cafe

Is this really Uzbekistan?- or is it my personal experience of reality?!

More and more I am starting to appreciate what I have and every week write ‘a thank you note’ for all opportunities around me

You attract what you think reality is ▫️

And this is not just a quote. As an optimistic person, I noticed that I always see beautiful places, cars and people

For some reason every time I have a problem, I meet kind people who help me. Whenever I explore, I randomly see beautiful places: Mirobod Alfraganus, Tashkent city, Nest. Whenever I’m sad, I get an opportunity

➡️ Why I thought?

Well I realized that I always think that life is a fairytale and everyone is so kind and smart

And because of it , my energy frequency attracts this unbelievable life

Part II coming…


2.1k 0 12 10 134

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You Are Your Life

Lately I have been having a lot of ‘me time’ - reading, driving, listening & reflecting

I understood that being happy is all about being with yourself

Oz ozini xurmat qiladigan odam, ozini bosh xis qilmidi ekan. Bu degani boshqalarsiz ham, oz ozini bant qilib, ‘fun time’ qilaoladi

E’tibor berganmisiz: biz kinoga yoki konsert hattoki cafega borsak ham, doimo boshqa odam bilan birga borshimiz lozim

Nimaga deb oylasiz?- Men tushunvoldimki bu ehtiyoj kopincha shunaqa fikrdan boladi- baxt uchun 2 odam bolishi shart

I realized that happiness is not a shared thing, it is a state of wholeness that everyone experiences by themselves

This is what whole life feels…


3.7k 0 24 14 210

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7.1k 0 20 14 328

Reading 📖

Is one of the most enjoyable thing

Why? - Reading gives you life experience without even you moving

You sit and feel another life ✨

🔏 IELTS Reading ham shu shu text, text bilan ishlaolsangiz bemalol 40/40 olaolasiz

Bugun 21:00 shu texnikani sizga orgataman va gift 🎁 beraman

See you 🙂‍↔️

➡️ SRC ga qabul bugun 23:59da yopiladi - @asalkhons_admin

6.8k 0 12 5 125

207 kitob oqigan odamdan bitta insight

Reading 📖 qilganimda doimo 30 seconds oqib, 2 seconds ichida text mazmunini tushunaman 😌

➡️ Topic- Explanation- Situation

Bittada otirib 3ta kitob oqiman va chalg’imayman, nimaga?

Chunki oqish texnikasi bo’r reading uchun 😌

Let’s learn - ‘❤️‍🔥’

Rasm fevralda olingan choyga e’tibor bermisiz

5.9k 0 13 9 355

Join our small family 🥹🫶🏻

Bilasiz, biz faqat IELTS dars emas, balkim koproq e’tibor shaxsiyatga beramiz ❤️

Ozingizni topish, fikr rivojlantirish, yangi idealarni yaratish

Shu narsani oquvchilarimiz yaxshi koradilar ✨

👇🏼Va shuncha feedback 🥹


➡️ IDC 5.0 Students
➡️ IDC 4.0 Students
➡️ IDC 3.0 Students
➡️ IDC 2.0 Students

Oquvchilarimizni fikrini oqib, kursimizga yozilishga ulguring 😌

✅ Registratsiya: @asalkhons_admin

SRC 2.0 Course

✅ Qabul 19 Mart gacha- only 1 day left to register 🤩


➡️ Speaking Lessons

Maxsus Strategiyalar

Speaking 7,5-8+ koplab olib kelgan strategiyalar

1️⃣ 🍔 PDF Burger for Part 1
2️⃣ 🗒️ PDF Double Column- Part 2
3️⃣ 🏃🏻‍♂️‍➡️ PDF Little Mario for Part 2
4️⃣ 🗣️ PDF Art of Storytelling for Part 2
5️⃣ 🍰 PDF Cakepop for Part 3

➡️ Reading Lessons

✅ Maxsus Strategiyalar

1️⃣ 12 Question Types Breakdown
2️⃣ Place & Hunt Strategy
3️⃣ RAB Strategy
4️⃣ Yes-or-No strategy

💯 Bu marafonimiz faqatgina yilda bir marta ochiladi, so manage to join our family 😌

➡️ Registratsiya : @asalkhons_admin

Omggg loook at thissss 🥹

Shaxzoda, you did it! 🤩

Speaking 5,5 to 7,5😱

+2,0 ⚡️

➡️ 1ta emas uje 5ta oquvchimiz 5,5dan 7+ kotardi - sizni qiziqtirgan savol

Shaxzoda is a very creative student of mine who actively participated in our lessons

During our consultation, I noticed that Shaxzoda was strong at opinions, but her weaker point was idea sequence- giving all parts of ideas to logically close it. Every idea should have a beginning, middle point and end. This is essential for Fluency Criteria of the speaking. This is what Shaxzoda improved in her speech and as a result build that logical sequence that boosts your Fluency

Yes, all it takes is just structure & topic composition 😌✨

Shaxzoda proved that!

@asalkhons_admin ➡️ manage to be our next student ☺️

Speaking Results ⚡️

Gulifor ☺️

From Speaking 6 to 7

Gulifor is one of our Khorezmian students, she is very talented and very confident

Gulifor had strong ideas, however she had to develop her ideas with specific situations and descriptions - Lexical Resource. That was her weaker point and one secret about Lexical Resource is topic development. You don’t need to say the word, you have to use it. This was the secret of Gulifor that helped her to score 1+ in Speaking

Gulifor, I am incredibly proud of your efforts 🥰

@asalkhons_admin ➡️ for our SRC course 😌

⚡️ Speaking Results

Ugiloy 💘

From 6.5 to 7+ 🤩

Ugiloy studied at our IDC 4.0 and recently she even joined our offline Tea Talks 🍵

Ugiloy as someone who is a bit introverted find it hard to expand her ideas. She had very smart ideas but logical connection was something that she missed- this is very important for Fluency Criteria. Within 1 month, and 1 private consultation, she fixed it! It was a system issue and we fixed it together

It is all about approach- this is what gives our students results 🥹💘

➡️ SRCga qoshilishga ulgurib qoling. 2 kun qoldi: @asalkhons_admin


Results Day 🥳🫶🏻

Yangi natijalarni koramiz bugun va @idc_results jadvalini toldiramiz

Shu bilan 20 Mart SRCga start 😌

SRC 2.0- bu IELTS Speaking & Reading Combo kurs

SRC haqida

1️⃣ Speaking Darslarimiz
2️⃣ Reading Darslarimiz

Uniqueness ✨

1️⃣ IDC Speaking Atmosphere
2️⃣ Reading Methods

Make sure to join SRC guys, uje biz boshlaymiz☺️

➡️ @asalkhons_admin

🗣️ Speaking = X word + Picture

Manashu 2 kun sizga Ikkita sir 🔑 ochaman

▫️ Speaking 3ta strategiya
▫️ Reading 3ta strategiya

Va meni bilasiz doimo sovg’a 🎁 😌 beraman qatnashganlarga

Otg’an safar ko’p odam mendan sovg’a olgandi 🥹

Bu safar siz otkazvormang…

Easy lesson that Uses Simple Magic 🪄- this is what we are 😌

Bugun 21:00da guys, very excited…

Bugun osha kun

IELTS bu Narsa ligini isbotlaydigan kun keldi…

Bugun soat 21:00da siz bilan Speaking uchun tayyor strategiya organamiz 🔑

Otg’an safar faqat 200 odam 🎁 ulgurgandi, siz otkazvormang yana

6k 0 6 3 150

Official Invitation 🇺🇸 to the US Ambassador Residence

America Elchisi Uyiga tashrif buyurdik bugun

Tassavur qilib koring 🥹

Faqat eng katta lavozimda ishlaydigan va judayam mashxur 30ta odam iftorlikka chaqirilgan edi AQSH Elchi uyiga !!!

Va men ham royxatga kiribman 😅

I never ever thought that…

Just in 2020 I first started learning English, I had A1 level and I never even imagined that one day I will travel to USA 🇺🇸 with 20,000$ grant, that I will be a part of the US Embassy 🇺🇸 Alumni Association, that I will visit the US Ambassador 🇺🇸 residence as an honored guest

I never ever thought about it 🥹

I was just a very optimistic person who always wanted to learn, to grow , to create and help others

Now I have a goal of going up to work at the 🇺🇸 Public Diplomacy Section of the US Embassy next year (once I get my diploma)

Yes I know that sounds impossible, yes I know that I may be too young for such a big position, but I have a goal and I will achieve it

This was my proof that anything is possible as long as you feel you can do it!


6.1k 0 41 31 310

America Ambassador 🇺🇸 House in Tashkent

Amerika Elchisi iftorliga chaqirishi eng katta dream 🥹 come true

Best iftor


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IELTS ham Narsa

🥲 Odamlar yillab practice qilib, Assistant app savollarga javob berib 7,5- 8 olmoqchi boladilar

Narsaga qanchalik urg’u bersangiz=‘shuncha sizdan uzoqlashadi

➡️ Narsa + Usul = Buyum (your possession)

Otg’an safar 200ta odam mendan shu TOOL 🔑 olgan edi darsda

Speaking = 3ta Strategiya
Reading = 3ta Yondashuv

😌 1 Oyda IELTS muammosini hal qilasiz, oquvchilarimiz qilgani-dey

500 ‘💘’ va sizga dars otib beraman shu sir uchun 🔑

6.7k 0 20 10 650

🥹 Yillab bitta narsani niyat qilib yurganlar bormi oramizda…

Oy lab IELTSni 7/8 niyat qilib yurganlar ayniqsa?

Bitta ‘🙏’

6.4k 0 2 23 459
20 last posts shown.