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Sometimes you need the rain,
To know you miss the sun

Useful phrases with "Fire" πŸ”₯

πŸ”₯ Fire away - savollaringizni bering
β€” If you have any questions, just fire away!

πŸ”₯ Play with fire - xavfli narsaga qo'l urmoq
β€” You're playing with fire if you invest without research.

πŸ”₯ Set the world on fire - katta muvaffaqiyatga erishmoq
β€” Her new book has set the world on fire.

πŸ”₯ Add fuel to the fire - vaziyatni yanada yomonlashtirmoq
β€” His comments just added fuel to the fire during the argument.

πŸ”₯ Light a fire under someone - kimnidir harakatga undamoq
β€” The deadline lit a fire under the team, and they worked faster.

Prepared by Laziz Maxmanazarov, on fire with new ideas πŸ”₯ @ielts_7star

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Fun Fact:

You can read books without posting them on social media πŸ˜‚

βœ… Phrasal Verbs with "Down"

πŸ‘‰ Break down - buzilib qolmoq, ishlamay qolmoq
Example: The car broke down on the way to work.

πŸ‘‰ Calm down - tinchlanmoq
Example: After the argument, she needed a moment to calm down.

πŸ‘‰ Cut down - kamaytirmoq
Example: I'm trying to cut down on sugar.

πŸ‘‰ Let down - umidini puchga chiqarmoq
Example: I promised I wouldn’t let you down.

πŸ‘‰ Put down - yozib qo'ymoq
Example: I always put down important notes during meetings.

πŸ‘‰ Turn down - rad etmoq
Example: They turned down the job offer because the salary wasn’t high enough.

Prepared by Laziz MaxmanazarovΒ 

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Goood morning 😍

🎬 Topic Vocabulary: MOVIES 🎬

πŸŽ₯ Director - rejissyor

🎭 Actor/Actress - aktyor/aktrisa

πŸ“½οΈ Film - film, kino

πŸ—“ Premiere - premyera, ilk namoyish

⭐️ Blockbuster - kassabop film

🎬 Genre - janr

🎞️ Screenplay - ssenariy

πŸ“Ί Cinema - kinoteatr

πŸ“œ Script - matn, ssenariy

🎬 Action movie - jangari film

πŸ˜‚ Comedy - komediya

😭 Drama - drama

πŸ‘» Horror - qoβ€˜rqinchli film

πŸ”Ž Mystery - sirli film

🎀 Soundtrack - film saundtreki

🌍 Foreign film - xorij filmi

πŸ‘“ 3D movie - 3D film

πŸ’¬ Dialogue - dialog

⭐️ Review - sharh

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IELTS Speaking.pdf
IELTS All Speaking Topics & Sample Answers

πŸ”Ή Covers actual IELTS Speaking topics from the exam
πŸ”Ή Simple answers – perfect for all learners
πŸ”Ή Searchable content for easy topic navigation
πŸ”Ή Includes potential 2015 speaking topics

Get ready for your IELTS Speaking with this essential guide!

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May this year be the last year that I spent as a single. Amiyn🀲

The end.

Gooood Morning ❀️‍πŸ”₯

Siz qanaqa kontent xohlaysiz?
  •   Reading/Listening
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  •   Vocabulary
  •   Quiz tests
  •   Useful PDF Books and materials
321 votes

- Kecha bir o'quvchimiz shunaqa ulug' joylardan sovg'a olib keldilar ❀️‍πŸ”₯

+ soqqani qilish kk va surish kk


24 yoshda o'rgangan eng muhum narsam:

1. Hech qachon hech kimga ishonmaslik
2. Hech qachon doim rost gapirmaslik
3. Hech qachon hammaga yaxshi odam bo'lmaslik

1.4k 0 10 16 58

πŸ“ΊMock Test In Progress

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1. Surf the web – Internetda qidirmoq
- "I often surf the web to find the latest news."

2. Go viral – Tez tarqalmoq
- "The video went viral within hours of being uploaded."

3. Browse social media – Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda yurmoq
- "She spends hours browsing social media every day."

4. Stream online – Onlayn koβ€˜rmoq
- "We decided to stream the concert online instead of attending in person."

5. Download content – Kontent yuklab olmoq
- "You can download content from the website for offline use."

Prepared by Laziz MaxmanazarovΒ 

When sharing, pls don't forget the link to my channel

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Sometimes hayot is tough 😁

Music share qiling⬇️

⭐️ Evening Challenge:
Can You Guess the Meaning?

Swipe through these 5 sentences and try to guess the meaning of the highlighted word in each sentence! πŸ’‘

1️⃣ She was feeling exuberant after winning the competition.
2️⃣The weather today is quite bleak, isn’t it?
3️⃣ His performance was so lackluster compared to last time.
4️⃣ The teacher's explanation was concise, making it easy to understand.
5️⃣ We had a hearty meal at the restaurant.

❓ Which word do you already know?
❓ Which word surprised you?

Comment your guesses below! ‡️

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