🦦👽ux/ui | hala madrid | Museum of failure, but the gallery of trying
16.07.2024 17:12
🦦👽ux/ui Museum of failure, but the gallery of trying
08.07.2024 17:13
🦦👽 Museum of failure, but the gallery of trying
08.06.2024 01:45
24.01.2024 00:54
🦦👽 NYU'28 UX & UI designer Hala Madrid🤍 BMW💙 Be careful she might design ur life) Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind ! The "Book page" for adventures to immerse yourself into.
28.12.2023 18:46
🦦👽 NYU'28 UX & UI designer Hala Madrid🤍 Be careful she might design ur life) Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind ! The "Book page" for adventures to immerse yourself into.
03.07.2022 20:42
Dream🦦 explore🪐 discover🇺🇸 Basic informations about foreign universities 🦥💛