π π π π
±οΈπ π π
°οΈπ π
πIt seems that it's flue grippe
- Menimcha bu grip
π My nose is running
- Men tumovman
π I have a heart trouble
- Yuragim og'riyabdi
π My nose is clogged up
- Burnim bitib qolyabdi
π I had a heard attack
- Yuragim huruj qildi
π My heart is troubling me
- Yuragim bezovta qilyabdi
πI have a stomachache
- Qornim og'riyabdi
π I have a sore throat
- Mening tomog'im og'ritabdi
π I have caught a cold
- Men shamolladim
πIt seems that it's flue grippe
- Menimcha bu grip
π My nose is running
- Men tumovman
π I have a heart trouble
- Yuragim og'riyabdi
π My nose is clogged up
- Burnim bitib qolyabdi
π I had a heard attack
- Yuragim huruj qildi
π My heart is troubling me
- Yuragim bezovta qilyabdi
πI have a stomachache
- Qornim og'riyabdi
π I have a sore throat
- Mening tomog'im og'ritabdi
π I have caught a cold
- Men shamolladim