“ITB Berlin” xalqaro ko‘rgazmasida O‘zbekistonning sayyohlik salohiyati taqdimoti o‘tkazildi
Berlindagi “Messe Berlin” ko‘rgazma majmuasida o‘tkazilgan tadbirda O‘zbekiston milliy stendda 25 dan ortiq mahalliy sayyohlik tashkilotlari o‘zlarining sayyohlik xizmatlari va mahsulotlarini namoyish etdi.
At the international exhibition "ITB Berlin," a presentation of Uzbekistan's tourism potential was held
At the event, which took place at the "Messe Berlin" exhibition complex in Berlin, more than 25 tourism organizations from Uzbekistan showcased their tourism services and products at the national booth.
На международной выставке “ITB Berlin” состоялась презентация туристического потенциала Узбекистана
На мероприятии, прошедшем в выставочном комплексе “Messe Berlin” в Берлине, более 25 туристических организаций Узбекистана на национальном стенде продемонстрировали свои туристические услуги и продукты.
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Berlindagi “Messe Berlin” ko‘rgazma majmuasida o‘tkazilgan tadbirda O‘zbekiston milliy stendda 25 dan ortiq mahalliy sayyohlik tashkilotlari o‘zlarining sayyohlik xizmatlari va mahsulotlarini namoyish etdi.
At the international exhibition "ITB Berlin," a presentation of Uzbekistan's tourism potential was held
At the event, which took place at the "Messe Berlin" exhibition complex in Berlin, more than 25 tourism organizations from Uzbekistan showcased their tourism services and products at the national booth.
На международной выставке “ITB Berlin” состоялась презентация туристического потенциала Узбекистана
На мероприятии, прошедшем в выставочном комплексе “Messe Berlin” в Берлине, более 25 туристических организаций Узбекистана на национальном стенде продемонстрировали свои туристические услуги и продукты.
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