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| IELTS 6.5 |
| SAT 1270 |
|National Math Certificate- "C" level |

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•Helpful insights to pursue career.
Toirov Boburmirzo

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I am literally done with school stuff

#damn_projects #waste_of_time

sky vibe

long lasting shots

#recent #cameraman

Forward from: Jamshidbek Izzatulloh | Blog
🎤3 things about college applications that I wish I knew earlier.

If this post gets 30+ shares, I'm releasing Part 2

Holiday music + Holiday vibe

#best_combo #unwind

Forward from: Jamshidbek Izzatulloh | Blog
Do you know what happens after your funeral?

In a short few hours, the tears will dry,
Everyone's gone home after saying good-bye.
A cousin will laugh, a friend will scroll,
Another will post "May God rest his soul".

The groupchats back to memes and trends,
They told your story, but soon it ends.
A week later - your inbox dies,
Unread emails, no more replies.

At your job, your chair sits cold,
Your boss moves on, your role is sold.
Your children rise, put on their shoes,
No time to grieve, no time to lose.

A sigh, a glance, then out the door,
Life resumes, just like before.
A month has passed, a comedy is on,
They laughed again, that didn't last long.

A smile, a joke, a moment of cheer,
It's as if you were never here.

You'll be forgotten before the flowers decay,
Their tears dry as life moves away.
In months, your name will rarely be said,
Just a framed photo beside their bed.

You'll be forgotten, left behind,
Just a picture, a memory, maybe a thought in mind.

You spent your whole life for people's applause,
Yet they moved on without a pause.
You feared their words, their love, their view,
Yet see how fast they let go of you.

But how about the One who stayed?
The One who watched the prayers you made.
And He was watching all along,
The One to whom we all belong.

Not once did He turn away,
So live for Him before your final day.

- thesunnahguy

Hello, lovely ladies and girls!

I'm writing to sincerely wish everyone a happy Women's Day! I hope every woman has the finest possible life, filled with prosperity and good health. Because of you women, we are extremely glad and the world will continue to exist because without you, it will end. Since women look after us and raise us till we reach our own age, we must appreciate and care for them all. I have no idea what mothers are like. -- restless evenings spent caring for babies, and even their preparation for breakfast, households, and everything else.

No words! ❤️

Once more, congrats on your holiday, everyone! We men are here to help, so take care of yourself. ✨


Boburmirzo Toirov



I wonder if they wrote specifically for me; I will apply...

Or if it's an automatic response, that's an advertisement, guys. 😅

#Fun_stuff #admissions

1-Dars: Python asoslari
2-Dars: String va String metodlar
3-Dars: List va list metodlar
4-Dars: Tuple, Set va Dict
5-Dars: Shart operatorlari: if, elif, else
6-Dars: For loop
7-Dars: While
8-Dars: Funksiya
9-Dars: Python asoslari
10-Dars: Davomi
11-Dars: Rekursiya
12-Dars: OOP
13-Dars: OOP-2
14-Dars: Polimorfizm, Paket, modul
15-Dars: Math va Datetime modullari
16-Dars: Json; Test dasturi loyihasi
17-Dars: Fayllar bilan ishlash; Try except
18-Dars: Regex; PIP; Googletrans; requests
19-Dars: Database
20-Dars: Database asoslari
21-Dars: 1-qism
22-Dars: 2-qism
23-Dars: Sqlite with Python
24-Dars: Takrorlash
25-Dars: Takrorlash (Amaliy loyihalarda uchraydigan ba'zi holatlar)
26-Dars: Telegram bot 1-qism
27-Dars: Telegram bot 2-dars
28-Dars: Telegram bot 3-dars
29-Dars: Telegram bot 4-dars
30-Dars: Telegram bot 5-dars
31-Dars: Telegram bot 6-dars
32-Dars: Telegram bot 7-dars
33-Dars: Database va Telegram bot
34-Dars: Like_bot
35-Dars: Namoz_timer_bot
36-Dars: Telegram bot 9-dars
37-Dars: Telegram bot 10-dars
38-Dars: Telegram bot 10-dars davomi
39-Dars: Telegram bot 11-dars
40-Dars: School 42 o‘qitish tizimi haqida
41-Dars: Telegram bot yakuniy dars
42-Dars: Django 1-dars
43-Dars: Django 2-dars
44-Dars: Django 3-dars
45-Dars: Django 4-dars
46-Dars: Django 5-dars
47-Dars: Django 6-dars
48-Dars: Django 7-dars
49-Dars: Django 8-dars
50-Dars: Django 9-dars
51-Dars: Django 10-dars
52-Dars: Django 11-dars
53-Dars: Django 12-dars
54-Dars: Django 13-dars
55-Dars: Django 14-dars
56-Dars: Django 15-dars
57-Dars: Savol-javob
58-Dars: Deploying Django project
59-Dars: API; Flask; Movie dataset filter api
60-Dars: AJAX; FastAPI
61-Dars: Django Rest Framework 1-dars
62-Dars: Generic Views
63-Dars: Answers to some Questions
64-Dars: Swagger UI
65-Dars: Filter and search
66-Dars: Daraxtsimon shakldagi api yozish
67-Dars: Users app to‘liq ma'lumot; Backend dasturchi sifatida ish topish
68-Dars: Django + Gunicorn + NGINX
69-Dars: Pythonda Konkurrensiya

I have 40 more to learn and analyse in-depth in order to become a strong Backend programmer...

#inshaallah #just_sacrifice




#careerrelated #have_to_work_hard

Sleep deprivation is gonna kill me😭

5 hours sleep

Snow in Ramadan feels awesome...❄️❄️✨✨

P.S But, still you are on the way feels different 😭


Yesterday the representative of the Bukhara region, the chief Imam of the region, Jobir Domla Elov, paid a visit to our mosque with foreign country people. (Malaysians, if I am not mistaken.) During the break between raka'ats, he said one thing that literally left a momentous impression was, "These Taraweeh prayers, especially 20 raka'ats, are being prayed only in Uzbekistan and some mosques in Saudi Arabia. Who can tell me the place where we can pray 20 raka'ats in the evenings? -- No one, dear Muslims, because we have to take advantage of that opportunity, and we have to thank God for sincere blessings that were created for Muslims! ". At that time, I realised that we are living in one of the most beautiful and generous countries in the world.

One more thing: I really fell in love with our young Qur'an reciter, or "reader," tone in every aspect of recitation. Mashaallah! I can't even imagine how he worked hard and learnt every Surah attentively and meticulously. May Allah bless us with this knowledge; even if Allah keeps and pushes us to recite and learn just a few Surahs in the suhoors, we would achieve this success and wouldn't be lacking behind. Amin!



Jimlik va Sokinlik eng yaxshi fazilatlardan biri!

#just_be_humble #serendepity #silence

Spring ⚜

#my_season #a_lof_things_awaiting_us

Thank you for the winter for such amazing and striking weather and memories...

Muborak Parvardigor shu muborak oyda 30 kun kechalari qoyimda, 30 kun xatmi Qurʼon larni eshitib va har kuni neʼmatlardan tiyilib, har doim mana shunday 1 qatorda va xizmatda boʻlib Ollohni roziligini olish nasib qilsin va Olloh oʻzi kuch quvvat ato aylasin! Amin! ✨✨

#ready... #Keep #reflection_post


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