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Forward from: Doniyor Aslanov

Forward from: Doniyor Aslanov

Forward from: Doniyor Aslanov
Yosh ustozlarga maslahat

O'quvchilaringizni vazifalarini tekshirayotganingizda quyidagilarga e'tibor qarating:

1. Yangi guruh, yangi o'quvchilarning xatolarini aniqlayotganingizda hammasini birdaniga aniqlab bermang. Misol uchun bir o'quvchi 10 ta xato qildi (grammatika, vocabulary, spelling, talaffuz ... da). Ularni o'rta hisobda yarmini xato ekanligini ayting. Aks holda, xatolari ko'pligini ko'rib til o'rgangilari kelmay qolishi mumkin. Bu holat ayniqsa beginnerda ko'p uchraydi.

Forward from: Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0)
When your teacher asks you to provide more statistical evidence (examples) in your essay, it does not mean you need to include an exact number. In fact, in some cases, it's impossible.

Imagine you're writing an essay about overpopulation and want to mention the number of people in the world. You wouldn’t write 8,125,098,111, right? By the time you finished typing that, at least five children would have been born in India, and some poor, lonely guy in Bulgaria might have taken his last sip of coffee (meaning he died).

So, what do we do instead? We use general estimates, like "over 8 billion people", which is perfectly acceptable.

In yesterday’s essay, I did the same thing. I mentioned that around 5 billion people own a smartphone (which is true—Google it if you want to), and I said that billions of images are shared online every day (also true—Google again if you have too much free time).

Using such estimates shows that you're a high-IQ student with strong general knowledge—far better than the guy who can’t even remember his dad’s birthday. So yes, including general numbers is a great strategy, and it’s easy to do—because no one expects you to provide exact figures.

And let me repeat again, such numbers DO help the quality of your essay because:
✅ They make ideas concrete (e.g. smartphone accessibility, photo-sharing scale).
✅ They add credibility (real data instead of vague claims).

#AttentionToDetail 🖥

@dilshodbekravshanov ✈️

Forward from: UsmonJohn | Notes ✍🏻

*mashnaqa bo’lsa kerak. - must - verb

Bu kanalni obunachilari rossayam dangasa bo’lsa kerak.

The subscribers of this channel must be so lazy.

*mashnaqa bo’lishi mumkinmas. - can’t - verb

John kasal bo’lishi mumkinmas.

John can’t be ill, he was all good yesterday.


Nima qanaqa bo’lsa kerak?
Yoki nima qanaqa bo’lishi mumkinmas?

Make your own sentences 👇👇👇

Forward from: 𝐈𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐜𝐡𝐚 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐫
Энди буёғи виждонига боғлиқ😁

👉Каnal: @english_portal

Forward from: Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher)
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✔️Listening Part 5 - Extracts savol turi juda ko'pchilikda og'riqli nuqtaga hisoblanadi.

Qancha harakat qilmasin, o'quvchilar progress qilishga qiynalishadi.

Aynan mana shu dars, sizdagi bu muammoni hal etish da juda katta amaliy yordam beradi.

O'zim qanday tayyorlanib, Listening 9.0/75 qilgan bo'lsam, boricha shu videoda aytib, ko'rsatib ham o'tdim.

Marhamat, mazza qilib ko'ring! Sizdan esa bitta dona reaksiya 😊

🔥 @MultiLevelRecord

Forward from: Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher)
MultiLevelRecord Real Exam Speaking Mocks.pdf
🪙FAQAT Haqiqiy imtihonda tushgan savollarga Speaking javoblar!

😎Savollarga C1 darajadagi sample javoblar

@MultiLevelRecord - imtihonchilarni eng ko'p o'ylaydigan va eng katta Ingliz tili telegram kanali

🚀Join: @MultiLevelRecord

Forward from: Teacher Azam
“Toʻnini teskari kiydi” iborasi oʻzbek tilida munosabatini keskin o‘zgartirish yoki ilgari sodiq yoki yaxshi munosabatda bo‘lgan kishiga qarshi chiqish maʼnosida ishlatiladi.

💸 Bu iboraga ingliz tilidagi mos idiomalar esa quyidagilar:

“Turned against someone” — biror kishiga nisbatan munosabatni oʻzgartirib, unga qarshi chiqish yoki yomon munosabatda boʻlish.

🔖 Masalan: He used to be my friend, but now he has turned against me.

“Changed their tune”
— oʻz fikrini yoki munosabatini oldingisiga nisabatan qarshi tomonga oʻzgartirish.

Masalan: She was so supportive at first, but now she’s completely changed her tune.

“Bite the hand that fed them”
— oldin yordam bergan yoki qoʻllab-quvvatlagan odamlarga nisbatan salbiy munosabatda boʻlish.

Masalan: He bit the hand that fed him by criticizing his mentor after getting the promotion.

😅 Oxirgi marta kim sizga toʻnini teskari kiyib olgan edi, uni yuqorida bergan 3 ta idioma bilan izohda yozib keting.

Postni esa ingliz tilini oʻrganayotgan tanishlaringizning hammasiga joʻnatib qoʻying.

Kanalga ulanish: @teacherazam

Forward from: Homework
Morning Advanced

1. Reporting structures - 3 exercises
- Exercise 1 :
- Exercise 2 :
- Exercise 3 :

2. Book - 20 pages - summary

3. Active listening
- watch
- learn language
- summarize the idea
- Put into action

4. Review Unit 1-2-3

5. Speaking - Record your answers
Topic 1-2 :
Topic 3-4 :

Forward from: Diyorbek's IELTS
Ushbu testlarni qilmasdan oldin mani yoki boshqa ustozlarni online marafonlarimga qo'shilmaganingiz yaxshi (material yetishmovchiligi tufayli bo'lsa).

📑 READING (Cambridge University Press):
- Cambridge IELTS (14-19) = 24 tests = 72 passages
- Trainer 2 = 6 tests = 18 passages
- Official Guide to IELTS = 8 tests = 24 passages
- Official Practice Materials 1,2 = 2 tests = 6 passages
- Top Tips Academic = 1 test = 3 passages
- IDP IELTS India = 1 test = 3 passages

= 42 tests = 126 passages

🎧 LISTENING (Cambridge University Press)

- Cambridge IELTS (6-19) = 56 tests
- Trainer 1, 2 =12 tests
- Official Guide to IELTS = 8 tests
- Official Practice Materials 1,2 = 2 tests
- Top Tips Academic = 1 test

= 79 tests

Listening/Reading qismi uchun hech qanday texnikalar yo'q. Faqat o'qib/eshitib tushunish eng muhim. Texnika nomina olgan barcha narsalar muhim emas.

Sizda sizga keragidan ko'p material bor. Yig'ishni (hoarding) to'xtatamiz.

Shu testlardan to'g'ri foydalansangiz, ballingiz sezilarli oshishi kerak.

To'g'ri foydalanish - xatolar usitda ishlash, ularni takrorlamaslik, yangi so'zlarni o'rganish va shu kabilar.

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Road to IELTS, Barron's, Thompson, Pearson, etc (qisqasi Cambridge Language Assessment/Cambridge University dan boshqa)- hammasi musor. 🗑🚮

⚠️⚠️⚠️ IELTS Listening/Reading/Writing uchun faqat Cambridge University Press/Cambridge Language Assessment ni materiallarini ishlating. 🚀✨

Forward from: Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0)
Here’s how linking words were used in main body paragraphs of yesterday’s essay

Body Paragraph 1 (Dependence Argument) ✔️
As we live in the era of globalization
➡️ As provides context for the argument, making it easier to understand why some think people are dependent.

meaning they consistently communicate with and cooperate with others
➡️ Meaning explains how dense cities force people to rely on each other, making the idea clearer.

The economy of many countries also connects different people
➡️ Also adds more evidence to show how people depend on one another.

For example, English is now the most popular language
➡️ For example introduces a specific detail to support the argument, making it more concrete.

Body Paragraph 2 (Independence Argument) ✔️
Despite the arguments made above
➡️ Despite shifts the focus to the opposite view, helping to introduce the argument for independence.

which, in turn, has made them more independent
➡️ In turn shows the effect of progress on independence, keeping the explanation smooth.

I also observe many examples of an individualistic lifestyle
➡️ Also adds another layer of support, showing personal observations.

For instance, in a country like my native Uzbekistan
➡️ For instance introduces a specific cultural example, strengthening the argument.

However, it is now the norm for thousands of people
➡️ However contrasts the past with the present, showing how things have changed.

#AttentionToDetail ❤️

@dilshodbekravshanov ✈️

Forward from: A+ ACADEMY
IELTS Pronunciation Guide 2025.pdf
#TopTip #Speaking

🇺🇸 Everyone wants to speak like Barack Obama. Love him or hate him, you can't deny the fact that he is fluent, articulate and enunciates each word masterfully.

💻 This guide above is specifically for those who want to enhance their pronunciation and crush their speaking exams, yay!


Forward from: Gulora Muzaffarova (Asosiy kanal)
100 words.pdf
Yuqoridagi videoda va’da qilingan formulalar ro’yxati

Forward from: Gulora Muzaffarova (Asosiy kanal)
Marhamat, so'z yodlash bo'yicha GAYD tayyor! Eng kerakli ma'lumotlarni qisqa va lo'nda qilib yozishga harakat qildim.

Agarda bu darsni batafsil o'rganmoqchi bo'lsangiz, Youtube da shu bo'yicha to'liq darsim bor. Ushbu havola orqali o'tib ko'ring. 👇👇👇

So'z yodlash bo'yicha to'liq video dars

Qani, gaydni ko'rib chiqib bo'ldingizmi? Siz so'zlarni qaysi usulda yodlaysiz va qanday yangi usullardan foydalanib ko'rmoqchisiz?🤔

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