“Parasite” MovieI highly recommend watching it. For those who understand, it’s a well-acted, thougth-provoking, original film. It won the Oscar and many other prestigious cinematic awards in
2019-2020.I haven’t wrote an analysis or conclusions about the plot and the film itself — for new viewers to watch it with curiosity.
“Parazit” filmiTomosha qilishni tavsiya qilaman. Tushungan odam uchun judayam zo’r film.
2019-2020-yillarda eng yaxshilar uchun beriladigan
Oskar’dan tortib barcha kinematik sovrinlarga ega chiqqan.
Syujet va film haqidagi tahlil, xulosalarimni yozmadim - yangi tomoshabin uchun qiziq bo’lsin degan maqsadda.