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Forward from: Temurbek's blog📌
As always "Talabalar ligasi" universitetlar aro
1. Coventry Union (biz)👑
2. Calibr (qaysidir universitet)
3. AL turizm (qaysidir universitet)

P.S: Hullas Yorvordik

“Parasite” Movie

I highly recommend watching it. For those who understand, it’s a well-acted, thougth-provoking, original film. It won the Oscar and many other prestigious cinematic awards in 2019-2020.

I haven’t wrote an analysis or conclusions about the plot and the film itself — for new viewers to watch it with curiosity.

“Parazit” filmi

Tomosha qilishni tavsiya qilaman. Tushungan odam uchun judayam zo’r film. 2019-2020-yillarda eng yaxshilar uchun beriladigan Oskar’dan tortib barcha kinematik sovrinlarga ega chiqqan.

Syujet va film haqidagi tahlil, xulosalarimni yozmadim - yangi tomoshabin uchun qiziq bo’lsin degan maqsadda.


We buy Telegram accounts with over 300K 🐾PAWS!

300 mingdan ziyod 🐾PAWS’ga ega telegram akkauntlarni sotib olamiz!

-> @tajidinoff

The main thing - everything is free😉

Asosiysi - hammasi bepul!😉

*Qatnashish uchun esa yuqoridagi 4 kanalga a’zo bo’lishgina yetadi!

Forward from: 🏆 Premium, NFT, Tokens
Розыгрыш 1000 Telegram Stars, которые будут распределены среди 10 победителей
Participation terms:
  • All subscribers participate in the giveaway
  • You must be a subscriber of 4 channels
  • End of giveaway: 03.02.2025 00:09

Maximum: 22,550

Thanks for everyone👩‍🚀


🙂More than 1 hour left. Shall we organize another one tomorrow?😉

Do you want to increase your channel’s subscribers from ZERO? Let's do a giveaways together. You will get at least 20k subscribers like mine. Write to @tajidinoff.

Obunachilaringiz sonini NOLdan oshirmoqchimisiz? Keling unda birgalikda giveaway tashkil qilamiz. Kamida 20k nafar obunachiga ega bo’lasiz! @tajidinoff ga yozishingiz mumkin.


If you are having a bad day just remember this


Reminder: in 2025, 1 $BTC = $103,034🗿

Agar kuningiz yomon bo'lsa, buni eslang


Eslatma: 2025da, 1 $BTC = $103,034🗿


Tashkent. Nowadays. 259..

AQI - Air quality index. Let's be careful)


Toshkent. Hozirgi kunlarda. 259..

AQI - Havo sifati indeksi. Ehtiyot bo'lovramiz)






Ninja Turtle is fckn back!

Kylian scored a hat-trick (three goals) today.

Mbappe in the last 5 games:
⚽️8 goals

It took months for Mbappe to adapt. Now it's the same process with Khusanov, we'll be patient.

Ninza Toshbaqa qaytdi!

Kilian bugun xet-trik (uch gol) qayd etdi.

Mbappe so’ngi 5 o’yinda:
⚽️8 gol
🏅2 o’yin qahramoni

Kimsan Mbappe moslashishi uchun oylab vaqt ketdi. Hozir Husanovda ham xuddi shunday jarayon, sabr qilamiz.


Forward from: 🏆 Premium, NFT, Tokens
Розыгрыш 1000 Telegram Stars, которые будут распределены среди 10 победителей
Participation terms:
  • All subscribers participate in the giveaway
  • You must be a subscriber of 3 channels
  • End of giveaway: 29.01.2025 00:09

20 last posts shown.