🔖 So'zlashuv uchun kerak bo'ladigan eng muhim iboralar
Travel – Sayohat
🔻 A single / return ticket to … please. –Bir tomonlama/ Borib qaytish chiptasi
🔻 I’d like a one-day travel card please. - Menga bir kunlik sayyoh kartochkasi kerak
🔻 Does the bus stop at the station? - Temiryo’l vokzalda avtobus bekati bormi?
🔻 How do I get to the station, please? –Bekatga qanday yetib borsam bo’ladi?
🔻 Where’s the nearest post office please? – Eng yaqin pochta qayerda?
🔻 How long does it take to get to …? - … ga yetib borish uchun qancha vaqt kerak?
🔻 How do I get to … (the station)? – ….qanday yetib borsam bo’ladi?
🔻 It’s about five minutes from here. – Bu yerdan besh minutlik uzoqda
🔻 Turn left / right at the supermarket. –Supermarketdan chapga/o’ngga buriling
🔻 Go straight on. – To’g’riga borasiz
📢 @spec_english
Travel – Sayohat
🔻 A single / return ticket to … please. –Bir tomonlama/ Borib qaytish chiptasi
🔻 I’d like a one-day travel card please. - Menga bir kunlik sayyoh kartochkasi kerak
🔻 Does the bus stop at the station? - Temiryo’l vokzalda avtobus bekati bormi?
🔻 How do I get to the station, please? –Bekatga qanday yetib borsam bo’ladi?
🔻 Where’s the nearest post office please? – Eng yaqin pochta qayerda?
🔻 How long does it take to get to …? - … ga yetib borish uchun qancha vaqt kerak?
🔻 How do I get to … (the station)? – ….qanday yetib borsam bo’ladi?
🔻 It’s about five minutes from here. – Bu yerdan besh minutlik uzoqda
🔻 Turn left / right at the supermarket. –Supermarketdan chapga/o’ngga buriling
🔻 Go straight on. – To’g’riga borasiz
📢 @spec_english