Speaking Samples

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Category: Telegram

@azizullokh_me - OWNER
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Kitobga ega chiqish uchun hech qanday shart bajarish shart emas.

Shunchaki mantiqiy savollarga to'g'ri javob berish kifoya. Bu qanday bo'ladi ertaga soat 8:00 pm da kanalga birma bir 10 ta mantiqiy savol tashlayman, javoblar komentariyaga yoziladi(shaffof bo'lishi uchun).

Savolga birinchi bo'lib to'g'ri javob bergan ishtirokchiga 3-ball beriladi, 2 bo'lib javob berganga 2-ball, 3 bo'lganga 1-ball beriladi.

Savollar so'ngida eng ko'p ball toʻplagan ishtirokchiga kitob sovg'a qilinadi.

Eslatma: Savollar ingliz tilida bo'ladi, sovg'a qilinadigan kitob ham ingliz tilida.

3 more reactions 😐

"After 14 reactions, I will announce the details."👀

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[MINDLESS_WRITER] 10 TASK 2 Predictions.pdf
10 ta Writing Task 2 Prediction'lar kelasi imtihonlar uchun! 🔥


Forward from: Mr.Ikromov's IELTS
Here you are, guys.

Reading Marathon 5

Use it well. 👍🔥

Any questions or suggestions?

🔤🔤🔤🔤 3️⃣

Forgetting things, memory.


🔤🔤🔤🔤 2️⃣

Describe a time you made a promise to someone.


🔤🔤🔤🔤 1️⃣



New samples are coming soooooon.


I am preparing for the IELTS speaking exam. And I need your help. I want you to pretend to be an IELTS candidate who is preparing for the Speaking part of the test. I would like you to describe the following topic: (Specific topic).

The response should be within ( 20-30 seconds for Part 1, 2 minutes for Part 2, 40-45 seconds for Part 3) time limit. The response should include some topic vocabulary, collocations, and other useful expressions. The language should feel natural and a bit casual because it is a speech. It should not be too formal or too informal. The answer must feel like the one produced by an actual human being with decent English skills. So, in short, give me a natural response to the topic with great language.

This structure is by Niner Nurullokh Kamalkhujayev.

20 last posts shown.