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Nutq ko'nikmalari - 5

Loved it🤍

7.5 bor ✅

Kirib ketdi yaxshi topshirsin🤲

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Bugun kursdoshlarimni mehmon qilyabman. Shahringizda aylanamiz birinchi deyishyabdi.

Savol: Qayerga oborishim mumkin Olmaliqda??😂

(Olmami yana)


Language aspects - 5


interested in writing articles🤓

I had promised myself that i would not get 3 or be left for the summer exam (if student gets 2, he or she has to be left taking the exam again by paying particular amount of money) and as of now i have kept my word by not getting 3😉

Tomorrow's exam is "Language aspects" that we, students, will have to take the exam in test condition. There is going to be questions which are linked with grammar and vocabulary.


Davlat tili - 4

As expected. Nothing more😅✅

Men O‘zbekman...

Birovlarning pulini hisoblash menga qiziq.
Bir kunlik to‘y uchun ikki yil chet elda ishlayman.
Farzandimning qiziqishlari menga qiziq emas.
Diplom uchun o'qiyman, lekin kelajakda qayerda ishlashimni bilmayman.
Vatanimni yaxshi ko‘raman... Green karta chiqquncha.
Nexia 2 – baribir legenda


Tanish emasmi?



Tomorrow's exam is "Nutq ko'nikmalari integratsiyasi" which students are required to speak in 3 parts as IELTS Speaking.

6 Laws of Maturity

1. Stop telling people everything🤌

Most people don't care, and some secretly want you to fail

2. Choose your friends wisely🧠

The fastest way to become better is to surround yourself with better people

3. Except nothing, appreciate everything🫶🏻

Be grateful for the little things in your life to find inner peace

4. Do your best and trust the process💪

The harder you work, the luckier you will get

5. Control yourself, not others🤝

Controlling others is strength. Controlling yourself is true power

6. Learn to react less😉

When you control your reaction, nobody can manipulate you

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