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Google Gemini dasturini Android telefonida bepul o'rnatib quyidagi matnlarni (prompt) kiritish orqali rasm tayyor bo'ldi:

1-prompt: "Please make a photo of a young professional smiling at a desk with a laptop, LinkedIn profile, IELTS C1 certificate, and IT certificate. In the background, a group of unhappy young people holding rejection letters. Modern workspace, motivational tone" Natijasi ushbu chet elliklar rasmlari chiqdi.

Keyin 2-prompt: "Make them look like Uzbek"

Boshidan O'zbeklar bo'lsin deb yozsa bitta promptda chiqardi.

Siz ham takrorlab ko'ring turli xil promptlar ishlatib, rasm kerak bo'lsa juda qulay va asosysi bepul.

Yoshlarga birinchi ishini topishi doim qiyin bo’ladi, shuning uchun ish beruvchiga o’zlarini boshqa shu kabi birinchi ish izlab kelganlardan farqini ko’rsata olsalar, albatta, ular birinchi navbatda ishga olinadilar.

Buning uchun nima qilish kerak?

1) Chet tilini o’rganib, sertifikatini olish kerak (Davlat qoplab beradi sertifikatni xarajatini).

2) Zamonaviy kasbga o’qib, sertifikatini olish kerak. Raqamlashtirish sohasida sertifikatlarni hamda ularga o’qish xarajatlarini Davlat qoplab beradi. Bemalol orqali Courserada kurslarni o’qib, sertifikatlarni olishingiz ham mumkin.

3) LinkedIn da profil ochib, o’zini sertifikatlarini va boshqa natijalarini hamda amalga oshirgan ishlarini to’ldirib borish kerak, amalga oshirgan loyihalarini portfoliosi bo’lsa yanada yahsiroq.

Shunda LinkedIn orqali ish beruvchi xorijiy korxonaga murojaat qilsangiz, uning HR xodimi ham boshqa ish so’rayotgan yoshlarga qaraganda aynan Sizning natijalaringizga e’tiborini qaratadi.

Presidentimiz O'zbekistonda xorijiy ITES kompaniyalari kelishiga juda zo'r sharoit yaratganlariga ular kelayapti, shunga ularga mos bo'lish uchun Yoshlarimizga Internetdagi vaqtlarini bekor o'tkazmay, o'zlarini malakalarini va raqobatbardoshliklarini oshirishga tinmay harakat qilishlari kerak xolos.

PS. Rasm bepul Google Gemini orqali 2 ta prompt bilan qilindi hech qanday yordamchilarsiz, bu ham AI o'rganish muhimligiga yana bir misol

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Join Uzbekistan Connect: A Global Movement to Shape the Future of Our Tech Industry!

Dear compatriots,

Wherever you are in the world, your success is a testament to Uzbekistan’s incredible potential. You have built businesses, led groundbreaking projects, and made a name for yourself in the global tech industry. Now, we invite you to use your expertise, connections, and influence to shape Uzbekistan into a world-class IT hub.

With the launch of Uzbekistan Connect, we are uniting Uzbek professionals abroad and international allies who believe in Uzbekistan’s future. This is more than a program—it’s a movement to connect global expertise with local innovation and position Uzbekistan as a leading player in the digital economy.

We’re calling on global Uzbek professionals and foreign allies who are ready to:
🔸 Attract investments and open doors to global tech giants.
🔸 Support and mentor startups, helping them scale beyond borders.
🔸 Promote Uzbekistan’s IT sector internationally, showing the world our talent and potential.

Being part of Uzbekistan Connect means gaining exclusive access, resources, and opportunities to make a real impact:
🔹 Global Recognition – Media exposure and high-level PR support to enhance your professional brand.
🔹 Mission Funding – Up to $10,000 per year to support your initiatives.
🔹 Direct Access – Engage with top investors, policymakers, and industry leaders.
🔹 Exclusive Homecoming – Two fully funded trips to Uzbekistan for strategic meetings.
🔹 Strong Networking – Monthly strategy calls with key decision-makers in Uzbekistan’s tech sector.

If you’re ready to be part of Uzbekistan’s transformation, this is your chance to shape the future, create opportunities, and make a lasting impact.

🔗 Apply now:

Uzbekistan’s tech future is being built today. Let’s build it together.

#Uzbekistan #Technology

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Uzbekistan has many creative young talented people thanks to the long history of diverse cultures and nationalities mixed in the center of the Great Silk Road. Therefore it is the fertile ground for exciting startups to look for by potential investors.

One inspiring example is Beknazar Abdikamalov, who, despite having a successful startup abroad, promised our President during his Karakalpakstan visit to share his knowledge and experience with Uzbek youth — an act of true patriotism.

We believe Uzbekistan will soon produce more unicorns! Get inspired by Hupo’s success!

Link to the Forbes article about his startup:

Since the startup ecosystem and overall increase of interest in startup culture by many young talents, it is the right time to have a presence in this growing market, and learn more about the startup ecosystem at:

#StartupUzbekistan #VentureCapital #TechEcosystem #ITInnovation #UzbekistanYouth #UnicornJourney

Sun’iy intellekt mavzusiga qiziquvchilar NVIDIA hududiy rahbarining Toshkentdagi 2 ta muhim tadbirini o’tkazib yubormang!

1) Professor-o’qituvchilar va talabalar uchun Toshkent shahridagi INHA universiteti katta zalida 20-fevral soat 10:00

2) Davlat va xo’jalik boshqaruvi organlari hamda yirik korxonalardagi Sun’iy Intellektni joriy etish niyatidagi rahbarlar uchun Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi zalida 20-fevral soat 14:00

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Prezidentimiz yoshlar bilan uchrashuvda ularning imkoniyatlarini ro’yobga chiqarish bo’yicha, xususan ularning startaplarini yanada rivojlantirishga qaratilgan yangi tashabbuslarni ilgari surdilar.

O’z startaplarini rivojlantirish niyatidagi yoshlarimizga jahon bozorlarida muvaffaqiyat qozonishga intilayotgan o‘zbek startap asoschilari faoliyatlari bilan yaqinroq tanishish ham qo’shimcha motivatsiya berishi aniq.

Shunday startaplardan biri, hozir Dubayda o’z faoliyatini kengaytirayotgan raqamli farmatsevtika ekotizimi FOM Group asoschisi Murat Maxkamov bilan uchrashdik. Uning startapi 7000 dan ortiq dorixonalarga 3M+ mijozlari bilan ulanishga yordam bermoqda va shu kungacha  7 million dollar sarmoya jalb qilishga erishdi. 

Albatta, ular uchun mutlaqo yangi bozorda, ya’ni BAAdagi 400 dan ortiq dorixonalar bilan bog‘lanish oson emas, buning uchun juda qattiq harakat va tirishqoqlik muhimdir.

Bunday startaplar tajribasidan yangi startap boshlayotgan yoshlarimiz uchun ham imkoni boricha kattaroq bozorga chiqadigan, ko’proq insonlarning muammolariga yechim bo'la oladigan loyihalarga e’tibor qilish, hamda yaxshi niyat bilan, uchraydigan qiyinchililarga yengilmay tirishqoqlik bilan harakat qilish muhim ekanligini o’rgansa bo’ladi.

FOM haqida batafsil:

Boshqa oʻzbek startaplari haqida batafsil ma’lumotlarni ushbu saytga kirib o’rganishingiz va startapingizni rivojlantirish haqida foydali ma’lumotlarni olishingiz mumkin:

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Please share among your friends and network the video used in the opening of Uzbekistan Tech Conference in Dubai, so that the companies would have better idea about opportunities to grow their business with us in Uzbekistan!

Explore for more details:

#opportunities #Uzbekistan

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See you at Uzbekistan Tech Conference in UAE on February 13

Uzbekistan offers affordable talents with Zero Risk and Zero corporate taxes as well as One stop shop support by IT Park in opening your outsourcing delivery center.

If you want to grow your business with us, please register to the conference in Dubai:
LinkedIn event:

#Uzbekistan_Tech_Conference #Dubai #Feb_13 #3pm

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Uzbekistan’s startups continue to make us proud with their remarkable achievements, gaining international attention.

Notably, the innovative startup Coozin was recently featured on CNN’s “Marketplace Central Asia” segment. Founded by Murod Husanov in 2020, Coozin specializes in food preparation and delivery services tailored for corporate clients.

Beyond catering, it empowers women through educational courses, fostering both professional and personal growth.

Stay tuned for more inspiring success stories from Uzbekistan’s vibrant startup community!

More on Uzbekistan's Startups:
More on Growing your business with us:

#UzbekistanStartups #Innovation #Entrepreneurship #YouthEmpowerment #DigitalTransformation #StartupEcosystem #WomenInTech #GovernmentSupport

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Another victory for Uzbekistan is an important sign for companies seeking to leverage their competitiveness through looking for affordable talents.

The international summit “Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week” opened with exciting news.

The Presidential School in Tashkent won 1st place in the “Global Middle Schools” nomination, highlighting global recognition of Uzbekistan’s rapidly advancing education system.

In recent years, Uzbekistan has seen remarkable reforms in education and innovation. Over the past seven years, the coverage rate in preschool education has increased from 27% to 72%, while in higher education, it has risen from 9% to 42%.

All schools are connected to broadband. To prepare youth for the digital world, initiatives like “One Million Uzbek Coders” were launched.

Uzbekistan ranks #1 globally on Coursera, with 6.25% of the workforce actively learning—far above the global average of 0.73%. The number of IT education centers in the country has increased from 78 to 500, and currently, 25,000 young people are receiving education in future-oriented IT professions each year at these institutions.

The number of higher education institutions specializing in IT has reached 110, with 60,000 students currently enrolled in these programs. The number of freelancers earning income in the ICT sector has reached 86,000.

At present, a total of 38,000 skilled IT specialists are employed in active IT companies across the country.

In 2024, 79,000 young people received training in foreign languages and obtained C1-level or higher certifications. The educational and certification expenses of 2,400 young people for obtaining international IT certifications were reimbursed. Currently, these professionals with IT certifications are earning $1,000 or more per month.

Now, Uzbekistan, in partnership with the UAE, is launching a bold initiative to train 1 million AI prompters, making prompt engineering a key skill of the future.

These efforts are transforming Uzbekistan into a talent pool for the global IT market, equipped with future-forward skills.

This combined with tax free regime up to 2040 for ITES exporting companies makes Uzbekistan ideal place for outsourcing:

#Uzbekistan #Innovation #DigitalEconomy #AI #EducationReform #OneMillionCoders #OneMillionPrompters #GlobalSuccess

Kelajakda yaxshi daromad topish uchun Internetdagi vaqtingizni chet tili va zamonaviy kasblarni bepul o‘rganishga sarflang! Pulingizni ham birinchi navbatda ta’limga sarmoya sifatida kiritib, xalqaro IT sertifikatni olishgacha erishing va davlat tomonidan to‘liq IT ta’lim va sertifikatsiya xarajatlarini qoplab oling!

IT sohasidagi yuqori maoshli minglab vakansiyalar tahlilini onlayn saytida ko‘rsa bo‘ladi.

Aynan shu sayt orqali bepul ta’lim olish, hamda sertifikatlar haqida va yoshlar uchun 100 imkoniyat haqida ham ma’lumotlarni o‘rganishingiz mumkin!

IT xizmatlari eksporti kompaniyalariga yaratilgan imkoniyatlarni ko‘rib oyiga 50 ta yangi chet ellik kompaniyalar yurtimizda o‘z ofislarini ochmoqdalar va ular so‘rayotgan asosiy talabi aynan chet tilini va zamonaviy kasblarni biladigan yoshlardir!

Ingliz tilidan tashqari Nemis, Koreys va Yapon tillarini biladigan mutaxassislarga ham talab juda yuqori.

Yangi yilingiz bilan! Happy new year! С новым годом!

Кириб келаётган Янги йил байрамлари билан табриклаймиз! Янги йил юртимизга тинчлик ва фаровонлик, барчамизга соғлик-саломатлик ва оилавий бахт келтирсин!

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Президентимизнинг алоҳида эътиборлари туфайли АКТ соҳаси ёшларимиз даромад топишлари учун энг қулай соҳалардан бирига айланиб бормоқда. Ўтаётган йилда АКТ соҳасида банд бўлганлар сони фрилансерларни ҳам инобатга олганда 190 мингдан ортди, бу ўтган йилгига қараганда 35 фоизга кўпдир! Яратилган шароитлар туфайли соҳамиз барча хизмат соҳалари орасида энг юқори ўсиш суръатларига эга бўлиб келмоқди, ойига 50 та чет эл капитали иштирокидаги янги компаниялар офисларини рўйхатдан ўтказаётганини гувоҳи бўлаяпмиз.

Бу эса ёшларимизга интернетдаги вақтларини беҳуда ўтказмай, чет тиллари ва замонавий касбларни ўрганишга кўпроқ эътибор қаратиш зарурлигини кўрсатмоқда. Жуда кўп БЕПУЛ ўрганиш имкониятлари бор. Барчаси ҳақида маълумотни сайти орқали олса бўлади. Ёки ва

Янги йилга ёшларга энг яхши совға эса Ноутбук! (Планшет ёки телефон эмас) Ноутбукда айнан ижод қилиб, янгилик яратишга имконияти янада кўпаяди. Буёғига байрамларда айнан ноутбук совға қилишни тавсия қиламиз.
Thank You, 2024!

This year, Uzbekistan truly became a magnet for IT companies and a global tech arena, marking a milestone in our journey toward innovation and excellence.

Looking back, we see great progress made thanks to our President’s vision of IT as a key driver of economic growth and better living standards. This fuels our energy and ambition to move forward.

Uzbekistan is rapidly emerging as a hub for ITES companies and an exciting arena for global IT events, capturing global attention with its fast-paced digital transformation and bold initiatives. With groundbreaking achievements in 2024, the country is solidifying its position as an emerging market to definitely look for in 2025 to grow your business with us!

We thank all our partners for their invaluable cooperation and extend our heartfelt gratitude to the team for their incredible efforts and dedication.

Together, we are shaping Uzbekistan into a global hub for innovation and technology.

Join us in building the future of digital transformation for the benefit of our people!

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Uzbekistan climbs 17 spots in the Global AI Readiness Index!

Uzbekistan has advanced 17 positions in Oxford Insights’ Global AI Readiness Index, now ranking 70th out of 188 countries and leading in Central Asia:

We are committed to making Uzbekistan an attractive place for AI companies and startups, as we are for ITES exporting companies.

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #DigitalTransformation #Innovation #DigitalUzbekistan #TechnologyForGood #AIForHumanity #FutureOfWork #Uzbekistan #CentralAsia

Яхши хабар: Ўзбекистон Сунъий интеллектга тайёргарлик индексида 17 поғонага кўтарилди

Good news: Uzbekistan improved its ranking +17 positions in AI Readiness index

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Uzbekistan has made a historic leap in the Gender Equality and Governance Index, rising 51 positions, from 103rd to 52nd place!

This success shows real progress in women’s education, economic empowerment, and the growth of innovative IT initiatives.

We’re committed to increasing women’s participation in the IT sector. Our educational programs aim to ensure that every woman can thrive, benefiting from the accessible public services created by the state.

Uzbekistan is a country full of talented youth, and our ambitious, creative girls are at the forefront. Empowering young women in tech is a source of national pride.

By breaking down barriers, we’re opening doors for women to lead in technology. With talent, creativity, and determination, there are no limits to what can be achieved!

This achievement reflects the power of teamwork. Thanks to international organizations, private companies, and local initiatives, Uzbekistan is building an inclusive IT ecosystem driven by diversity.

Supporting women in tech is an investment in the future—one that benefits everyone.

While progress has been made, we know there’s more to do. Women remain underrepresented, especially in rural areas. We’re working to boost computer literacy and provide technology access for rural women.

Our Vision: Every woman should have the opportunity to reach her potential, be well-educated, and equipped to earn a living—maybe even lead the next tech unicorns!

By 2030, under the Digital Uzbekistan Strategy, we aim for 300,000 IT specialists, with women making up at least half of them.

Together, we can build an inclusive, innovative future, where every girl and woman can shape the digital world.

Join us in this mission! We welcome international organizations, private companies, and individuals to collaborate in empowering girls in STEM and STEAM fields.

Let’s continue working to ensure equality and diversity in every corner of Uzbekistan!

#Uzbekistan #WomenInTech #Inclusion #STEM #Innovation #Empowerment

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This year’s GDG DevFest expanded to cover the whole Uzbekistan, not only Tashkent. It gathered thousands of talented youth, developers, and innovators from across the globe in Uzbekistan, highlighting our nation’s transformation into a regional hub for IT and technology.

More than just a festival, GDG DevFest symbolizes Uzbekistan’s ambitious goal to employ 300,000 local IT specialists by 2030 and create a thriving digital economy. Events like this inspire collaboration, innovation, and bold solutions that drive us closer to becoming a global IT leader.

We are grateful to Google and our partners for supporting this event and making it a success. Together, we are laying the foundation for groundbreaking milestones in technology and innovation.

We invite other companies too to host their events in Uzbekistan and discover the immense potential of our thriving tech ecosystem.

#GDG #DevFest #Google #Developers

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