LEGO: Oddiy yog‘och o‘yinchoqlardan glabal imperiyagacha
Barchamizga ma’lumki, bugungi kunda LEGO dunyodagi eng mashhur o‘yinchoq brendlaridan biri hisoblanadi.
Maqolani “Eng yaxshi maqola” tanlovining 2-o’rin g‘olibi Nurmatova Sevinch tayyorlagan
LEGO: From Simple Wooden Toys to a Global Empire
We all know that LEGO is one of the most popular toy brands in the world today.
👉For more information
Prepared by Nurmatova Sevinch, 2nd place winner of the “Best Article” competition
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Barchamizga ma’lumki, bugungi kunda LEGO dunyodagi eng mashhur o‘yinchoq brendlaridan biri hisoblanadi.
Maqolani “Eng yaxshi maqola” tanlovining 2-o’rin g‘olibi Nurmatova Sevinch tayyorlagan
LEGO: From Simple Wooden Toys to a Global Empire
We all know that LEGO is one of the most popular toy brands in the world today.
👉For more information
Prepared by Nurmatova Sevinch, 2nd place winner of the “Best Article” competition
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