Oxus University

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➡️When you don’t prepare, the listening test sounds like an alien language…

➡️Tayyorlanmasang, tinglab yechish testi huddi o'zga sayyoraliklar tiliga o'xshab qoladi...

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❗️Oxus universitetida o'qituvchi-professorlar bilan British Council PRESETT dasturi doirasida uzluksiz kasbiy rivojlanish mavzusida trening o'tkazildi.
Trening pedagogik ko'nikmalarni oshirish va o'qituvchilarning professional rivojlanishiga ko'maklashish maqsadida amalga oshirildi.

❗️A training session on continuous professional development was held for faculty members at Oxus University as part of the British Council PRESETT program.
This initiative aimed to enhance teaching skills and support the professional growth of educators.

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❗️Oxus universiteti Britaniya Kengashining IELTS bo‘yicha rasmiy ro‘yxatdan o‘tish hamkoriga aylandi

➡️Ushbu hamkorlik dasturi orqali talabalarimiz va  Oxusga qiziqayotgan abiturientlar bepul maslahat olishlari, IELTS imtihoniga tayyorgarlik ko'rishlari hamda qo'shimcha to'lovlarsiz imtihon uchun ro'yxatdan o'tish imkoniga ega bo'lishlari mumkin.

❗️Oxus University has become an official IELTS registration partner of the British Council.

➡️Through this partnership, our students and prospective applicants interested in Oxus can receive free counseling, prepare for the IELTS exam, and register for the test without any additional fees.

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🍔Oxus faqat darsda o'tirish va o'qish joyi emas. U ko'ngilochar maskan hamdir.

✅️Universitetimiz talabalari bo'sh vaqtlarini samarali o'tkazish maqsadida bir qator o'yinlarni o'ynashadi.
Bu safar ular jamoa bo'lib "Mafia" o'yinini o'ynashdi.
Bu kabi o'yinlar talabalarning o'zaro integratsiyasi uchun juda ham muhimdir.

🍔Oxus is not just a place for attending classes and studying; it is also a hub for entertainment.

✅️To make the most of their free time, our students engage in various games. This time, they played the team-based game "Mafia."
Such activities play a crucial role in fostering student interaction and integration.

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➕3-fevral kuni Oxus universitetining FL-24-01 guruhining talabalari Toshkentdagi Bobur bog'ida joylashgan "Seul madaniyat bog'i"ga tashrif buyurishdi.

✔️Tashrif davomida talabalar Koreya milliy madaniyati va tarixi bilan yaqindan tanishdilar. Koreyaning an'anaviy "Hanok" tarixiy uyi va qadimit koreys milliy o'yinlari haqida ma'lumotga ega bo'lishdi.

➕On February 3rd, students from the FL-24-01 group of Oxus University visited the "Seoul Cultural Garden" located in Bobur Park, Tashkent.

✔️During the visit, the students got acquainted with the national culture and history of Korea. They learned about the traditional Korean "Hanok" historical house and ancient Korean national games. This visit provided an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Korean culture and traditions.

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✔️Oxus  universitetida talabalar o'rtasida bir qancha club va "quiz"lar o'z faoliyatini davom ettirmoqda.
Bundan ko'zlangan asosiy maqsad - talaba yoshlarning vaqtini mazmunli o'tkazishdir.

➕Universitetimizning faol talabasi Mr Ramzbek o'z jamoasi bilan doimiy ravishda, faol tarzda "quiz" o'tkazib kelmoqda.
Ayni damda ingliz tilida olib borilgan ushbu quiz lavhasini tomosha qilishingiz mumkin.

✔️At Oxus University, various clubs and quizzes continue to engage students. The main goal of these activities is to ensure that students spend their time meaningfully.

➕One of our active students, Mr. Ramzbek, along with his team, has been regularly organizing quizzes.
Right now, you can watch a segment of this quiz conducted in English.

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