The graph illustrates the changes in the total number of employees across five different sectors in one region of Australia between 2001 and 2008. Overall, it is clear that the sales sector employed the highest numbers of workers in both years, ranking first, while the farming consistently recorded the lowest figures. Additionally, other remaining sectors—accounting, computing, and nursing—demonstrated relatively moderate figures throughout the period.
In greater detail, the sales category initially led with a remarkable 155,000 laborers, followed by a slight increase, reaching the peak of 160,000 in 2008. In stark contrast, the farming sector accounted for significantly lower figures of just 22,000 employees in 2001. This number declined marginally over the period, eventually dropping to approximately 20,000 by 2008.
Turning to the other three categories, accounting employed slightly over 60,000 workers in 2001, while nursing accounted for approximately 55,000. Despite exhibiting different trends, both sectors leveled off at an identical figure of 58,000 in 2008. The computing started with a total of 55,000 employees in 2001, but unlike others, it experienced a dramatic increase, with approximately 77,000 workers employed at the end of the period.
- Overall?