Omina's blog

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Category: Education

Ва албатта, муносиб хайрлаша олмаган инсонлар кайта учрашадилар)))

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Kitobxon, talaba, shoira, yozuvchi, musiqashunos, shaxmatchi,kopirayter, tarjimon va filosof sifatida aytamanki;
Dunyo yonib kuyishga arzimaydi.

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Hayot bizga hech narsani gapirmaydi. U hammasini ko‘rsatadi..🍂🤍

I just finished Legendary by Stephanie Garber. I think it‘s one of the best book I‘ve ever read.

Eng zo'r kitoblar 100taligi.

Dunyodagi eng go‘zal his bu—tushunilmakdir

“But even those things that might alter our course, the future usually sees clearly,” Nigel went on. “It is not fate, it is simply the future observing that which we crave the most. Every person has the power to change their fate if they are brave enough to fight for what they desire more than anything.”

Qanday yaxshi odam faqat ózi uchun yashashi. Birovlar bilan ishi yoq va boshqalar bilan óralashib qolmagan. Hayot shunday davom etishi kerak. Hayotimning eng yaxshi damlarini yashayapman menimcha!!!

Men zimmamda bólmagan narsalarga javob bermayman)))

Only Dantes can fix us;
King of Wrath Dante Russo
Emperor Dante Maroni
Legendary Dante Santos

Our snowman⛄️


My new ones❤️

20 last posts shown.