It's all about the angle!
- from my recent talk to a Syrian friend born in Saudi Arabia, I realized many things: especially, not to look at any situation from one perspective, rather considering many angles!
We talked about what's happening in G'azza and involvement of Gulf Countries there! He said Saudis are helping massively: the government giving 50 million dollars and a lot of private companies donating consistently! We Uzbeks honestly do not like recent act of Saudis!
And at one point, he said What's Uzbekistan doing!
I was speechless; I said we are helping verbally! What can a verbal help do!
It felt to me like Saudis are doing the help and taking the blame as well
You might think why! If they help G'azza, it might degrade its relationship with many countries, ultimately leading to decrease in tourism, the only thing KSA has been trying hard to improve!
If they don't do tourism, it might bring financial hardship, which can cut the help!
It got me thinking and taught me a good lesson!
It's all about the angle!
- from my recent talk to a Syrian friend born in Saudi Arabia, I realized many things: especially, not to look at any situation from one perspective, rather considering many angles!
We talked about what's happening in G'azza and involvement of Gulf Countries there! He said Saudis are helping massively: the government giving 50 million dollars and a lot of private companies donating consistently! We Uzbeks honestly do not like recent act of Saudis!
And at one point, he said What's Uzbekistan doing!
I was speechless; I said we are helping verbally! What can a verbal help do!
It felt to me like Saudis are doing the help and taking the blame as well
You might think why! If they help G'azza, it might degrade its relationship with many countries, ultimately leading to decrease in tourism, the only thing KSA has been trying hard to improve!
If they don't do tourism, it might bring financial hardship, which can cut the help!
It got me thinking and taught me a good lesson!