Nodirbek Sadullaev

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Linguistics

18-mart kuni CEFR bo'yicha online vebinarim ushbu kanalda bo'lib o'tadi 🎯
About the owner:
β€’ IELTS 8.0x2 (S 8.0x2)
β€’ English teacher at HDP
β€’ SAT 1450 (660 | 790)
β€’ Founder of Unstoppables Club

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In my course, you will get similar tests like this to sharpen your skills.

P.s. I will send reading test tomorrow)

Let's do some warm-up before our online course πŸ˜‰

Choose a practice test
  •   Full Multilevel listening 🎧
  •   Full Multilevel reading πŸ“–
34 votes

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πŸ“’ CEFR imtihonida yoβ€˜l qoβ€˜yiladigan xatolar – Bepul vebinar!

CEFR imtihonida doimiy ravishda uchraydigan xatolar va ularni qanday oldini olishni bilmoqchimisiz?
Unda 18-19 mart kunlari oβ€˜tkaziladigan mutlaqo bepul vebinarda ishtirok eting!

Vebinarda siz:

βœ… CEFR imtihonida eng koβ€˜p uchraydigan xatolarni bilib olasiz
βœ… Har bir boβ€˜lim boβ€˜yicha samarali strategiyalarni oβ€˜rganasiz

Roβ€˜yxatdan oβ€˜tish va ishtirok etish uchun:



πŸŽ“ Undan tashqari bizning online kursda qatnasha olasiz?

Agar siz CEFR imtihoniga puxta tayyorlanmoqchi boβ€˜lsangiz, Nodirbek Sadullayevning Online CEFR kursi siz uchun ideal tanlov!

πŸ“Š 70+ yuqori natijalar
πŸ•’ Davomiyligi: 1,5 oy
Dars jadvali: Haftasiga 5 kun dars, qolgan kunlar takrorlash uchun ajratiladi

Agar siz ham CEFR imtihoniga samarali tayyorlanmoqchi boβ€˜lsangiz, quyidagi havola orqali roβ€˜yxatdan oβ€˜ting va oβ€˜qishni boshlang!



Kurs haqida yangiliklar va foydali maslahatlarni kuzatib borish uchun kanalimizga obuna boβ€˜ling!

Interesting fact πŸ’‘

Most people may not realize how big the difference is between a million and a billion.

To put it into perspective, a million seconds is 11 days, while a billion seconds is 31 years 🀯

Mind-blowing, huh?

My top FIVE favorite magazines to improve reading skills:

1. T H E E C O N O M I S T πŸ’°
2. N A T I O N A L G E O G R A P H I C 🌎
3. H A P P I F U L πŸ•Š
4. T H E G U A R D I A N πŸ—ž
5. N E W S C I E N T I S T 🧠

To gain the exclusive access,


Anyone wants a database full of articles and magazines πŸ€“?

If so, let's fire this post up πŸ”₯

You will get multiple original home tasks for every lesson, which you haven't seen elsewhere πŸ˜‰

This is the lesson schedule for the upcoming course πŸ“Œ

More information will be provided in the online webinar βœ…

πŸ“’ CEFR imtihonida yoβ€˜l qoβ€˜yiladigan xatolar – Bepul vebinar!

CEFR imtihonida doimiy ravishda uchraydigan xatolar va ularni qanday oldini olishni bilmoqchimisiz?
Unda 18-19 mart kunlari oβ€˜tkaziladigan mutlaqo bepul vebinarda ishtirok eting!

Vebinarda siz:

βœ… CEFR imtihonida eng koβ€˜p uchraydigan xatolarni bilib olasiz
βœ… Har bir boβ€˜lim boβ€˜yicha samarali strategiyalarni oβ€˜rganasiz

Roβ€˜yxatdan oβ€˜tish va ishtirok etish uchun:



πŸŽ“ Undan tashqari bizning online kursda qatnasha olasiz?

Agar siz CEFR imtihoniga puxta tayyorlanmoqchi boβ€˜lsangiz, Nosirbek Sadullayevning Online CEFR kursi siz uchun ideal tanlov!

πŸ“Š 70+ yuqori natijalar
πŸ•’ Davomiyligi: 1,5 oy
πŸ“… Dars jadvali: Haftasiga 5 kun dars, qolgan kunlar takrorlash uchun ajratiladi

πŸ’‘ Agar siz ham CEFR imtihoniga samarali tayyorlanmoqchi boβ€˜lsangiz, quyidagi havola orqali roβ€˜yxatdan oβ€˜ting va oβ€˜qishni boshlang!



πŸ”” Kurs haqida yangiliklar va foydali maslahatlarni kuzatib borish uchun kanalimizga obuna boβ€˜ling!

My top THREE favorite YouTube channels to boost listening skills 🎧

1. Huberman Lab - Dr Andrew discusses different science related stuff to maintain wellness of health and body.

2. National Geographic - You can find different topics from geography to politics in this channel to widen your horizon across various spheres.

3. Joe Rogan Experience - Joe organizes exclusive interviews with many celebrities and experts on different disciplines, meaning you can definitely benefit from his content.

πŸ‘‰πŸ» @nodirbek_sadullaev πŸ‘ˆπŸ»

Topic-based CEFR speaking queestions @nodirbek_sadullaev.pdf
I couldn't wait, tbh. Enjoy it anyways)

πŸ‘‰πŸ» @nodirbek_sadullaev πŸ‘ˆπŸ»

Anyone wants a topic-based speaking material❓

Some questions from this book have appeared in the real CEFR exam 🀩

If yes, I'll send it after 100 "⚑️"

πŸ“’ CEFR kursi haqida savollaringiz bormi?

Koβ€˜pchilik CEFR kursimiz haqida toβ€˜liq ma’lumot ololmayapti. Sizni qiziqtirgan barcha savollarga javob beramiz! 🎯

Savollaringiz boβ€˜lsa, bemalol menejerimizga yozing! πŸ“©

Do you know the OREO Technique in speaking?

O – Opinion (State your opinion clearly)
R – Reason (Explain why you think so)
E – Example (Provide an example to support your point)
O – Opinion (Restate/Wrap up your idea)

Example Question:

"Do you think children should have a lot of homework?"

OREO Answer:

βœ… O (Opinion): Personally, I believe that children should have a moderate amount of homework but not too much.

βœ… R (Reason): Too much homework can be overwhelming and stressful, reducing their free time for other activities like sports or hobbies.

βœ… E (Example): For example, in some countries like Finland, students have very little homework, yet they perform well academically because they focus more on understanding concepts in school.

βœ… O (Restate Opinion): So, I think that while some homework is necessary, excessive amounts can be counterproductive.

πŸ‘‰πŸ» @nodirbek_sadullaev πŸ‘ˆπŸ»

Did you know these words have silent letters❓

1. Doubt [daʊt] – shubha, ikkilanish

I had no doubt that she would pass the exam.

2. Receipt [rΙͺˈsiːt] – chek, kvitansiya

Please keep your receipt in case you need to return the item.

3. Sword [sɔːrd] – qilich

The knight drew his sword and prepared for battle.

4. Plumber [ˈplʌmΙ™r] – santexnik

We called a plumber to fix the leaking pipe.

5. Debt [dΙ›t] – qarz

He worked hard to pay off his debt before the end of the year.

6. Wreck [rΙ›k] – halokatga uchrash, vayron boβ€˜lish

The storm caused a ship to wreck on the rocky shore.

7. Vehicle [ˈviːΙͺkΙ™l] – transport vositasi

You must have a license to drive a vehicle on the road.

8. Tsunami [tsuːˈnɑːmi] – tsunami, kuchli to'lqin

The earthquake triggered a massive tsunami along the coast.

9. Subtle [ˈsʌt(Ι™)l] – nozik, sezilar-sezilmas

The artist used subtle colors to create a calm atmosphere.

10. Honor [ΛˆΙ‘ΛnΙ™r] – hurmat, sharaf

It was an honor to receive the award for best teacher.

πŸ‘‰πŸ» @nodirbek_sadullaev πŸ‘ˆπŸ»

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πŸ“Œ B2 yoki C1 sertifikat kerakmi?

πŸ“Œ CEFR imtihonida yuqori ball olishni xohlaysizmi?

Endi Nodirbek Sadullayevning CEFR online kursi bilan istalgan joyda tayyorgarlik koβ€˜rishingiz mumkin! 🎯

βœ… Qulay va samarali darslar
βœ… Tajribali ustozlar bilan maxsus strategiyalar
βœ… Imtihon uchun real test sinovlari

πŸš€ Natija kafolatlangan! πŸš€




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