🤩По оценкам специалистов и мировой прессы, коллекция Государственного музея искусств Каракалпакстана им. И. В. Савицкого является одним из лучших художественных собраний в Средней Азии. Ныне музей известен во всем мире. Английская газета «Гардиан» назвала музей «одним из прекраснейших музеев мира» (Amelia Gentleman «Savitsky’s secret Hoard». The Guardian, January 1, 2001). На сегодняшний день коллекция музея насчитывает свыше 100 тысяч единиц хранения.
🤩The State Museum of Arts of Karakalpakstan named after I.V. Savitsky is acknowledged by experts and world mass-media to contain one of the top art collections in Central Asia. Now the museum is well-known. The English newspaper “The Guardian” called the museum “one of the most outstanding museums of the world”; (Amelia Gentleman, “Savitsky’s secret Hoard. “The Guardian”; January 1, 2001). Now the museum collection includes more than 100 thousand items.
🤩The State Museum of Arts of Karakalpakstan named after I.V. Savitsky is acknowledged by experts and world mass-media to contain one of the top art collections in Central Asia. Now the museum is well-known. The English newspaper “The Guardian” called the museum “one of the most outstanding museums of the world”; (Amelia Gentleman, “Savitsky’s secret Hoard. “The Guardian”; January 1, 2001). Now the museum collection includes more than 100 thousand items.